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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Doogee on 20 January 2003, 13:48

Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: Doogee on 20 January 2003, 13:48

I have a sweet Apple Macintosh LC 575 machine just sitting in my bedroom.

It is really cool apart from the fact it cant network(no network card  (http://tongue.gif) )

It does have a cdrom drive though, and speakers. So i figure there must be some cool stuff i could put on it that i can burn off the net. It has Sstem 7.5.5 on it i think are there any higher mac os's i could put on it (that are freely downloadable).

All im really trying to ask is...

Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: cahult on 20 January 2003, 15:24
If you can get hold of it, put 7.6.1 on the bugger and use for some simple image editing.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: Doogee on 20 January 2003, 16:05

i was thinking more software wise. classic games and cool software that wont crash my poor little guy.

This werid program they use at schools called kidzpics is pretty cool if not a bit cheesey. it crashes my mac sometimes  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: cloudstrife on 21 January 2003, 01:38
i also have a lc 575 sittin in my room, i cant figure ou;t what to do with it. mine does have a net card, but i cant figure out tcp/ip on it
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: psyjax on 21 January 2003, 04:17
Originally posted by cloudstrife:
i also have a lc 575 sittin in my room, i cant figure ou;t what to do with it. mine does have a net card, but i cant figure out tcp/ip on it

You can play the old King's Quest Games. or the all time Classic Mac Only title, DARK TOWER!

The origional SimGames are good too. Like SimCity, SimAnt, and SimEarth.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: Doogee on 21 January 2003, 04:49
wanna post the network card to me??  (http://tongue.gif)  i really wanna get that thing on the net.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: ravuya on 26 January 2003, 04:58
Originally posted by cloudstrife:
i also have a lc 575 sittin in my room, i cant figure ou;t what to do with it. mine does have a net card, but i cant figure out tcp/ip on it

Install Open Transport, and then set up TCP/IP with DHCP, leave everything blank. Problem solved.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 26 January 2003, 05:28
I also have problems with Kid Pix on system 7. Luckily, I outgrew that program when I was a kid.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: cocoamix on 28 January 2003, 04:22
Saturday Night Live mentioned an LC575 on one of their skits. Youcan see it here (
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: ravuya on 28 January 2003, 22:09
Originally posted by Macman: dumb retart / BOB:
I also have problems with Kid Pix on system 7. Luckily, I outgrew that program when I was a kid.

7.0 worked fine for me when I was a kid.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: bossesjoe on 18 February 2003, 05:47
Originally posted by -=-=-Doogee-=-=-:

i was thinking more software wise. classic games and cool software that wont crash my poor little guy.

This werid program they use at schools called kidzpics is pretty cool if not a bit cheesey. it crashes my mac sometimes   (http://tongue.gif)  

Find an old verson of escape velocity might be here (, i think, great game, addictive too.
Title: What can i do with this mac?
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 18 February 2003, 06:01
Low End Mac probably has a few suggestions: (

If you can find an old Sonnet PPC upgrade that wouldn't hurt...unfortunately Sonnet doesn't sell them anymore.