Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: preacher on 12 October 2002, 23:46

Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: preacher on 12 October 2002, 23:46
As a present for his birthday, I bought my father a new computer. It has Windows XP on it(he will never accept alternatives) so I decided I would at least install all the third party applications for him to use other than Microsoft proprietary products. I installed Mozilla, Winamp, and the new Sun Java Virtual Machine. The next day my father tells me that Yahoo chat isnt working. I hop onto his computer and load up chat just fine in mozilla. Then he tells me that it isnt working in internet explorer. Thinking the problem could be with the virtual machine, I uninstall it, and like that java in IE works again. At the same time it still works fine in mozilla. Give me a break. I know microsoft doesnt want us using 3rd party products, but Sun did develop java, and they created a Windows Virtual Machine, so why should IE only work with the microsot java virtual machine. Im looking this problem up and seeing if anyone else has had it.
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Ice-9 on 13 October 2002, 00:14
M$ first removed support for java in Win XP, it's only at a later stage that they added java again, and they modified some things to their virtual machine to make it more or less incompatible with all the non-M$ stuff that's out there.
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: M$sucks55 on 13 October 2002, 02:51
I got IE 6 runing Sun Java........(however i dont use it)

as i reinstalled xp after it went nuts  :( ...
and m$ dont suport there java no more unless u install SP1.

u need to go to useing IE and install it that way.

I sugust u use Phoenix it rocks its a lot beter than ie  (http://smile.gif) .....
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Zootopia3000 on 13 October 2002, 12:01
Did you use Sun's 1.4 version of Java. I found it buggy. Stick with the latest release of 1.3 Java(J2SE v1.3.1_05) from Sun.
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: preacher on 13 October 2002, 16:05
Originally posted by Zootopia3000:
Did you use Sun's 1.4 version of Java. I found it buggy. Stick with the latest release of 1.3 Java(J2SE v1.3.1_05) from Sun.

Im using the java runtime environment 1.4.1. Like I said, it works great with mozilla and even though I made mozilla the default browser on my fathers pc, he still uses IE. M$sucks55 he wants a full featured browser with all the things mozilla includes, so phoenix was out of the question. Speed isnt an issue as this things on a 1.8ghz pc with a cable connection. Sun says the latest stable version is 1.4, so Im not going to use the old 1.3.
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Zootopia3000 on 13 October 2002, 16:53
Actually, Sun says it's the "latest version"... No stable is mentioned.

They do say this:
"These downloads are not designed for general purpose JRE support of the overall XP consumer market. See ( for the general purpose consumer XP release."

Heck, I could care a less. I use a vastly stripped down version of Win'98(with help of 98lite Pro). I hate IE and am glad to be rid of it.
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: preacher on 13 October 2002, 16:59
Oh I see now. Thanks zootopia. Now all I need to do is convince my father to stick with mozilla.
Title: Mother Fucking IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: M$sucks55 on 13 October 2002, 21:19
u can use suns java.....

or download IE sp1.

If u want Ie with Java.