Stop Microsoft
Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: choasforages on 13 June 2002, 18:56
i was on the apple site reading about darwim, which i had known about for a while was under the bsd licesne. my mind suddenly connected the "stolen" ftp.exe client, what if microsoft takes the x86 port of darwin or part of it, winfucksitup, and calls it the next "final solution", does this bother you too, or am i just pariniod and need to see my shrink more often
who cares? anybody else could do the same thing if they wanted, there's a lot of stuff out under the BSD licence.
The difference is that as people stop believing the bullshit bit by bit as the industry matures, companies like M$ will have to adapt or die, to use the words of another...
Does Darwin run on any class of PPC, or just G3s and above?
i know that it will atleast run on the 604 ppc processor. by the way, any word if debian is going to port there system to darwin, i mean they are porting debian to NetBSD and the Hurd, y not port it to darwin
Originally posted by choasforages:
i know that it will atleast run on the 604 ppc processor. by the way, any word if debian is going to port there system to darwin, i mean they are porting debian to NetBSD and the Hurd, y not port it to darwin
Do they have Hurd for PPC yet?
Cool, Darwin runs on a 604. I'll have to try it out with mine.
what exactly is darwin
from some apple site
darwin is basicaly freebsd 4.3 kernel wraped around the mach mircokernel
last time i checked. someone like the webmaster who would now, correct me if im barfing up false shit ok.
Originally posted by choasforages:
last time i checked. someone like the webmaster who would now, correct me if im barfing up false shit ok.
Darwin is essentially what MacOSX would be if you deleted the window server. In fact, if you log in to an OSX box as >console, you are running in Darwin.
Also note, when you start in the GUI (or login remotely) it says "Welcome to Darwin!"
So yeah, it's just the unixy non-gui portion of OSX. And it has been ported to the X86 platform by Apple.
choasforages, you make it sound like its just the kernel. It's really more like a distribution.
Mach : Darwin :: Linux : Debian
[ June 18, 2002: Message edited by: Trumpet Winsock ]