Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: ravuya on 12 May 2002, 20:50

Title: still dead
Post by: ravuya on 12 May 2002, 20:50
I was looking forward to sampling some of his misinformed bullshit. Oh well, I guess he's now ashamed of his immaturity and wants to hide it with a Forbidden.
Title: still dead
Post by: Zombie9920 on 12 May 2002, 21:02
Originally posted by Ravuya:
I was looking forward to sampling some of his misinformed bullshit. Oh well, I guess he's now ashamed of his immaturity and wants to hide it with a Forbidden.

Ehhh, ihateapple isn't down. You haven't been there trollin anytime recently have you? If the answer is yes then you are probably just banned from viewing the site.
Title: still dead
Post by: ravuya on 12 May 2002, 21:16
I've only visited from time to time and never posted anything.
Title: still dead
Post by: ravuya on 12 May 2002, 21:16
I missed my window of trolling  :(
Title: still dead
Post by: Zombie9920 on 12 May 2002, 22:36
Try accessing the site through the servers IP. (
Title: still dead
Post by: Ctrl Alt Del 123 on 13 May 2002, 07:16
The IP works, but not the
Title: still dead
Post by: psyjax on 13 May 2002, 07:31
Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
The IP works, but not the

site sux. Who cares about it anyway... All the links are broken as well.

A half-baked Idea, I have seen beter, and more factual ant-Apple/Mac sites. Hell, even ( has some factual unbiased articles.
Title: still dead
Post by: ravuya on 16 May 2002, 03:45
I wanted to read his Idiot Mail section again. It's built up of intelligent people writing in (especially programmers), and his replies are usually misspelled, in all caps and insulting to the person's job or projects.
Title: still dead
Post by: Zombie9920 on 16 May 2002, 20:49
Originally posted by psyjax:

site sux. Who cares about it anyway... All the links are broken as well.

A half-baked Idea, I have seen beter, and more factual ant-Apple/Mac sites. Hell, even ( has some factual unbiased articles.

Ehh, every link on the site works for me. Maybe it is something wrong with your comp.
In reply to Ravuya,

Idiot mail is right here. (

[ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: still dead
Post by: psyjax on 16 May 2002, 21:14
They work now. I think something was up with the site before.
Title: still dead
Post by: psyjax on 16 May 2002, 21:19
Originally posted by Zombie9920: (

Maybe it's just me, but I think the whitty responses to dumb letters on fuckmicrosoft are better than the ones on this site.
Title: still dead
Post by: ravuya on 19 May 2002, 04:28
Originally posted by psyjax:

Maybe it's just me, but I think the whitty responses to dumb letters on fuckmicrosoft are better than the ones on this site.

That's because the guy who runs ihateapple obviously can't read or do much else than throw his own shit and scream and attack other people's projects instead of their ideology exactly.

Case in point:

From: [email protected]
Subject: Unwelcome

Uh, heh, you are unwelcome and I hope burns in hell


Matthew Beedle
Foxchange Software (

This folks, is a perfect example of why not to smoke pot before writing an e-mail. I highly suggest you check out his "Software Company", where you can find such classics as Mr. Cat's Quest 3 and Cave Fox 2001 (no I'm not kidding about those names), all built on the same, crappy, tile based engine!

Note at no point does he specifically attack his ideology, but goes right for his shareware games company...
Title: still dead
Post by: ravuya on 19 May 2002, 04:29
Ah, but I can forgive him for this one:
From: [email protected]
Subject: MAcintosh Suks

ok here i go:

1- Theyr not compatible
2- Theyr slow
3- They dont even reach 1 GHZ
4- No Games what so ever
5- Too expensive
6- Now's when they finally come out with an internal Cd-Rw drive
8-Slow Laptpo computers (ooooooooo iiiiiiiii the ibook only 300MHZ)
9- They say that theyr twice as fast as a pc (HUGE BULLSHIT PC'S ARE WAY


I think this guy goes to school with Jeff K.
Title: still dead
Post by: KernelPanic on 28 June 2002, 22:18
[email protected] obviously doesnt realise that Mac and PC are completely different architecture and you cant straight compare MHz. That is one of the reasons why many L00Z3rZ who think they know it all don't buy macs. This is unfortunate.
Title: still dead
Post by: choasforages on 28 June 2002, 23:48
my dad who uses x86 by choice even knows not to compare cisc and risc by mhz alone. and on that fact. isn't the pentium II and above basically risc processors that interperet x86 instructions and translat them into "risc ops" or rops. or is that just the transmata setup.
Title: still dead
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 29 June 2002, 12:09
Don't ever post anything there. You will be mercilessly spammed for all eternity. Thats why I posted there using my evil band teacher's email.  (http://smile.gif)
Title: still dead
Post by: Zimphire on 11 July 2002, 16:23
I've been banned from IHA twice in the past 3 years.  (http://smile.gif)

The only rule for IHA is,

No trolling. Unless your trolling about Apple.

Seriously like with most of these HATE sites, they are run by zealots.
Title: still dead
Post by: tratan on 30 July 2002, 01:07
I don't practically any experience with Macs because I grew up with a PC, so I got used to a PC.  Naturally I grew up with DOS, Windows, and QBASIC.  I switched to Linux because I had heard vague and wonderful things about it, and I have since found countless reasons to stay with it.  So practically all my computer experience has been with PCs, with an interesting result: I feel nauseous (sp?) whenever I see a Macintosh desktop!  In theory I know that Macintosh's are probably as good or better than PCs for many things, but I hate to use them.  No, I don't think Mac users are idiots   (http://smile.gif) .

My point is, some people will never like Macs.  The problem seems to be mainly in the "look and feel" (I know Microsoft stole it, but some people like how they changed it).  Another big thing was the lack of a native command line.  I use the command line even when I don't have to, because I don't like mice (too inaccurate).  I even navigate Windows (when I have to use Windows) with the keyboard, because that's the way I was trained.

MacOSX, however, is just plain wonderful.  "Look and feel" isn't an issue anymore since window managers can be changed, and those who want a command line can still use Macs.  Linux users can migrate to Macintosh and get all the benefits of the hardware, and the support of a major corporation (Apple), without having to truly leave Linux.

I'm still using Redhat for now, but at least it's easier to communicate with Macintoshes.  (http://smile.gif)

Down with the evil empire!
Title: still dead
Post by: choasforages on 1 August 2002, 15:12
macosx makes me happy, its like a vender unix. i wonder when the yellowdog guys are going to get osx emulation working, that would kick total ass, not like a virtual machine, but more like FreeBSD's ability to run linux progs. but i think that apple was correct in choosing Darwin as the core of there os. it is based on mach, the only reason to use mach from what i have seen is for MASSIVE SCALIBLITY. i mean maybe xserve is the begening, maybe apple is going for the big iron market, but i wouldn't know why. sun, sgi, even compaq/hp have that market.