Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: cocoamix on 14 October 2003, 00:03

Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: cocoamix on 14 October 2003, 00:03 (

$38 million on Dell hardware gets you 3 teraflops.
What a joke.

the VT Apple G5 cluser = $5 million - 17 teraflops.


Notice anything funny about this pic of the Dell cluser people?

[ October 15, 2003: Message edited by: cocoamix ]

Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: mushrooomprince on 14 October 2003, 00:09
One of those  guys is wearing an OS X t shirt.  WTF ?
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Windows_SuX_@$$ on 14 October 2003, 01:11
Hah a Dell Person with an OSX Tee-shirt, He is probebly a mac ser but works for dell and gets big money
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Fett101 on 14 October 2003, 01:21
It is possible to enjoy using more then one OS/PC Maker/Women   ;)
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: cahult on 15 October 2003, 06:19
So, that
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Fett101 on 15 October 2003, 06:32
Originally posted by cocoamix: (
$38 million on Dell hardware gets you 3 teraflops.
What a joke.

That's actually incorrect. The Dell supercomputer cost about $3 mil to the school.

"There are many more things that were needed to create ICES and establish a terascale distributed computing architecture at TACC. This point was made by TACC Director, Jay Boisseau, during the Lonestar dedication ceremony. The value of the specific computer referred to was approximately $3.0 million. And, no tuition funds were used in this process. Most of the money did not even come from UT. The package included $8M in discounts and donations from about 10 leading technology vendors, and over $15M from a generous foundation." And, she continued: "The VaTech number ONLY includes the actual computer, not the cost of the building, power, cooling, people, or anything else needed to actually operate it."
Source (

Apple users play with numbers yet again.    :D
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 15 October 2003, 08:49
Look at the expression on his face and his hands. He's obviously a spy for Apple giving out secret codes through his body language in that picture.
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Fett101 on 15 October 2003, 21:22
In that case.... he's either saying "I'm A Gangsta" or "I shouldn't have had that last slice of pickled pigs feet pizza"
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 15 October 2003, 10:02
Why are they all standing in those outhouses anyway?
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 15 October 2003, 10:13
And 2xG5 CPU's can't even beat a single P4, a single Athon 64 or a Single Athlon FX at anything but Photoshop(which the 2xG5's get beat by the 2xOpterons).,aid,112749,pg,8,00.asp (,aid,112749,pg,8,00.asp)

Oh, and before anyones cries foul about this being on PCWorld read the briefing under the benchmarks chart. In there it says "Tests on PCs performed by the PC World Test Center; tests on Apple systems performed by the Macworld Test Center". So that means there was no Bias in the testing. ;P
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: cahult on 15 October 2003, 16:26
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Refalm on 15 October 2003, 18:12
cahult: I
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: slave on 15 October 2003, 18:51
Ha, but do you think apple is going to take all that shit about the G5 being "the world's fastest personal computer" off their site?  Not bloody likely!
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: psyjax on 15 October 2003, 19:22
Originally posted by Refalm:

They actually do show the real world, and it shows that the G5 is expencive and slow.

Ummm... how so? Even by this chart the G5 ain't down by much. Not only that, it's deffinetly on-par with most high end consumer model systems. I also maintain what I said in previous discusions on the subject, I have seen bench marks going both ways, in all of them the G5 is either on-par, slightly ahead, or slightly behind.

So how is your statement here true?
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: psyjax on 15 October 2003, 19:38
Im actually reading the test bed of applications they set up.

Premier, PS7, Word, and Quake III.

Premier? Adobe's video software is nutoriously slow on OSX not by apple's fault, but by Adobe's failure to optamize. Try using Final Cut Pro and see who gets smoked!

Word? WTF? WORD? Ya, I need speed for that. Shit I need to push a 300+ framerate to get that spreadsheet looking good. Fuck you! Comeon. Not to mention that Word is a bloated piece of shit. I could care less what a find and replace in word takes!

Quake III. I personaly am sick of this test, but 3D has more to do with your vid card than your processor. There comes a point where you don't gain much. Also, if 260+ FPS ain't good enugh for you, I don't know what to say. As far as I know, most monitor redraw hovered at around 80FPS.

I could cook up an equaly damning chart myself by picking some 'known' slow applications, and touting the G5's superiority.

My conlcusion, this article is full of baloney, and conducts a less than exaustive test with inconclusive, meaningless results.

[ October 15, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]

Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: psyjax on 15 October 2003, 19:56
Oh, on topic, as to what Fett101 said. Apple didn't play with the numbers, the author of the article did. As far as I know Apple never made similar claims.

Oh ya, lets see those dells outperform the G5 in a cluster. RISC archtecture is famous for clustering, NASA uses G4 clusters. They are way faster than teh x86 variety.

YDL recently sond the US Navy a gigantic linux based G4 supercluster.
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: cahult on 15 October 2003, 22:10
Originally posted by Refalm:

Notice on how some people react different on benchmarks?

Your reaction to the benchmark showing that Samba 3 is faster than Windows Server 2003 would be "yeah, Open Source rules!" and when it's "Benchmark result: The G5 is a slow piece of shit" your reaction is "they do not show the real world".
They actually do show the real world, and it shows that the G5 is expencive and slow.

Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Refalm on 15 October 2003, 23:13
cahult: Don
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: cocoamix on 15 October 2003, 23:17
These benchmark pissing contests are always so funny. There's a doozy gogin on at /. over PC World's tests and probably a bucnh at ARSTech also.

Back to the topic though, the G5 cluster still came out on top in teh PRICE/teraflop ratio by a long shot.

In fact, it may be the 2nd fastest supercomputer in teh WORLD, next to Japan's 350 Million Earth Simulator:,1282,60821,00.html (,1282,60821,00.html)
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: psyjax on 16 October 2003, 00:07
I really think the PCWorld test is much to narrow in scope. I still can't get over the fact that they considered a speed advantage finding and replacing text in word a point for the PC!

God, how fucking inane. Look everyone! My mac is better than all PC's because my keyboard autorepeat is 50Milliseconds where as the PC's is 100milliseconds!

Brace yourselves the world is ending!

Fuck you! PC people are worse than Mac heads when it comes to jerking each other off.
Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: billy_gates on 16 October 2003, 00:41
speed comes second after my ability to use the computer... and the computer's ability to keep up with me.

or would speed be third then?  I don't know, but my 733MHz G4 is damn slower than my 1.7 Athlon XP but I hate using that damn PC.  OSX is just so wonderful.  I can get so much more done... and faster.

[ October 15, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]

Title: Dell's supercomputer. HA!
Post by: Fett101 on 16 October 2003, 02:28
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Oh, on topic, as to what Fett101 said. Apple didn't play with the numbers, the author of the article did. As far as I know Apple never made similar claims.

I said apple users.