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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: choasforages on 1 December 2002, 07:39

Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: choasforages on 1 December 2002, 07:39
can i use a standerd vga moniter with one, or more specificly that at mach 64 card it comes with. or do i have to resort to some sort of hack
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 1 December 2002, 07:42
Originally posted by choasforages:
can i use a standerd vga moniter with one, or more specificly that at mach 64 card it comes with. or do i have to resort to some sort of hack

You could probably use it with a standard VGA monitor. If not, the adapter is around $15.

I'm checking the tech docs now.
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 1 December 2002, 07:45
OK, it's an ATI Mach 64 card aka. 88800

Standard VGA out it appears...fuggin old as hell though.
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: choasforages on 1 December 2002, 07:50
thanks, and the "might be" part has been changed to "am a"

for the url to look at it
my new macintosh (

and thats my dads screen name just to let you know. now i just gotta wait for it come
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: hm_murdock on 1 December 2002, 10:28
All Apples before the blue G3 used the wide Mac connector, and an adaptor is required, unless it's a 3rd party vid card!
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 1 December 2002, 10:51
It is a third party card. ATI Mach 64. All of the 9500s came with third party cards in fact...
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 2 December 2002, 06:50
Originally posted by choasforages:
thanks, and the "might be" part has been changed to "am a"

for the url to look at it
my new macintosh (

and thats my dads screen name just to let you know. now i just gotta wait for it come

Wow, sweet deal.
Title: might be proud owner of 9500
Post by: cocoamix on 2 December 2002, 18:18
9500's were major workhorses, esp in the music industry.

You can now get an 800MHz upgrade for the processor, but it'll be expensive. (

Mostly for recording artists with lots of expensive audio cards already filling up their Macs.

Either way, you can install OS X on it too, if you want: (

[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]