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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: ravuya on 15 August 2002, 00:02

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: ravuya on 15 August 2002, 00:02
Jaguar has replaced the familiar Happy Mac with a generic Apple logo during bootup.

This makes me incredibly disappointed.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: smokey on 15 August 2002, 04:18
and there was me thinking it was a one time thing or an error or something  :(
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: choasforages on 15 August 2002, 04:19
well, never judge a book on its cover. how does jaguar performe anyway
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: smokey on 15 August 2002, 04:21
Originally posted by choasforages:
well, never judge a book on its cover. how does jaguar performe anyway

It is really snappy compared to previous versions. The interface is much snappier and it seems to boot up faster.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: cocoamix on 15 August 2002, 04:31
That's too bad. They've been the same since 1984 when Susan Kare designed the original icons for Mac OS 1.0

Oh well. Nothing lasts forever.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: trc3 on 15 August 2002, 05:14
Originally posted by smokey mcp0t / b0b:

It is really snappy compared to previous versions. The interface is much snappier and it seems to boot up faster.

You got jag?  How did you get it already? Beta tester?...Man I really, REALLY want 10.2 but I aint trying to pay $139 or whatever it is.  But anyway I saw a picture of the new boot up screen and I thought it looked cool, I mean its no happy mac but its not to bad.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: smokey on 15 August 2002, 12:29
Originally posted by trc3:

You got jag?  How did you get it already? Beta tester?...Man I really, REALLY want 10.2 but I aint trying to pay $139 or whatever it is.  But anyway I saw a picture of the new boot up screen and I thought it looked cool, I mean its no happy mac but its not to bad.

hmmm its "aquired" if you catch the drift. Its only a late beta though.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: ravuya on 16 August 2002, 02:29
Originally posted by trc3:
But anyway I saw a picture of the new boot up screen and I thought it looked cool, I mean its no happy mac but its not to bad.

Could you link us up, please? Some of us who haven't seen the new boot screen would like to see it.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: trc3 on 16 August 2002, 13:09
Here ya go, a pic of the boot screen for 10.2... (
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: ravuya on 16 August 2002, 21:00
Striking. I like it.  (http://smile.gif)  It'd be cool if the Apple started out empty and filled with Aqua as the system loaded, though.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: mr_nobody on 27 August 2002, 20:53
No more happy mac? I thought they'd replace it in 10.0. I wish they'd keep it; it's one of the few things that have remained unchanged since '84.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: psyjax on 27 August 2002, 22:58
Im sure there will be a hack sometime comin. Keep an eye on ResExcellence.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 30 August 2002, 04:58
Here is the link to the hack to put Happy Mac back: (
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: TheQuirk on 4 September 2002, 07:11
If you want the happy Mac back: (
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 4 September 2002, 10:37
I personally like the new boot up screen WAY more than the happy mac. A lot more. Much more professional, in my opinion.

I should get Jaguar  (http://smile.gif)
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 4 September 2002, 10:51
What is the big deal about a square with a smile in it? I don't see anything interesting about that happy mac face...try modifying your boot screen to make it look like what you think is cool. You maccies must not do much boot screen modding and so forth like us PC users and Windows users do. Windows modders tend to modify every aspect of thier system to fit thier personalities and likes. We don't stay stuck with the default crap. LoL

I have also noticed that maccies don't tend to mod thier cases, monitors, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc.  to have it's own cool custom look to it(instead of the factory default look).

Example, a PC case that has been modded with a window, neon cathodes, LED replacements, custom graphics, etc. looks alot better than a standard Mac or PC case.
Shit like this looks cool(and it looks alot better when the modded case panel with a window is on the case..the case panel is off in this pic). (

What am I thinking? A typical maccie modding? Ha....most maccies don't even know how to properly plug in the wires and cables inside of a case(because they are robbed of the opportunity to learn how to build a system because Jobs forces you to use computers pre-built by Apple).

I don't think that Mac users think different, they just let Steve jobs do the thinking for them. ;P

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: voidmain on 4 September 2002, 11:37
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
What am I thinking? A typical maccie modding? Ha....most maccies don't even know how to properly plug in the wires and cables inside of a case(because they are robbed of the opportunity to learn how to build a system because Jobs forces you to use computers pre-built by Apple).

I don't think that Mac users think different, they just let Steve jobs do the thinking for them. ;P

Heh heh, that's the funniest and most hypocritical thing I have ever heard you say Zombie!  By your logic you should be using Linux on your PC, something you can actually modify, beyond the piddly list of registry parameters. With Windows you are stuck with what Bill Gates gives you, a pile of shit.

