Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: cahult on 11 March 2002, 04:11

Title: Mac History
Post by: cahult on 11 March 2002, 04:11
Title: Mac History
Post by: psyjax on 11 March 2002, 07:58
her ya go cahult. (

I love this site  (http://smile.gif)

It's the most thurough I know of. Yes Im a total MacAdict and prowd damit  (http://tongue.gif)

Title: Mac History
Post by: cahult on 11 March 2002, 16:30
Originally posted by psyjax:
her ya go cahult. (

I love this site   (http://smile.gif)  

It's the most thurough I know of. Yes Im a total MacAdict and prowd damit   (http://tongue.gif)  


Thank you, it looks nice. On the addict thing, I know how you feel. Take two pills and call me in the morning.
  :D    :D    :D    :D
Title: Mac History
Post by: CommonSense on 13 March 2002, 05:08
I found a nice treatment for Mac addiction.  Not a total cure, but it'll definitely help bring down the symptoms dramatically.

Apply for a job with Apple.  Be strung along, all the way to a final interview, and let them fool you into thinking you're doing really well.  Then let them give you a crappy little form e-mail telling you they decided to go with some other people who "fit the needs of [their] business better."

Oh, and for best effect, let this happen to you after you've already been unemployed for seven months and counting.
Title: Mac History
Post by: psyjax on 13 March 2002, 08:30
Man that sucks... glad it wasn't you heh heh  (http://smile.gif)

nah seriously. That's a total bummer.... maybe Apple saw this site and thought it inapropraite or something... I dunno. Anyway, that sucks man, I hope you have better look next time.

Title: Mac History
Post by: CommonSense on 13 March 2002, 08:47
Ohhhh, no no no.  I wasn't foolish enough to mention this website to them.    (http://smile.gif)    While many of the staff might secretly agree with it, it isn't "proper" or "professional" to express such feelings.

What sucks is that the job was a step down for me.  When you can't even get hired to a job that's "beneath" you, you have to wonder what's going on.

This was just a week after National Public Radio passed on me for a half-Web, half-writing/editing gig.  They liked everything, except that I didn't have any actual on-the-job writing experience (though I have a Journalism degree).  Since I felt fairly comfortable with the contact person at NPR, I even told her about this site, and she seemed to dig it.

Blah.  Employment's such a crock of shit.  I really should just marry my girlfriend in California, move out there, and live the Lebowski lifestyle in LA.  But I have a feeling she wouldn't be so hot on that being my reason for it.    (http://smile.gif)  

Wow, I've gotten awful personal now, haven't I?
Title: Mac History
Post by: psyjax on 13 March 2002, 10:06


I'm going to Art School now and one of my friends is going into Graphic Design and Web Design. Anyway, I understand that because of the current ecconomin conditions that the market for artists is a bit shitty right now.

From the looks of it (the various tidbits around this site) you got good skills, perhapse you are a victim of the recession?

Whatever, that seems to be the general vibe around here, from both students and teachers.
Title: Mac History
Post by: Macman on 27 March 2002, 21:42
Title: Mac History
Post by: bcortens on 2 April 2002, 01:29
Macman could you please get that tripod image thing fixed?

Too bad da webmaster didn't get hired

GL finding something you like and are good at