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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Pissed_Macman on 8 May 2003, 21:59
I heard there was no such thing, but then I saw a pic of Panos's comp. Where can you download them and how many are there?
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
I heard there was no such thing, but then I saw a pic of Panos's comp. Where can you download them and how many are there? (
Make sure to install aquarestore just in case the theme fucks up. Make sure to only use curent themes.
The programms you need are either ThemeChanger or Duality, one is free, the other isn't.
Yes, interesting........
Yeah that site should keep me occupied for a while.
[ May 09, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]
Odd. The Themes section of ResExcellence is gone for the time being. You can still find them elsewhere, but I hope the pages are brought back.
Originally posted by cocoamix:
Odd. The Themes section of ResExcellence is gone for the time being. You can still find them elsewhere, but I hope the pages are brought back.
It's still there, they just renamed it MacOSX Themes: (
Yes, themes rock! (http://smile.gif) Duality 4 also rocks and is more stable than any other previous version I've used. I only have two themes though for the time being, Power Ice Blue and Brushed, the latter of which is my preference. (http://smile.gif)
I highly recommend using ThemeChanger instead of Duality. Duality has problems with many themes, but ThemeChanger never has and is a lot faster.
Originally posted by cocoamix:
I highly recommend using ThemeChanger instead of Duality. Duality has problems with many themes, but ThemeChanger never has and is a lot faster.
Just remember to heed all warnings, if ThemeChanger says the theme may not work, then it won't. I caked my system once with it, It wasen't very fun.
Is there a bluecurve skin for OS X? I somehow think that'd look cool. Like GNOME but with true alpha blending and windows shadows.
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Is there a bluecurve skin for OS X? I somehow think that'd look cool. Like GNOME but with true alpha blending and windows shadows.
I don't think so but it'd be cool! The BlueCurve theme rocks in RH and it'd be perfect if someone made a similar theme for OS X. (http://smile.gif)
[ May 10, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]
Unlucky me... in my haste to change my desktop I downloaded and installed the one theme that doesn't require ThemeChanger to install. Now I'm stuck with Shinobi and I don't know how to get aqua back. WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Easy. Get ThemeChanger and Aquarestore and you'll go back to Aqua. (http://smile.gif)
Originally posted by Panos:
Easy. Get ThemeChanger and Aquarestore and you'll go back to Aqua. (http://smile.gif)
That is, use Aqua restore first. (
NOTE: it dosn't allways work, the best option is to stick to the themes at Resex, and heed all warnings from your themeChanger.
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
That is, use Aqua restore first.
Oops, my last post wasn't very clear, was it? Thanks for clearing it out psyjax. :D
Sweet aqua, you have returned to me!! Okay, life is worth living again.
Still waiting for a pretty little Classic theme.
Originally posted by Ravuya:
Still waiting for a pretty little Classic theme.
Ah yeah! That'd be cool. (http://smile.gif)
Here's one for OS X that looks just like Classic:
Originally posted by cocoamix:
Here's one for OS X that looks just like Classic:
whoa if thats classic, then its been awhile for me
You forgot what classic looks like?
Yea, well I thought I did, but then i checked my nine and that isn't what classic looks like, maybe alittle but its missong the horzontial lines and its a darker grey I think.
[ May 12, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe ]