Stop Microsoft
Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: cocoamix on 20 August 2003, 06:40
Someone alerted the MacAddict foums about some idiot going on about the Mac on a Sega developer forum, so a bunch of guys went over and gave him a smackdown.
Thought you guys might like to see how it developed.
It gets better towards the end when HackerJax joins in (
[ August 19, 2003: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
Mac users can attack like piranha. I love that.
What makes me laugh is how stupidly un-educated these people can be.
- (
i thought he was quite polite about it actually.
most of those posters are just wasting space though.
Yes! That guy is an idiot. Using random busswords like "packet" and "module" and "template" and then denying that he mentioned DOS (which he did the page before) do nothing to tell me that he is a programmer. Instead, what I hear is "bla bla bla bla I'm an idiot, I watched Swordfish and I thought it was a computer book".
His bullshit about using different templates for Mach vs. Linux is completely irrelevant and false. You don't need to use different anything; the entire GCC tool chain is perfectly replicated.
Obviously one of the fucktards who sees a crashing Mac SE shoved into the back of some teacher's desk in grade 2 and never bothers to think that, you know, they just might have moved beyond that to sell multimillions of units.
[ August 22, 2003: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
i didn't understand what he was saying. i thought this may have been because i am not a programmer, but then i wondered if perhaps it's because he's spouting a load of shit.
Originally posted by Calum:
i didn't understand what he was saying. i thought this may have been because i am not a programmer, but then i wondered if perhaps it's because he's spouting a load of shit.
It was in fact because he was full of shit. A decent programmer (or even one who's used something a little more advanced than RPG Maker) should be able to explain his reasons for not picking a certain environment to develop in.
Personally, the programming argument is irrelevant; the entire GCC tool chain can be built on Mac OS X if you don't like Apple's modifications to it.
I don't like to use Windows; however I can develop for it quite readily because the GCC tool chain is available for that as well. If it's about the tools I enjoy, OS X has vim and gcc, Linux has vim and gcc, Windows has vim and gcc (although I use Visual Studio).
Now, the fact that Windows is a bloated piece of shit designed to sell newer and better hardware every release along with rampant bugs is another matter. ;) I don't care about developing for it -- Microsoft's tools are (gasp!) pretty damned decent actually.
Very interesting, however being outnumbered by such creatures 1000 to 1 i prefer to avoid them when I'm in the safety and comfort of my home.
Hey folks!
Im alive (http://smile.gif) Just been vacationing. Ive been scanning the forums every chance I get. BTW, I posted a little tidbit on that message board. I can't wait till the dildo responds.
LOL, Ive been having a bit of a fight with the dude. Hes a real nut, dodged the issue entirely on the last post. HAHAH!
I am a gay retard.
[ August 30, 2003: Message edited by: Macman ]
This moron wingsandrock is looking to get a real smackdown from the whole Microsuck gang. In his most recent post, he made the biggest mistake of his life:
<direct quote>
"I'll say Macs suck without having to back it up....because look at it this way.
If Macs were sooooo great, they would be as popular as Microsoft?"
<see page 24>
Psyjax Rulez! Har Har!
I'd post over there if their signup wasn't such bullshit.
can't have any "symbols" in your name. this includes underscores and apparently spaces. shitty
I also waited several hours to get a confirmation email... it never came. shitty
"I'll say Macs suck without having to back it up....because look at it this way.
If Macs were sooooo great, they would be as popular as Microsoft?"
I finally made it and posted.
I had to invoke Robert Patrick, though.
I still like wingsandrocks' method of tossing around acronyms and crap...
It's not really just Windows that is the cause for DOS's ip's just netstats through a direct connection..
The same problem exists in IRC with the DNS command...
he needs to PDQ his FAG TPU connections with a three handed FGHF mallet connected to an EFPST router with double TTFN ratio-squibs before the FUD spews out from his GOBB all over his PC UPS MFI B&Q connectors.
my final opinion of that dude...
what a shiteater
Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
my final opinion of that dude...
what a shiteater
Really now. I'm sad that there are more like him; you should see the HardOCP boards on a bad day. I remember some xlr8yourmac post where some retard thought the Mac TCP/IP stack was pirated (WTF???) and then proceeded to bitch about (you guessed it..) the one button mouse.
Also, watching the glorified penis-size contest these kids who rice out their boxes engage in, it's obvious that they don't really have jobs, girlfriends, or something to actually <i>do</i> with their 3.06 billion cycles-per-second computer.
Seriously, if you're bashing an entire hardware and software platform because the mouse only has one button, you are a fucking retard.
[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
And then he's unable to refute arguments against him.
Remember, if you disagree, you're "an ignorant kid".