Stop Microsoft
Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Londonboi2k4 on 29 June 2004, 18:09
I was a little bored at work today so i thought i would search the net for something that can show the diffrence between OS X and XP, I mean like without any bias.
Well i cam accros This ( site and though hmmm, interesting.
But when i read the final score, like above horrified!
Let me know what you think!
Also you can download the site in PDF format, its 7mb and some 220 pages.
Havent read it all yet, but the scoreing system looks bias to windows, tho it still scored less then OS X, but not by much!
[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: londonboi2k4 ]
This is sick: (
I used to think better about Apple. $299 for a remote desktop application?
I could buy SUsE Pro ($ 90) for that which comes with REMOTE DESKTOP FOR FREE, and still have money left to buy a brand new copy of Mac OS X Panther ($ 130).
Oh, and you are legally allowed to install it on 9999999999 computers if you wish. Yes, and it's still for free.
Member # 730
Member Rated:
posted June 29, 2004 10:25 AM
This is sick: (
I used to think better about Apple. $299 for a remote desktop application?
I could buy SUsE Pro ($ 90) for that which comes with REMOTE DESKTOP FOR FREE, and still have money left to buy a brand new copy of Mac OS X Panther ($ 130).
Oh, and you are legally allowed to install it on 9999999999 computers if you wish. Yes, and it's still for free.
Well remember Mac is a propritary OS, so software is paid for when devloped comercially, unlike on Linux where most software is free and open source! If you don't wanna pay $299 for said software, you could always try VNC ( which is free!
If i remember correctly PC Anywhere ( costs $199.95 and you need a version for each computer you install it on! Altho i could be mistaken about that as i dont use PC Anywhere and use VNC for all my needs.
All in All I dont think OS X fairs too badly when it comes to the comercial side!
Oh and
:D :D
[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: londonboi2k4 ]
[ June 29, 2004: Message edited by: londonboi2k4 ]
Oh an also forgot, on win32 you need to buy extra licences to install on 1 or more computers. Eg The 5 Licence pack ( Which costs 799.95
Now that is Sick :rolleyes: (http://graemlins/scared.gif) :confused: :D
Originally posted by londonboi2k4:
Oh an also forgot, on win32 you need to buy extra licences to install on 1 or more computers. Eg The 5 Licence pack ( Which costs 799.95
Now that is Sick :rolleyes: (http://graemlins/scared.gif) :confused: :D
Just so we're clear on this - Symantec / Norton is almost as bad with their pricing as Microsoft. If someone's seriously considering PCanywhere over, say, Terminal Services or RealVNC, they need a CAT scan. Badly.
Just so we're clear on this - Symantec / Norton is almost as bad with their pricing as Microsoft. If someone's seriously considering PCanywhere over, say, Terminal Services or RealVNC, they need a CAT scan. Badly.
agreed, i was just making a point, also, that for almost any piece of software out there, there is an open source / free or both, version out there.
Originally posted by londonboi2k4:
agreed, i was just making a point, also, that for almost any piece of software out there, there is an open source / free or both, version out there.
As was I - we're in agreement here, bro. ;)
I've seen that site before and never liked it. Their analysis was thorough, but they describe aspects where X is clearly superior to XP, but give them the same numerical scores. That always bugged me.