Stop Microsoft
Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Pantso on 7 October 2002, 15:52
This ( is my first ever page created with an Apple computer. My intention is to keep everyone updated about new Apple as well as open source software. I'll also make another page linking to Apple computers etc. For now though, you will only find some screenshots from my new iBook and OSX as the page was created overnight and I didn't have time to do much. (http://smile.gif)
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]
Nice Panos :D
Hehe... seems youve become quite the Mac fan!
I would post some of my screenshots but Apple screwd me over when they made iTools a PAY service. I still don't know what to make of that. If there was ever a bad thing Apple has done, it was that.
Originally posted by psyjax:
Nice Panos :D
Hehe... seems youve become quite the Mac fan!
I would post some of my screenshots but Apple screwd me over when they made iTools a PAY service. I still don't know what to make of that. If there was ever a bad thing Apple has done, it was that.
I'm not only a fan. I'm addicted as well and it seems to get worse as days go by :D I admit that I was addicted to Linux as well but man this is a whole different story. Everything is perfectly set up and organised in OSX! It makes you want to create... Now I understand why Macs have been the perfect tools for web designers, graphic artists etc since forever (http://smile.gif)
As for iTools it's really a shame and I completely agree with you :(
!!! do you gat a big box of style when you get a mac? how come without fail all the pro mac sites i have seen have got tons of style? (actually, no offence, but that excludes macman's site, which is a good site, but lacks the style i mentioned)
I liked the Greek iMac menu! HOWEVER i canNOT criticise and deride you enough for having internet exploder on not only your computer but your TASKBAR!!!! ridiculous. It's not integrated into the OS, so what's your excuse?
Originally posted by Calum:
!!! do you gat a big box of style when you get a mac? how come without fail all the pro mac sites i have seen have got tons of style? (actually, no offence, but that excludes macman's site, which is a good site, but lacks the style i mentioned)
I liked the Greek iMac menu! HOWEVER i canNOT criticise and deride you enough for having internet exploder on not only your computer but your TASKBAR!!!! ridiculous. It's not integrated into the OS, so what's your excuse?
About Internet Exploder, yes it comes preinstalled with OSX. Even if wanted to uninstall it I simply didn't have the time to. And yes it is open in one of the snapshots simply because I was viewing my page with it until I get chimera.
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]
well, i think you are probably assuming that i meant to insult you and quite frankly such was not my intention.
to be plain, i like the look of your site.
I am not sure what you mean by irony, but if you are trying to say you don't like the look of my site then quite frankly i don't give a shit unless you can come up with some actual comments.
regarding your saying my comments are worthless to enable you to improve your site, if that's the way you feel then i shant open my mouth again.
That's what comes of me daring to darken the mac forums...
i will know better next time.
I was just trying to pass a little compliment, that's all.
Originally posted by Calum:
well, i think you are probably assuming that i meant to insult you and quite frankly such was not my intention.
to be plain, i like the look of your site.
I am not sure what you mean by irony, but if you are trying to say you don't like the look of my site then quite frankly i don't give a shit unless you can come up with some actual comments.
regarding your saying my comments are worthless to enable you to improve your site, if that's the way you feel then i shant open my mouth again.
That's what comes of me daring to darken the mac forums...
i will know better next time.
I was just trying to pass a little compliment, that's all.
Damn Calum I don't know when you're being serious and when you're being ironic. Sorry if I misunderstod your post or taken it the wrong way. I'll delete my previous posts. Sorry :(
Originally posted by Panos:
iMac menu? It's called OSX and I have an iBook.. :D
Taskbar? Your Windows habits are still there I see! Before blaming or flaming me about Internet Exploder, know that it's called the DOCK in OSX.. :D
look, get fucked.
i already said my piece, and quite frankly your rejection of my comments can just fucking go to hell.
i am not a trouble maker and if this is truly the way it's going then i really can't be arsed with this anymore. I will be steering clear of the mac section from now on, and i will wait to see if this crap continues in the other forums.
get fucked.
