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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: bwid_s_01 on 25 August 2003, 20:01

Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: bwid_s_01 on 25 August 2003, 20:01
Where can I get that Mac emulator for Windows? I wanna start learning the Mac.
Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: Laukev7 on 25 August 2003, 20:20 (

It's only 68k, though. It does not emulate PPC. But you can run System 7.5 on it, which you can get for free at Apple's website.
Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: Fett101 on 25 August 2003, 21:33
You need a Macintosh II Rom, and so far been a bitch to find one... Dammed Mac lovers and thier morals.
Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: Laukev7 on 25 August 2003, 22:53
Well, you can use Executor from ardi (, which does not require the Mac rom, but the interface is not quite the same as Mac OS. Of course, if you really want to learn about the Mac, the ideal solution would be to use the real thing. Roms are not that hard to find, though; so far I have a Mac rom, kickstart roms 1.1 and 3.1, an Archimedes rom and an Atari TOS rom. I can send it to you, if you like.

[ August 25, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7: Defender of Canada ]

Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: Fett101 on 25 August 2003, 23:48
I'd love that.  :D  [email protected]
Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: mushrooomprince on 25 August 2003, 23:48
Why in the hell would anybody want to emulate a mac os older than mac os ten ?

Apples biggest problem back in the late 90's was that their operating system really sucked donkey balls.  Of course we all know that that is not exactly the case now.

What we should be doing is getting Mac os X for x86 machines.

That would be way cooler than mac os 7.5 on x86.
Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 25 August 2003, 23:51
7.5 was damned good in its time though, much better than 8 or 9. But nothing comes close to comparing with X.  (http://smile.gif)
Title: Where can I get MacOS for Windows?
Post by: hm_murdock on 26 August 2003, 12:26
9.2.2 was a good final release, though. I find myself using it quite often, out of need for a little raw speed, or just for nostalgia's sake.