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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Kintaro on 16 November 2002, 17:07

Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: Kintaro on 16 November 2002, 17:07 (

and[email protected]@.3bbc014e/0 ([email protected]@.3bbc014e/0)
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: Kintaro on 16 November 2002, 17:16
" Has anyone had this problem? I hope not . . . After the first rain of the year, the ants outside were restless (and homeless). My wife had left her ibook on the mantle charging overnight. The next morning we noticed a large number of ants milling around it. Upon inspection we discovered ants crawling in and out of every hole in the computer. I grabbed my can of compressed air and started blowing! To my horror hundreds of ants started pouring out carrying eggs! I knew this was bad. I took the computer out to the garage and completely disassembled the thing layer by layer . My stomach turned when I exposed the main circuit board and saw thousand of ant and eggs (and a queen or two), writhing across every inch! Argh! After several hours with a vacuum and a can of air I finally got the thing clean. I put it back together (only a few extra screws) and luckily it works fine. Any theories on why ants would decide to move an entire colony into an ibook? Warmth? Sweet circuit boards? I think they were attempting to colonize the ultimate frontier: cyberspace. "

I liked this reply:
" Even these Ants switched...
 ;) "
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 17 November 2002, 21:15
Holy shit that is fucking hilarious!! This is going to keep me up all night!
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: ravuya on 18 November 2002, 07:43
Bleah. I got the willies just from reading about it. Ants I can handle, but the little eggs? *shudder*

Anyway, just goes to show you that Apple's hardware even attracts other species.
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 18 November 2002, 08:59
Makes me want to put my laptop in an airtight container!
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: Pantso on 18 November 2002, 15:40
Holy crap! That just proves how SWEET Macs are! The story is a bit disgusting though, with all the eggs and stuff!   :D
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: Master of Reality on 18 November 2002, 17:29
i  think it fits in with my theory about cows trying to take over teh world.... they got the ants to try to go on the internet to h4x0r some people... of course a mac would be the easiest way to do it
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: cahult on 21 November 2002, 05:03
Even animals like Macs better! I guess the motherboard and the stuff around with the heat it can generate was the perfect breeding place for new ant generations. They like heat, so do we. So why don
Title: Some poor saps iBook became infested with ants
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 22 November 2002, 13:13
This takes me back to my many, many years of ant-smashing and burning with magnifying glasses. There used to be a huge ant colony on the sidewalk until I took a hose to it MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!