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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: psyjax on 10 April 2002, 04:08
Druid droped this link off on another thread but I thought it pertenent to some of the discussion in here: (
Shows Mac mods and may even have some info and ideas for building or modifying your own mac.
Fun pictures of totaly strange mods too :D .
I was thinking about doing up my iMac600 with lighting like in that one case hack.
Either that, or paint my 604 matte black and add more LED's to it than I already have (http://smile.gif)
Digging around in applefritter I found this: (
I don't know about you guys but G4's do not seem to be built for this kind of treatment.
Another interesting bit is the Apple store parody: (
The place that sells Yellow Dog Linux ( also sells G4 servers which run with both X and YDL.
[ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
That's more like it. Seeing those quicksilvers on their side like that looked like some sort of Macintosh torcher chamber :D .
I think QuickSilvers actually look better on their side. But I'm weird and have a strange preference for desktop cases over towers, so don't ask me.
Are the quicksilver plastic sides clear when the paint is taken off with rubbing alcohol?
Originally posted by Billy Gates:
Are the quicksilver plastic sides clear when the paint is taken off with rubbing alcohol?
Yep, check out the mod on applefitter where the guy puts blue lights inside so it glows when it's on. I think it's a bit gaudy but it's still kinda neat (http://smile.gif)
Originally posted by psyjax:
Yep, check out the mod on applefitter where the guy puts blue lights inside so it glows when it's on. I think it's a bit gaudy but it's still kinda neat (http://smile.gif)
Nah man, that's awesome. He should put blood red throbbing lights in there next so he can make Winders PC's piss themselves.
wasn't that a grphite case, or was that quicksilver? Excuse me for my ignorance, My Quicksilver us my first Mac, have never seen a graphite G4 before.
Originally posted by Billy Gates:
wasn't that a grphite case, or was that quicksilver? Excuse me for my ignorance, My Quicksilver us my first Mac, have never seen a graphite G4 before.
No, that's a good question. I checked back at the site and it looks like your right, that is a graphite model. However, I belive I have seen a similar mod done on a quicksilver so it might be the same.
If you are planing on undertakeing a mod, post a message at the aplefritter forum since they specialize in helping people out with that kind of thing.
But my understanding has it that it will work on either a Quicksilver or graphite.