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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: rtgwbmsr on 23 April 2003, 05:33

Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 23 April 2003, 05:33
The new 800 and 900 MHz (All opaque white?) iBooks: (

The revised Apple Store (

I personally think the store is too cluttered, but that's just me...
And where the hell are the iPods!? I want one NOW!   (http://tongue.gif)

[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: Pantso on 23 April 2003, 11:56
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
The new 800 and 900 MHz (All opaque white?) iBooks: (

The revised Apple Store (

I personally think the store is too cluttered, but that's just me...
And where the hell are the iPods!? I want one NOW!    (http://tongue.gif)  

[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

It's cases like this one, that make me hate myself for buying that iBook600 last October.   :mad:
Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: M51DPS on 23 April 2003, 18:19
I know, my mom bought a powerbook last october complaining about the lack of superdrive. One month later Apple announces ( that superdrives can now ship on their powerbooks. *sigh*
Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 23 April 2003, 18:53
Originally posted by Panos:

It's cases like this one, that make me hate myself for buying that iBook600 last October.    :mad:  

I just bought an iBook a few weeks ago...oh well. It's got everything the base model has now.

And what do you want Apple to do? NOT release new models so yours can be the top-of-the-line forever? Not gonna happen. I'm curious as to why we don't see this phenomenon with PC users and their computers...
Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: Pantso on 23 April 2003, 19:01
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
And what do you want Apple to do? NOT release new models so yours can be the top-of-the-line forever?

Nah! I like my iBook just fine. It's just that when a new model hits the market right after you've bought yours, you feel a little frustrated, don't you? Perhaps I'm the only one who feels that way.
Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: trc3 on 24 April 2003, 05:14
I think I'm gonna go buy one tomorrow.. I was saving for a 12" powerbook but I think I'm just going to get an ibook and save a few dollars.  The only thing I was kinda bumbed on is no airport extreme.
Title: iBooks Speed Bumped, Store gets a makeover
Post by: psyjax on 24 April 2003, 05:30
Originally posted by trc3:
I think I'm gonna go buy one tomorrow.. I was saving for a 12" powerbook but I think I'm just going to get an ibook and save a few dollars.  The only thing I was kinda bumbed on is no airport extreme.

Pwer books are better. I don't care how much Mhz you throw at it, G4s rule all over G3s.