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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: TheGreatPoo on 18 December 2002, 19:27

Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: TheGreatPoo on 18 December 2002, 19:27
Hello all,

I downloaded and installed Mozilla 1.1.1 on my g/f's computer (iMac) running OSX Jaguar.  Lately it has been crashing and has almost brought the entire system down a couple of times.  I don't know personally what goes wrong (as I don't live with her and am trying to explain this from what she has told me) but she told me that it pretty much freezes up everything but the mouse (with the little color wheel spinnie thingie).

Anyway, I was going to help her install another browser on her computer and was wonderin which one I should choose.  I like the features that Mozilla has (pop-up stopper, blocking pics, etc.) but would like something smaller and faster as her iMac is only a 4000MHz G3.  What about Chimera?  Opera?

Also, how would I go about uninstalling Mozilla?  I am pretty new to OSX (I'm a classic user myself  ;)  ) and don't know the runabouts.  What I do in Classic is: open Sherlock2, search the HD for all files containing the name of the program, select all, and move to trash.  Is there another way in OSX?

Any help is appreaciated very much and rewared with a cookie!  :D
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: psyjax on 18 December 2002, 20:49
Chimera, plain and simple.

Chimera is the best browser available for the Mac. It is Coco native, which mean's it's incredibly fast. It has most of the features you mentiond from mozilla as well as many others. It is also only 6MB.

To remove mozilla just drag it's folder to the trash. To be thurogh, run Find->mozilla. You should dig up it's application support folder. Dump it as well. Done.

Install Chimera and your off. I haven't gone back to Mozilla since Chimera 0.6.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: TheGreatPoo on 18 December 2002, 20:55
Just what I needed to know.  (http://smile.gif)

Thank you!!  :D
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: cocoamix on 18 December 2002, 22:10
Another vote for Chimera. I haven't used anything else since 0.5 came out.

It's only at 0.6 now, and it just gets better and better. I hope they add real support for browsing history. I have it enabled via a hack, but it's really slow to call up your History in the sidebar. Since it's at yet unsupported, I can't complain too much, esp considering how good it is otherwise.
I just wish they'd add a few Mozilla features like the Site Info option, in addition to site source.
It allows to to grab and save any media from a site, including all embedded swf files, images and sounds.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: Pantso on 18 December 2002, 22:45
I have to agree about Chimera. It is by far the best and fastest browser for OS X and eventhough it's only in version 0.6, it is really stable and as I said blindingly fast.    (http://smile.gif)  

As far as Mozilla goes, I'm using 1.2.1 right now, which seems a lot more stable than the previous version but, unfortunately, still crashes from time to time.

To uninstall Mozilla, just drag the Mozilla folder to the trash and also take a look at the /Users/~someone/Library/Application Support folder for another Mozilla folder and remove it as well. I think the latter one is being used by Mozilla to store your cache, profile etc.    (http://smile.gif)

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: hoojchoons: Mac Commando ]

Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: TheGreatPoo on 18 December 2002, 22:48
Thank you guys!  Chimera it is!!!  :D
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 19 December 2002, 00:59
Check out iCab: (

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: psyjax on 19 December 2002, 01:57
iCab is Payware/adware

I also have found it MORE incompatible than Chimera. Chimera even works with my bank and Credit card pages which usualy deny mozilla.

I love Chimera  :D
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 19 December 2002, 03:04
I had the little wheelie freeze thing happen to me a lot when I used to use IE, especially while editing my site, but I don't recall it happening once after I switched to Mozilla. Weird.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: billy_gates on 19 December 2002, 03:38
I have to admin that I have defected to Chimera.
I used to be a dihard Omniweb user.

There are 3 things that make Chimera better, page rendering time, tabbed browsing, popup blocker.  On everything else that comes to browsing the net Omniweb wins.
I just can't get past the speed thing

Omniweb looks far better in terms of buttons and antialiasing.
Omniweb can render pages better
Omniweb can fake other Web Browsers (very useful with MS sites)
Omniweb feels less Beta-ey
Omniweb is more stable
My fav - Omniweb saves your window size on your command and all new windows open to that size.  Not like others where they open to the size that was last open.

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Commando ]

Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 19 December 2002, 06:18
I've heard good things about Chimera. What is its specialty though? Why did the makers of Mozilla decide to make a different browser?
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 19 December 2002, 10:17
Chimera is more scaled back/lightweight than mozilla... just compare download sizes...