At least with the Mac, they *can* modify the underlying OS any way to choose (the Darwin part).  And I bet with a computer like the one you posted you should be able to play one mean game of solitaire.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 4 September 2002, 12:04
Originally posted by VoidMain:

Heh heh, that's the funniest and most hypocritical thing I have ever heard you say Zombie!  By your logic you should be using Linux on your PC, something you can actually modify, beyond the piddly list of registry parameters. With Windows you are stuck with what Bill Gates gives you, a pile of shit.

At least with the Mac, they *can* modify the underlying OS any way to choose (the Darwin part).  And I bet with a computer like the one you posted you should be able to play one mean game of solitaire.

You would be surprised what kinds of modifications you can do to Windows using resource editor programs(like RESEDIT and other editors) and so forth. Nobody says that I choose to leave anything in my Windows like it originally was when I first installed XP.

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: voidmain on 4 September 2002, 12:10
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You would be surprised what kinds of modifications you can do to Windows using resource editor programs(like RESEDIT and other editors) and so forth. Nobody says that I choose to leave anything in my Windows like it originally was when I first installed XP.

Uh, no I wouldn't be surprised. Remember, MCSEs come to me for advanced help with Windows. Just as I said (and you agreed to) you are limited to parameters in the registry or configuration files. You can not add functionality to a program without modifying it's source. Sure some apps/components have a lot of parameters but they are a finite number.  If you wanted to actually change the functionality of something beyond the given parameters you can't, not without source code. Windows = finite.  Linux = infinite.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: trc3 on 4 September 2002, 17:36
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
try modifying your boot screen to make it look like what you think is cool. You maccies must not do much boot screen modding and so forth like us PC users and Windows users do.

Actually I have a picture of brooke burke in a lepord print bikini standing next to the jaguar X on my boot screen.  Its tight..   :D

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: psyjax on 4 September 2002, 23:14
My boot screen is Jessica pressly.

Stop talking out your ass Zombie, Mac users have been editing their computers when you windoids werent even around. Hell, since the days no one knew what a GUI was. I remember screwing with a MacClassic running System6 to get it to display pictures on the desktop. (such functionality havesent been invented yet). You had to use a combination of Hex and ResEdit (<--- strange name huh?) to get it to work.

It's very easy to customize Mac's as well because of the way files are organized and created. Each file has two forks, the Data fork, and the Resource fork. In the resource fork you find all the fun stuff you would wanna screw with, and you never have to touch the Data fork lest your venturesome.

OSX is even simpler since you can explode each applicatioin etc. to reveal all of it's contents. Even oldschool style ResEdit resources.


Yes, Mac folk customize the shit out of their computers and we know a hell of alot more than you give us credit for.

I have met more clueless windows users than Mac users. Hell, my mom has an excellent working knowledge of computers! She's a Mac user BTW.

When have you seen an older person pushing 60 actually know their shit after using windows?
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: cocoamix on 5 September 2002, 01:28
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
What is the big deal about a square with a smile in it? I don't see anything interesting about that happy mac face...try modifying your boot screen to make it look like what you think is cool. You maccies must not do much boot screen modding and so forth like us PC users and Windows users do. Windows modders tend to modify every aspect of thier system to fit thier personalities and likes. We don't stay stuck with the default crap. LoL

I have also noticed that maccies don't tend to mod thier cases, monitors, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc.  to have it's own cool custom look to it(instead of the factory default look).

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

You, sir, are one uninformed fucking idiot. ( (
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 5 September 2002, 03:30
Gee, Zombie, I've never found the combination of  glow-in-the-dark tampons and circuit boards particularly attractive...


maybe that's just me.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 05:53
You find a case with pastel colored plastic(Macs) attractive? Personally I think that Macs look gay(because of the pastel-like colors). BTW, I never said that any case is *attractive*(I said the cathodes and so forth look cool, not attractive)...because I don't think of a computer as a status symbol. Believe me, I would be showing off my Vette before I would be inviting people over to my house to show off a computer.

For some reason though, Mac biggots seem to think those gay colored Mac cases are some kind of a sex symbol(like a true loser). LoL

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 5 September 2002, 06:52 (

Hmm, interesting, my Mac doesn't have pastel colors at all, in fact, it lacks color on the body...

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: cocoamix on 5 September 2002, 19:21
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You find a case with pastel colored plastic(Macs) attractive? Personally I think that Macs look gay(because of the pastel-like colors). BTW, I never said that any case is *attractive*(I said the cathodes and so forth look cool, not attractive)...because I don't think of a computer as a status symbol. Believe me, I would be showing off my Vette before I would be inviting people over to my house to show off a computer.

