Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: cocoamix on 15 October 2002, 21:00

Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: cocoamix on 15 October 2002, 21:00
Typical Microsoft (
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 15 October 2002, 21:53
Hell yeah! 'serves em right!

Didn't Quirk post a link to the incriminating article on the forums a few hours ago?

  :D    :D    :D    :D    :D
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: Fett101 on 15 October 2002, 21:53
Typical Apple (  

P.S. Bling Bling.
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: RudeCat7 on 15 October 2002, 10:08
Not Tony Hawk!  :(  

Well, o.k., you can have Tony Hawk.

But I bet Rodney Mullen uses Linux!  :D  

Or maybe Mark Gonzales!  :D  

Or maybe Lance Mountain!  :D  

Nahhhh....who am I kidding?  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: psyjax on 15 October 2002, 10:17
Nope, they are for real.

Rent Tony Hawk pro skater 3, watch the ending movies and for sure Tony has butloads of Mac's. Infact all of the skaters do, even Rodney Mullen.

That add is actually what sorta legitimized the campaign to me, cuz' Tony is a real died in the wool Mac user.
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: trc3 on 15 October 2002, 12:21
Originally posted by psyjax:
Nope, they are for real.

Rent Tony Hawk pro skater 3, watch the ending movies and for sure Tony has butloads of Mac's. Infact all of the skaters do, even Rodney Mullen.

Your right, 100% of skate videos are made on a mac.  A few of my friends film and edit video for osiris shoes and everything is done on a mac, except slow mow's witch are done on a beta deck.  Hopefully I will be getting a job there too, just doing titles and assistant type shit.
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: cocoamix on 15 October 2002, 18:37
I know most of you will probably think I'm full of shit, but I use dto be a sponsored skater.
13 years ago!
I rode for Santa Cruz and Independent. I knew Rodney Mullen and skated Tony's miniramp at his house.

Back then, most people I knew didn't even HAVE computers yet, but if they did , it was a Mac.   (http://smile.gif)  

They were definitely fun days.

Back on topic,
Here is the original page cached. (

And here is the original stock photo. (

[ October 15, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]

Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: cocoamix on 15 October 2002, 19:17
And this, though not a "switch" ad is just more M$ propaganda.
This story is supposed to have been written by a 12 year old. (

Keep that in mind when you read the article.

Why doesn't the rest of the world yet see what a pathetic joke Microsoft is???

[ October 15, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]

Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: Refalm on 15 October 2002, 20:33
Read this:

Stop getting tricked into running virusses (

And now I start to wonder... if Microsoft is saying that hiding known file types is a good way to catch a virus, then why to they turn that option on standard?
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: jtpenrod on 16 October 2002, 07:04
And this, though not a "switch" ad is just more M$ propaganda.
This story is supposed to have been written by a 12 year old.

Keep that in mind when you read the article.

Why doesn't the rest of the world yet see what a pathetic joke Microsoft is???
Well, whatever it was must have been quite the joke as this article has been sent to the memory hole.
Computers are like air conditioners: they can't do their jobs if you open windows.
Title: Fucking Priceless!
Post by: cocoamix on 16 October 2002, 07:45
Google Cache to the rescue again! (

M$ is apparently yanking all of their bullshit "testimonials" because of their Switch fuck up.