Also, the Chimera group, since they're OS X-only, is paying extra attention to getting it work nicely with X (much better than Mozilla at the moment, UI-wise). All around, I prefer it, although I would rather use Omniweb, but that's too damn slow on my dialup connection.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: Calum on 19 December 2002, 13:19
icab is one to steer clear of. Not tried it in OSX, but in MacOS9 it kept crashing for me and it also seems to me to try for MSIE compliance rather than proper standards compliance.

One day i hope i can try chimera too, but it requires a lot of expensive hardware and software that i can't afford!
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: TheGreatPoo on 20 December 2002, 00:25
Well, now that my girlfriend's computer is taken care of (Chimera), what do you guys suggest as a fast browser for Mac Classic?

Mozilla is HUGE and really slow on my performa but I love it's features!  I've tried iCab but it is too buggy and it makes pages look funny (rendering?).  Any ideas?  I'm thinkin about loadin in my OS 9.1 CD and installing Netscape Navigator 4.x <--(can't remember the exact version).  That browser is blindingly fast on the Mac but kinna like iCab, it renders pages funny, i guess because it's old.   :confused:
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: psyjax on 20 December 2002, 01:03
Netscape 4.x is good for old comp's.

But as I recall there was an old browser that was fast and lightwieght... I can't remember it. It reminded me of Arachne.

hmmm... webcrawler or something.

Oh well,

Anyway, Macman, Chimera is programmed in CoCo. Which means it is optamized for OSX and the G4, Which means it is the fastest freakin browser you will ever use in your life. It is also more compatible than mozilla, much smaller, and renders pages better.

Also, since it dosn't dpend on all that bulky Java, the UI is quicker and better looking.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: cocoamix on 20 December 2002, 02:52
Your browser choices in OS 9 are kinda limited.
iCab, Internet Exploder, Netscape, Mozilla and Opera are the only ones I've tried.

I used to use Mozilla in 9, and of course it was slow starting up, but I just never quit the app unless I was short on RAM. Kinda like how Mozailla on Windows is with it's "quick launch," even that how the Mac version works by default.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: TheGreatPoo on 21 December 2002, 00:15
Last time I tried Opera, I didn't have a banner ad!  I tried it on Windows and had the ad sitting in the corner but it was not there on the Mac version.  Cool for me at the time but I deleted it.  It rendered pages kinna funny. It was fast but, I dunno, acted kinna funny.  :confused:

I use Mozilla 1.2.1 now and it works fine, I'm just lookin for somethin faster.  Scrolling in Mozilla sux!  :mad:
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: billy_gates on 21 December 2002, 10:32
Opera is good on 9, but (i regret to say) IE aint that bad in 9 either.

Also the ad only activates after 30 days or something like that.  You may have just removed it too soon.  I'm pretty sure the ad is there on the Mac.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: UODU on 17 January 2003, 21:48
G'day Guys,

I actually have been using Opera for a while now and I've found it both fast and well set out, I must admit that it's throws the occasional 'wobblie' but it just suits me and I think Norgies are cool. I did have a brief foray into the Opera 7 beta but at this time it has too many problems but it does look promising.

I initially started with Netscape; even as the newest of 'newbies' and before I came to hate windows I did not like IE and I have a hissie fit every time it starts up when I click on a link sent to me in an e-mail... Fuck I hate that! Anyway, when Netscape got screwed up (not sure when that was) I tried Opera and; with a couple of experiments like Mozilla; which did the freeze thingie and then did the sending off problems thingie; which never seemed to work when it was Netscape, I found myself back at Opera, but I still haven't found the answer yet so I'm still open to experiment... Outside anything to do with windows... I just don't get it why does anybody use IE?

Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: psyjax on 17 January 2003, 20:56
Safari has quickly become my browser of choice. Not as feture full as Chimera (meaning Safari has to be VERY bare bones) but it's getting there.

It's gearing up to be the best browser, period.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: cocoamix on 18 January 2003, 11:02
I'm constantly switching back and forth between Chimera and Safari. I really love Safari's speed and many of its features, but I just can't give up my tabbed browsing.
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: xyle_one on 18 January 2003, 13:36
i use safari. for everything. it does lack some things, but i like it the most.
myabe i am just trying to support apple in any way that i can.....
Title: Best Browser for OSX...
Post by: Pantso on 19 January 2003, 01:35
I also switch from Safari to Chimera from time to time (right now I'm using Chimera). However, I believe that Safari will slowly become my browser of choice.