For some reason though, Mac biggots seem to think those gay colored Mac cases are some kind of a sex symbol(like a true loser). LoL

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Great. A homophobic Windoze user who can't spell and drives a Penis-Mobile. My hero.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 21:01
Originally posted by cocoamix:

Great. A homophobic Windoze user who can't spell and drives a Penis-Mobile. My hero.

Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic. Why? Because I think that it is disgusting to be gay. Gays are unnatural, unethical and just plain sick.

Heh, heh...I bet my Penis-Mobile will straight up smoke your car buddy. I bet it looks better and sounds meaner than your shit too. If you lived near me I would race ya for pinkslips just to prove whos' car is meaner. ;P I also own a new(well not exactly is a little over a year old now) Dodge Ram. I think the only reason you called my car a Penis-Mobile is because you are jealous of it because you probably have some little 4-cylinder beater with a rusty body and no exhaust(it probably sounds like a pissed off bumble-bee).

Whoops, I mis-spelled bigot. Sue me. LoL
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 21:05
Originally posted by MacUser3of5: (

Hmm, interesting, my Mac doesn't have pastel colors at all, in fact, it lacks color on the body...


Now, that doesn't look gay at all. I'll go as far as to say I think that laptop looks nice. The reason I commented on the pastel colored cases is because alot of Maccies seem to think that we are jealous of the Macs that have those stupid colors. For some weird reason they also think those colored cases look good or something(they would look good if they used non-pastel colors).
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 5 September 2002, 21:20
Just so you know a little more about me...

The Imac (version one and two) are ugly. Just plain ugly.

They new tower g4 is ugly.

The old powermac is nice.

The ibook is nice.

The xserve is nice.

In fact, the prevalence of the FruityMac is what kept me from Apple during the late 90s  ;)
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: KernelPanic on 5 September 2002, 21:32
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic. Why? Because I think that it is disgusting to be gay. Gays are unnatural, unethical and just plain sick.

Heh, heh...I bet my Penis-Mobile will straight up smoke your car buddy. I bet it looks better and sounds meaner than your shit too. If you lived near me I would race ya for pinkslips just to prove whos' car is meaner. ;P I also own a new(well not exactly is a little over a year old now) Dodge Ram. I think the only reason you called my car a Penis-Mobile is because you are jealous of it because you probably have some little 4-cylinder beater with a rusty body and no exhaust(it probably sounds like a pissed off bumble-bee).

Whoops, I mis-spelled bigot. Sue me. LoL

Dodge Ram, muhahaha!
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 21:35
Originally posted by MacUser3of5:
Just so you know a little more about me...

The Imac (version one and two) are ugly. Just plain ugly.

They new tower g4 is ugly.

The old powermac is nice.

The ibook is nice.

The xserve is nice.

In fact, the prevalence of the FruityMac is what kept me from Apple during the late 90s   ;)  

Cool, I've met a Mac user who admits that the pastel-colored cases suck. I agree with you saying the xserve, the ibook and the old powermac is nice. I think the Titanium Book is pretty nice too.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Calum on 5 September 2002, 21:37
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic.

what, you have an irrational fear of men? do you people even know what homophobic means?!?!?!?

i'm sure the greeks here will know what i'm talking about.

plus, zombie65287462784268, are you one of those redneck deep south bible bashers? i've always wondered, maybe you can confirm or deny...?
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 21:46
Originally posted by Calum:

what, you have an irrational fear of men? do you people even know what homophobic means?!?!?!?

i'm sure the greeks here will know what i'm talking about.

plus, zombie65287462784268, are you one of those redneck deep south bible bashers? i've always wondered, maybe you can confirm or deny...?

Ummm, nope. I'm a yank. I always have and always will live in the North. ;P States I've lived in....Illinois, Indiana(where I currently live), Connecticut(where I was born and raised) and New York. No southern roots here buddy. I'm not a redneck, I'm not a racist and I'm not a sexist pig. I do not like gays though. Just like I've already said..I feel that being gay is un-natural and unethical. Men were given a penis and Women were given a Vagina....the penis is intended to go in the vagina(for pleasure and to reproduce). Those are called reproductive parts...tell me, how can you reproduce if you stick your reproductive part in a non-reproductive part? Nature didn't intend for a penis to go in another males ass(you know I'm right). In the beginning it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. ;P
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Calum on 5 September 2002, 22:09
yes, i tend to agree on your mechanics there, but your adam and eve comment really makes me wonder, you know?

