Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: hm_murdock on 13 December 2002, 06:40

Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: hm_murdock on 13 December 2002, 06:40
Office 2001 was really pretty good, but Orifice for OS X is shit. It's not "all new for OS X", but just badly ported Carbon software. Nothing is new or improved, it's just got prettier graphics, and has code in it that keeps it from running on OS 9, even though there's nothing really stopping it.

I finally tossed my install of it in the Trash. AppleWorks is all I need.
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: choasforages on 13 December 2002, 07:29
good, now be nice to your mac, talk to it and say you are very sorry
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: cocoamix on 13 December 2002, 17:44
I got it for the educational price of five bucks, so I'm not complaining.
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: Doogee on 13 December 2002, 17:48
u payed 5 bucks for that shit  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: Calum on 13 December 2002, 18:07
why? this is the reason microsoft are still a market leader. they moan about how shit it is but still they buy!   :eek:    :confused:  

I just don't understand.

Glad you ditched it in the end.

Last microsoft office offering for the mac that i heard about it actually boasted about how many thousands of lines of code it had! their advertising seemed to think that having a shitload of code was GOOD! oh yes, i love having a bunch of crap clogging up my computers innards and slowing it down and making it more unstable when i am trying to work...
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: pkd_lives on 13 December 2002, 21:43
I have to say the supply of M$ software is a barrier to me. I will not buy a computer with IE - at least I don't want to. If they removed that and offered something worthwhile instead I might already have a Mac.
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: psyjax on 13 December 2002, 21:55
Originally posted by Linux Frank:
I have to say the supply of M$ software is a barrier to me. I will not buy a computer with IE - at least I don't want to. If they removed that and offered something worthwhile instead I might already have a Mac.

Ummm... dude. Just drag it to the trash like I did. Install Chimera, it's the fastest thing in the universe. The Mac dosn't come integrated with IE, it's just a regular program. trash it and it's gone.

So go get that Mac already!  :D
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: Calum on 13 December 2002, 22:57
is it free? or do you pay for it by buying a mac? what's the point in paying for a program you will trash? microsoft still get the money...
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: pkd_lives on 13 December 2002, 23:35
Originally posted by Calum:
... microsoft still get the money...

That there is kinda my problem. I thought you'd all realised by now that I can get incredibly anal about giving my hard earned to M$ in any way. And here is my ignorance showing through, but are you 100% sure that nothing is left (no files put somewhere that no-one knows about - or with Apples permisssion.

I was in the Mac store just down the road and I was laughing my socks off when the assistant was pointing out that I can get $200 off the price of of M$ office for the OS X. I pointed out that I am currently using Linux and that I would sooner have my genitals scrapped with a cheese grater than use anything from M$ - I got the standard US sales clerk look - you know then one that makes them look like someone is subtly trying to strangle them, he really couldn't deal with the statement.

However - If you can show me that M$ get nothing from a purchase of a Mac then I will have no problems reconsidering. I am thinking of buying a Dell and a Mac. Gotta save though - because I would really really like a G4 notebook with Superdrive.

[ December 13, 2002: Message edited by: Linux Frank ]

Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: psyjax on 15 December 2002, 20:03
M$ get's no money from mac sales.

IE is included as part of a stock deal several years ago. M$ ownes a whole bunch of non-voteing Apple stock. So I spose, if you make apple richer M$ et's oney thrugh stocks... but M$ also owns stock in dreamworks, NBC, as well as several hardware manufaturers etc. So chances are you already end up paying M$ inderectly anyway.

This is a moot point. OSX is a solid OS, and like linux is very protected. For a program to leave running processes when you logout or restart it would need to somehow be wired up to the kernel.

If you are really paranoid about IE leaving files, open up System->librarys->Application Support and trash the prefs file.

That's it. IE is gone.

I use Chimera, put together by the mozilla grupe. Excelent browser.
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: cahult on 16 December 2002, 08:50
I have a conspiracy theory about M
Title: M$ Office X is a turd
Post by: psyjax on 16 December 2002, 19:47
Originally posted by cahult:
I have a conspiracy theory about M