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Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: Pissed_Macman on 21 August 2003, 05:34

Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 21 August 2003, 05:34
What Mac program should I use to transfer a file to zip format?
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: mobrien_12 on 21 August 2003, 06:35
The infozip project has source code for unix systems.
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 21 August 2003, 11:42
I've tried it. The download doesn't start.
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: hm_murdock on 23 August 2003, 11:37
gzip in OS X does it. every unzipper utility in the world opens gzip files


Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Faust on 23 August 2003, 16:59
Maybe he wants it to open on a crippled machine which has no basic unzipper by defauly and can only open crappy .zip files?  (If so maybe get your friends a copy of winrar for christmas man, that does gzip fine...)
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 24 August 2003, 07:17
I'm trying to upload something to sites that will only take it in zip format. I downloaded gzip i think. It gave me a folder full of different files but no program. How am I supposed to get the program (sorry, I'm used to programs that download, uncompress, and are ready to use automatically). Did I even download the right thing?
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: mobrien_12 on 24 August 2003, 21:12
Did you try the infozip ftp site directly?  I just downloaded the source myself to check. (http://

Unix source and maczip program are in there.
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 24 August 2003, 10:32
Okay, I downloaded Maczip but once again I have a folder full of weird-ass files and stuff. How do I start installing it??
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: mobrien_12 on 24 August 2003, 11:58
Originally posted by Macman:
Okay, I downloaded Maczip but once again I have a folder full of weird-ass files and stuff. How do I start installing it??

I haven't used maczip, just the unix/linux, windows and dos versions.  All of those just required you to put them in a folder and run them.  No install needed.

[ August 24, 2003: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 24 August 2003, 20:18
Ugg, but what exactly do I open to run these files? Compressing something to a zip can't be this complicated!  :mad:
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: mobrien_12 on 25 August 2003, 21:43
If you compile the unix version its pretty easy from what I remember... like ./configure make etc.
It's a command line program.

Put the zip and unzip files into a directory in your path.

In command line, type "zip" by itself and it will give you a mini-man page

Zipping files is easy from the command line

zip *
will zip everything in the current dirctory, making a file called

[ August 25, 2003: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Faust on 26 August 2003, 07:12
Shouldn't there be some really easy GUI tool for this?
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: mobrien_12 on 26 August 2003, 07:36
Originally posted by Faust:
Shouldn't there be some really easy GUI tool for this?

There probably is a gui in the maczip program, but since I havn't used it I cannot offer advice on it.

And the command line I posted isn't hard by any stretch.
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: hm_murdock on 26 August 2003, 07:46
also, have no fear. Panther will make .zip files for you when it comes out. It can archive folders to .zip directly from the Finder
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 26 August 2003, 07:56
That's good to know. But for now I give up on this whole thing.
Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: gump420 on 31 August 2003, 08:26
If you ever need a free program for Mac OS X (I'm assuming that's what you are using), the first place to look is always the Mac OS X > Downloads section on Apple's website.

For example: (

[ August 30, 2003: Message edited by: maghor ]

Title: Transferring A File to zip with Mac
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 1 September 2003, 21:00
Hey, that's exactly what I was looking for!