while i am in no way a homosexual, i have a few friends who are a great laugh (male and female) who are gay! nothing wrong with them, i can assure you! i just reckon, live and let live. making nasty comments about something like that, whether you like it or not, is just going to piss somebody off in the end, so you may as well be charitable, don't you think? it's not like they're trying to shove it up your ass, now, is it?
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: voidmain on 5 September 2002, 22:13
I'm so glad we got all this birds and bees stuff shored up. I was pretty clueless about the whole mess to tell you the truth.  Thanks for explainin' things for me!  (http://smile.gif)
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 22:17
Actually, I never disliked gays until I worked with a few(at the job I had before the one I have now). When I was working with them they were always hitting on me(and other guys at the plant), we would tell them to back off and shit..but they wouldn't listen. They would always say shit to us like "Don't knock it until you try it" and "You don't know what you are missing". The fact that they wouldn't take no for an answer and they were always trying to push thier gaydem on me made me start to dislike them. The straw that broke the camels back was when one of them walked up behind me and reached thier hand in between my legs and grabbed my ass&balls. Thier lack of respect for people not wanting to be gay just made me hate them.

I don't have anything against lesbians though. 3somes are actually quite fun(my g/f is not a lesi but I have been with bi-sexual women before I met her  :D ).
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: psyjax on 5 September 2002, 22:18
[Deleted in light of review and public outcry  (http://smile.gif)  ]

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 22:18
Originally posted by VoidMain:
I'm so glad we got all this birds and bees stuff shored up. I was pretty clueless about the whole mess to tell you the truth.  Thanks for explainin' things for me!   (http://smile.gif)  

Seriously, I could care less about even talking about this subject. As far as I'm concerned it is dropped. Don't ask me why cocamix even brought up the subject of liking/disliking homos(by caling me a name that is generally used on people who don't like gays...homophobic).
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 September 2002, 22:20
Originally posted by psyjax:

THis is a warning, you can express yourself all you want, but your latest string of posts sound like pure trolling.

Im gonna delete them if you don't tone it down. Obviously you are trying to get a rise out of us (and succeeding).

Hey man, why don't you jump cocas' ass for calling me homophobic? It is his fault this discussion even came up. You can delete any of the posts regarding this discussion for all I care.

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: Calum on 5 September 2002, 22:20
he's not getting a rise out of me! i quite like how he's being honest instead of just mouthing off for a change!
Zombie, i think that your experience is unfortunate, but you must realise that people act individually, as i say i have many gay friends who would never do such a ridiculously intrusive thing!
Originally posted by VoidMain:
I'm so glad we got all this birds and bees stuff shored up. I was pretty clueless about the whole mess to tell you the truth.  Thanks for explainin' things for me!   (http://smile.gif)  
you're on top form today! 30 points!  :D
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: psyjax on 5 September 2002, 22:23
I posted that too late  :D

My bad. I just read the last 4 or five. I was just refering to the couple of shit slinging one on the first page.
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: voidmain on 5 September 2002, 22:48
Hey, I had a couple of situations myself that made me pretty homophobic.  I was propositioned twice when I was around 18 years old. It really sucks to be pretty!   (http://smile.gif)   Then at my last job I became less homophobic because I worked with an older man who was gay (and happily with someone, not that I wanted to hear about any of it).  Every day he used to walk by my office, then look me up and down like I like to do with the ladies. But he did it jokingly because he knew I was straight as an arrow and would have kicked his ass if he would have tried anything. He was basically harmless and quite funny actually.

I have been less homophobic since knowing him even though I strongly agree with Zombie about the "natural purpose of the equipment". And I agree with Calum, Zombie tells you straight, and doesn't make shit up. And to tell you the truth if I had an experience like Zombie I hope I have the composure to beat the livin' tar out of the SOB. Just make sure you're bigger'n him!

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: cocoamix on 5 September 2002, 23:29
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic. Why? Because I think that it is disgusting to be gay. Gays are unnatural, unethical and just plain sick.

Heh, heh...I bet my Penis-Mobile will straight up smoke your car buddy. I bet it looks better and sounds meaner than your shit too. If you lived near me I would race ya for pinkslips just to prove whos' car is meaner. ;P I also own a new(well not exactly is a little over a year old now) Dodge Ram. I think the only reason you called my car a Penis-Mobile is because you are jealous of it because you probably have some little 4-cylinder beater with a rusty body and no exhaust(it probably sounds like a pissed off bumble-bee).

Whoops, I mis-spelled bigot. Sue me. LoL

Whoa, for some reason my Mullet-Radar is going crazy!
Title: No More Happy Mac
Post by: ravuya on 6 September 2002, 04:07
I'm sick and tired of this constant shit. It's been a long fucking day. Piss off.

This thread was near the bottom of the list for the Mac OS discussions. If there's one thing I hate, it's people reanimating a dead discussion just so they can start a flamewar.

And, Zombie, if you're so much better than the rest of us, why don't you go out into the real world and leave us the hell alone?

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]