Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Kintaro on 22 November 2002, 15:50

Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: Kintaro on 22 November 2002, 15:50
When you thank about it, apple make the best computers, even if they are expensive they are reliable, and id think they would have a bigger market share without Microsoft. Mac OS X is superior to any Windows version to date, and has a large user base. The switch campaign is apparently working as well. But lets think deeper, Microsoft and Apple have a had a relation ship before. Not to mention the fact that Microsoft could quite easily drop Office X for MacOsX, and there Mactopia and many other things that would leave more corporate users switching to PC. So why do Microsoft keep water the apple tree for them?

Well when you think about it Apple and Microsoft could be working together. Microsoft is for the cheaper hardware and apple is for the higher class. Because when you think about it apple are not that great either, there ethics are better and the kind of people who buy good software and hardware like good ethics. But Microsoft who sell the lower end slack off on the ethics because the people who buy it, care about it about as much as serial killer thinks of other peoples feelings. Which makes me think... Apple+Microsoft=Full Monopoly-Linux.

Linux being the operating system that jumped in the middle and decided to screw with the works of Microsoft and apples plan. Apple ignore it, up until 2000, 2002... Where they suck up-to it because the Nixer's will love the idea of OS-X, and them releasing the Darwin Source code.

But why would apple suck up to Nixer's and Microsoft make plans to stop it when... if they are a big monopoly secretly working together? (Ill get locked up in an asylum for all this...)
Well maybe Microsoft, even if it has got Billions of dollars. Is just an expendable resource and when the time is right they release an Operating System with the versatility of Unix and the User Friendliness of apple. Hence they planed on Microsoft being broken up, had there "perfect" operating system in planning for a while. And everything was set... when... boom... Linux comes out of nowhere. where are we going to do about this. Well you know the saying... "If you cant beat them join-em". Microsoft did try and crush it with FUD tactics, but seamlessly failed... But apple released the source for Darwin... sucking up. They also will get more Nixer's loving them if they are behind Microsoft's breakup...

Microsoft could be one huge publicity stunt!

So what is possible from all this:

a) Apple is the dominator in it all.
b) Apple are ballsucking the Unixers.
c) Microsoft is scared of Apple
d) Microsoft+Apple=Domination.
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: Master of Reality on 22 November 2002, 17:35
uhhh.. i dont think so. Microsoft keeps apple afloat just enough so it doesnt look like microsofts a monopoly.
 If there was no apple, thn microsoft would definately look like a monopoly. IF microsoft helps apple it looks like their supporting competition so that the courts wont shut them down.
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: Kintaro on 22 November 2002, 17:48
Thats what they want you to think...
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: xyle_one on 23 November 2002, 11:19
how far does microsoft carry apple, if it carries it at all?? i mean, if microsoft is the reason apple is still around, how much influence does microsoft have over apples direction? i was under the impression that microsoft only developed software, like internet explorer and officeX for apple, nothing more. plus, i thought that apples contract with microsoft for office was up this month, and they were leaning towards open office, or something similar. that and apple was looking at bundling a different browser as well. maybe it is just wishful thinking   (http://smile.gif)
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 23 November 2002, 13:51
An interesting theory, X11 (sounds like something I'd come up with), but since Bill Gates is actually an alien replicant bent on world domination it doesn't seem like he would bother with earthlings such as Steve Jobs and that Linus dude. Unless Jobs is also an alien replicant, in which case your theory does seem to hold up.

Either way, can I put your theory in my Rantings Section (
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: billy_gates on 23 November 2002, 21:49
Originally posted by X11 / BOB: The croc hunter:
So why do Microsoft keep water the apple tree for them?

Does Microsoft own like 10% of Apple.  Meaning that is Apple loses money, so does Microsoft.  That is a reason they may keep them afloat.
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: pkd_lives on 23 November 2002, 22:01
Originally posted by X11 / BOB: The croc hunter:
Microsoft could be one huge publicity stunt!

Now that I can agree with 100% - In fact isn't this all M$ are good at?

Microsoft + Apple - A fine romance with no kissing.  ;)
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: TheQuirk on 23 November 2002, 22:29
Originally posted by Linux Frank:

Now that I can agree with 100% - In fact isn't this all M$ are good at?

Microsoft + Apple - A fine romance with no kissing.   ;)  

I heared that old song yesterday in my mother's car!
Title: Apple and Microsoft conspiracy theory...
Post by: Kintaro on 24 November 2002, 06:32
Originally posted by Macman: Mac Commando:
An interesting theory, X11 (sounds like something I'd come up with), but since Bill Gates is actually an alien replicant bent on world domination it doesn't seem like he would bother with earthlings such as Steve Jobs and that Linus dude. Unless Jobs is also an alien replicant, in which case your theory does seem to hold up.

Either way, can I put your theory in my Rantings Section (

Yeah im cool with that!