Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: Siplus on 15 February 2003, 23:27
i just downloaded opera 7.01 for windows (it isn't out for linux yet) and it was working fine, until i tried to view MSN instant messagner gave me somekind of bs error, and opera no more worky. i thought it really suck, cause i couldn't get my bookmarks back either. so i started useing the Bork edition i dled, and about 2 hours later, i got the same app error
does anyone know if there is some kind of issue with the opera7 in windows[2k] ?
"Two weeks ago it was revealed that Microsoft's MSN portal targeted Opera users, by purposely providing them with a broken page. As a reply to MSN's treatment of its users, Opera Software today released a very special Bork edition of its Opera 7 for Windows browser. The Bork edition behaves differently on one Web site: MSN. Users accessing the MSN site will see the page transformed into the language of the famous Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show: Bork, Bork, Bork! Here you can find the press release and download link!"
ya, i know, i even dled the bork edition (7.02)once i herad about that
but for some reason windows managed to corrupt opera 7.01 for no apparent reason. if it is connected to the fact that i tried to view a msn site, shouldn't it only display that site incorrectly and not distroy the program?
if it is connected to the fact that i tried to view a msn site, shouldn't it only display that site incorrectly and not distroy the program?
Of course it should. You have to remember, however, that we're talking about Microsoft here. They have a history that goes all the way back to Win 3.0, and DR-DOS. They included secret code that broke DR-DOS, runing a technically superior product, and destroying Digital Research in the process. I wouldn't put it past them to try to ruin Opera either. Those fuckers never learn that they will get caught in the end.
Ditch Winderz and run Opera from Linux. Opera works real good with Linux.
Live Free or Die: Linux
Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.
[ February 22, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]
goto ms hq, find the server with the source code on it then do a
1. boot hal91
2. dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/zero
sounds logical?
The bord edition of opera is great. No ads at all.
Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:
goto ms hq, find the server with the source code on it then do a
1. boot hal91
2. dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/zero
sounds logical?
and what good would that do?
opera 7 is cool. no ads. fast as ever. i think i might replace mozilla at work (http://smile.gif)
mouse gestures. rad.
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
Ditch Winderz and run Opera from Linux. Opera works real good with Linux.
i have linux (redhat 8.0) on my desktop computer, and i use opera 6.05 i think on it...but i haven't used linux in awhile b/c my new laptop has some kind of winmodem. if i can't have the internet while i'm in linux i can't use linux. period. so either untill i find a way to use my laptop's winmodem, or the new and 'cool' factor of my laptop subsides, i'll be forced to deal w/ win2k running opera7.02 :(
opera 7 is cool. no ads. fast as ever. i think i might replace mozilla at work
mouse gestures. rad.
opera7 is cool, and i can't stand the popups that i get when i use IE. i find myself using the right-click mouse gestures in IE when i'm at school or at a friends house....
[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus: linux advocate ]
hey, did they really get rid of the adverts in opera 7? about time! now they just need to open their code and they're up to the standard of the real thing.
well, not will begin to appear after 2 weeks :(