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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: choasforages on 1 December 2002, 07:39
can i use a standerd vga moniter with one, or more specificly that at mach 64 card it comes with. or do i have to resort to some sort of hack
Originally posted by choasforages:
can i use a standerd vga moniter with one, or more specificly that at mach 64 card it comes with. or do i have to resort to some sort of hack
You could probably use it with a standard VGA monitor. If not, the adapter is around $15.
I'm checking the tech docs now.
OK, it's an ATI Mach 64 card aka. 88800
Standard VGA out it appears...fuggin old as hell though.
thanks, and the "might be" part has been changed to "am a"
for the url to look at it
my new macintosh (
and thats my dads screen name just to let you know. now i just gotta wait for it come
All Apples before the blue G3 used the wide Mac connector, and an adaptor is required, unless it's a 3rd party vid card!
It is a third party card. ATI Mach 64. All of the 9500s came with third party cards in fact...
Originally posted by choasforages:
thanks, and the "might be" part has been changed to "am a"
for the url to look at it
my new macintosh (
and thats my dads screen name just to let you know. now i just gotta wait for it come
Wow, sweet deal.
9500's were major workhorses, esp in the music industry.
You can now get an 800MHz upgrade for the processor, but it'll be expensive. (
Mostly for recording artists with lots of expensive audio cards already filling up their Macs.
Either way, you can install OS X on it too, if you want: (
[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]