Originally posted by Calum:
look, get fucked.
i already said my piece, and quite frankly your rejection of my comments can just fucking go to hell.
i am not a trouble maker and if this is truly the way it's going then i really can't be arsed with this anymore. I will be steering clear of the mac section from now on, and i will wait to see if this crap continues in the other forums.
get fucked.
Again my apologies. Read my edit above. Damn I hate this when it happens :(
Sorry again. No bad feelings I hope :(
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]
origanlly posted by panos
I'm not only a fan. I'm addicted as well and it seems to get worse as days go by I admit that I was addicted to Linux as well but man this is a whole different story. Everything is perfectly set up and organised in OSX! It makes you want to create... Now I understand why Macs have been the perfect tools for web designers, graphic artists etc since forever
i completely understand. since i first got my mac i became obsessed. i love it. i like linux, it is fun, but mac osX is almost perfect. (http://smile.gif)
Hey Calum,
Calm down dude! We're all friends here. I don't think Panos meant anything by his comments, he was just being funny. I read it as just friendly shoulder punching, not like he was ripping you.
It looks like a big misunderstanding. Don't stay clear of the Mac section, your comments are allways welcome. Calum is one of my personal fav. forum members.
Now you two kiss and make up or something, it's all obviously a mistake.
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
Calum, read my previous post (http://smile.gif)
To uninstall IE, just open up your applications folder, find the program, and drag it to the trash. Done.
Get Mozilla, it rulz!
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
Originally posted by psyjax:
Hey Calum,
Calm down dude! We're all friends here. I don't think Panos meant anything by his comments, he was just being funny. I read it as just friendly shoulder punching, not like he was ripping you.
It looks like a big misunderstanding. Don't stay clear of the Mac section, your comments are allways welcome. Calum is one of my personal fav. forum members.
Now you two kiss and make up or something, it's all obviously a mistake.
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
I admit it was my completely my fault. I understand Calum's reaction since I totally misunderstood his post that's why I rushed to delete my posts and apologise.
As for IE I threw it in the trash bin (any easier way to uninstall an app, anyone?)! I've also posted a snapshot without IE thanking Calum for pointing it out to me.
Big, big misunderstanding :(
look i'm sorry, guys, since all this just makes me look like the foul mouthed one here.
I won't delete any of my posts since i think i should be accountale for my words, however i didn't mean anything bad to anybody, least of all panos.
panos, i think your screenshots are very good, i like how your site looks, i know i am not the best designer myself so i was confused by your 'irony' comment and felt that you were criticising me without being constructive which is exactly what you thought iwas doing wrong (i think).
anyway. i like the site. As far as i can see this is just another of those topics where somebody posts their new site and everybody says what they think!
re: the taskbar, i don't care what it is called, and the dock did originally appear on an iMac if i remember right. However the 'windows' taskbar was originally part of the RiscOS.
Anyway, i will not stir since i know that i may be taken out of context.
I merely wanted to say that it seemed that sites made by mac owners were noticably more stylish than other sites.
Calum whenever I make a mistake I always apologize. I too am accountable for my words and for my actions as well, but nonetheless I deleted my posts since they were, in my view, offensive and insulting to you. As for your website you know that I like it since I was the very first to post to your topic (then) about your first site. I had also told you that I really liked your MP3s (http://smile.gif) (you can look it up if it's still somewhere)
i wasn'tq fishing for compliments! i am just naturally a bit too insecure!
as for my not deleting my posts, i was not trying to imply that you shouldn't have deleted your posts i was just explaininqg that while i am sorry for my part in this misunderstanding too i will not be deleting my posts, as i think that it is fair that people should get to see what i posted publicly.
I think i remember agreeing when i signed up that anything i posted could e used on the site and i lose all rights to it and so on, am i right? if so then i do not actually have the right to edit my posts! (http://smile.gif)
No compliments there just the truth ;) . And perhaps you're right. I should have kept my posts too but I felt that they were simply wrong in every way :rolleyes: