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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: dot.this on 1 October 2002, 04:03

Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: dot.this on 1 October 2002, 04:03
I've settled in to using Mail for e-mail, but experiments with Mozilla and Chimera have been unsatisfying. Thus do I savor the sweet irony of browsing fuckMicrosoft with Explorer fulfilling my every command.

I am fully open to the idea of another browser. What am I missing? I've heard of Opera , iCab, etc. but have only used what I said above. What should I try, and what should I avoid-- what would waste my time with a near-miss like Chimera? (I forgive them. They call it b0.5 for a reason. I'll just wait for 1.0.1)
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: psyjax on 1 October 2002, 04:13
Plain and Simple. Mozilla. Why didn't you like it? I use it all the time, I like it a whole lot better than IE.

Other than that, try OmniWeb. It's a very good browser, although I have found some incompatible sites.

Mozilla is the best IMHO.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: ravuya on 1 October 2002, 04:29
Mozilla is the best.

OmniWeb is great too.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: dot.this on 1 October 2002, 05:11
Mozilla. Hmm.. I tried the 1.1 version for Classic. It was good, but would freeze the Mac hard and fast sometimes if I used the Mac's Menu Bar. Software that crashes my Mac doesn't last long.

It might run better in OS X, but those are such huge downloads, I want to avoid to avoid tying up the phone line for hours, so I can't just download them all and try them.

Two votes so far for OmniWeb. I'll check them out.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: psyjax on 1 October 2002, 08:58
Let me just say, that Mozilla on OSX is a whole diffrent animal. It is an excellent, stable, and fully fetured browser. I have yet to find an incompatible site.

OmniWeb, has had many incompatabilities.

If you download the OSX version of Mozilla, I think you will be greatly pleased with it, as it is probably the best browser on the OS.

That's my 2 cents  (http://smile.gif)
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 1 October 2002, 10:46
I prefer OmniWeb, with reservations... mostly in its lacking support of new tech. Extremely functional, useful, well designed app. Amazing stuff. About a 6 meg download, I think.

Chimera is nice, but kinda bland. Faster than Omniweb, though... it's my secondary browser.

IE is pretty good too, and is actually better than the x86 version.

Mozilla on X is a joke, especially compared to Chimera. Avoid it. Way too bloated, and it's terribly garish and ugly.

Opera is weak, especially since it's adware.

iCab is interesting, as it is extremely small/fast. (a 2.5 meg download if I remember correctly). Supports new-ish tech also, about as much as Omniweb.

Yes, I have all of them installed. I did trash Mozilla, though...

I use Apple's Mail, works nicely, well designed app. Haven't needed to try anything else.

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: MacUser3of5 ]

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: MacUser3of5 ]

Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: psyjax on 1 October 2002, 11:16
Originally posted by MacUser3of5:
Mozilla on X is a joke, especially compared to Chimera. Avoid it. Way too bloated, and it's terribly garish and ugly.

Just download the Pinball theme, or Orbit. Both look nice. Beside's, what's looks got to do with it! It support's more "new tech" and is more compatible than any of the browsers you mentioned.

Sorry, I stand by Mozilla  (http://tongue.gif)

err... Haven't tried Chimera tho. I think I will I have been hearing good things about it also.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: trc3 on 1 October 2002, 13:46
Originally posted by psyjax:

Just download the Pinball theme, or Orbit. Both look nice. Beside's, what's looks got to do with it! It support's more "new tech" and is more compatible than any of the browsers you mentioned.

Sorry, I stand by Mozilla   (http://tongue.gif)  

err... Haven't tried Chimera tho. I think I will I have been hearing good things about it also.

No No No, you need the Pinstripe theme for mozilla, it looks MUCH better then any of the other themes.  Its perfect for os 10. (

Chimera is good, but you can tell its a beta.  Omniweb is also ok, I keep it around cause it seems to handle java better then mozilla.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 1 October 2002, 20:23
Chimera is getting better, it is a WIP though.

By Mozilla's looks I was referring to these things: Lack of Aqua-style buttons/interface in the default installation, and the horrific splash screen on startup. I mean, yikes....  :eek:

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: MacUser3of5 ]

Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: xyle_one on 1 October 2002, 20:40
i thought you could chage the splash screen? i know, it should be something better to begin with, but like psyjax, i stand by mozilla. as for mail apps, i find that macs default mail app does everything i need it to do.
ecsyle  (http://smile.gif)
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: psyjax on 1 October 2002, 20:47
Originally posted by xyle_one:
i thought you could chage the splash screen? i know, it should be something better to begin with, but like psyjax, i stand by mozilla. as for mail apps, i find that macs default mail app does everything i need it to do.
ecsyle    (http://smile.gif)  

Yes, you can change the splash screen quite easely!

Over at, they have several really cool alternet splash screens. (

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: cocoamix on 1 October 2002, 21:14
Mozilla all the way, with a switch to Chimera when/if it gets to 1.0
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 2 October 2002, 00:29
If you don't like Mozilla and IE, try iCab at (

OSX Jag Mail is superior to anything out there IMHO

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: Pantso on 2 October 2002, 14:56
All I know guys, since I'm new to Macs, is that Mozilla really kicks ass compared to IE for OSX. I downloaded it last night and started using it in no time. It's just as great as in Linux, equally stable, ultra fast (when compared to the competition) and compatible with almost every site I've visited so far. It's Mozilla that I vote for once again   (http://smile.gif)
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: cocoamix on 3 October 2002, 00:31
If you have a multi-button mouse, set one of the buttons to Command+Click and open links in new background tabs (set inpreferences).
It's my fav Mozilla feature.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: cocoamix on 3 October 2002, 02:54
Try this for splash screens. (it's simple to di it manually too, but this app makes it even easier: (
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: Master of Reality on 3 October 2002, 03:10
the browser i have on my mac is netscape 3.X
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: Pantso on 3 October 2002, 04:14
I just downloaded Chimera and all I can say is that it's much faster than Mozilla. The downside is that it's still heavily under development, so I'm expecting to find some bugs on the way. Nonetheless it's a very fast browser  (http://smile.gif)
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: BLAH on 9 October 2002, 07:41

I have a question about Mozilla on Mac OS X.

I installed Mozilla on my mac a few days ago before I had internet access on it (had to download the .bin file to my pc, burn a CD, then transfer it to the mac. what a pain in the butt), I did it before I had internet on it because I use AOL (yea i know *groan*) and I needed to get a CD with the newer version of aol for mac os x. I wanted to see how mozilla was on my macintosh.

Anyway, everything was fine until I installed AOL on the mac. Now everytime I open Mozilla all I get is a small grey vertical line about 20 pixels long at the corner of my screen and nothing else. I tried everything I could think of to make the browser display correctly but no such luck  :(

Does anyone know what's going on with my computer and why mozilla is no longer working correctly on it? I tried deleteing then re-installing mozilla but I still get the same thing. I think that maybe having AOL on the computer has something to do with this, but the hell if I know.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: Pantso on 9 October 2002, 18:12
Originally posted by BLAH:

I have a question about Mozilla on Mac OS X.

I installed Mozilla on my mac a few days ago before I had internet access on it (had to download the .bin file to my pc, burn a CD, then transfer it to the mac. what a pain in the butt), I did it before I had internet on it because I use AOL (yea i know *groan*) and I needed to get a CD with the newer version of aol for mac os x. I wanted to see how mozilla was on my macintosh.

Anyway, everything was fine until I installed AOL on the mac. Now everytime I open Mozilla all I get is a small grey vertical line about 20 pixels long at the corner of my screen and nothing else. I tried everything I could think of to make the browser display correctly but no such luck   :(  

Does anyone know what's going on with my computer and why mozilla is no longer working correctly on it? I tried deleteing then re-installing mozilla but I still get the same thing. I think that maybe having AOL on the computer has something to do with this, but the hell if I know.

This must be an AOL problem. Eventhough I haven't used AOL, I use Mozilla in OS X all the time and never had a problem. You could also try Chimera for browsing only. It's really fast
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: cocoamix on 9 October 2002, 18:41
Mozilla and AOL both use the same rendering engine, so maybe thay are interfering with one another.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: Calum on 9 October 2002, 19:20
hmm. i don't know the answer, but i just wanted to add a sentence or 2 about the original question.

don't bother with iCab, it emulates IE, but quite badly.

When using mozilla, get the last *stable* build. this is most important if you want to avoid crashes.

Opera - yes it is very good, but is ad supported, if you don't pay for it. This isn't a problem, but you will probably want mozilla hanging around as well.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: psyjax on 9 October 2002, 23:49
Ok, first off, Mozilla dosn't jive with browsers running on it's engine.

I have installd it on the same system as Netscape 6 and 7 only to have it totaly freak out into an unusable pile of bubbling puke. So I woulden't be surprised if this is the source of the conflict.

Try deleting the current mozilla, (do a search and find EVERYTHING mozilla related. I belive it puts some files in Application support in your Library folder.) then do a re-install.

Another issue could be the version of Mozilla, did you download the new Alpha or the current stable build?

Finaly, DUMP AOL!!! That's your problem, not Mozilla, AOL sux major ass. Get a real ISP.

OmniWeb, is a great, free, OSX native browser.
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: Master of Reality on 10 October 2002, 00:27
Originally posted by psyjax:
Ok, first off, Mozilla dosn't jive with browsers running on it's engine.

I have installd it on the same system as Netscape 6 and 7 only to have it totaly freak out into an unusable pile of bubbling puke. So I woulden't be surprised if this is the source of the conflict.

Try deleting the current mozilla, (do a search and find EVERYTHING mozilla related. I belive it puts some files in Application support in your Library folder.) then do a re-install.

Another issue could be the version of Mozilla, did you download the new Alpha or the current stable build?

Finaly, DUMP AOL!!! That's your problem, not Mozilla, AOL sux major ass. Get a real ISP.

OmniWeb, is a great, free, OSX native browser.

i got mozilla 1.0, 1.1, netscape X.X, and phoenix, all on the same computer and they all work fine (it aint a mac though... my mac has netscape 3.1)

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: BLAH on 10 October 2002, 01:33
thank you for your help everyone! And yes, i am aware that AOL sucks ass, I only have it because i'm locked into some 1 billion year contract with them or something  (http://tongue.gif)

So I think my problem was something i changed in the preferences, though I'm still not sure what it was. I deleted all the mozilla files off my computer as someone suggested, then reinstalled it. When i opened it, it worked, and then i changed all my preferences to what I had before. When i closed the browser and opened it up again it did that weird thing i mentioned before.

So I deleted all the files again, reintalled it, left some things alone in the preferences area and now it works.

Oh yea, and can anyone possibly reccommend a good isp that I can use for both my PC and MAC? (PC for the parents, and the MAC for me). Hm maybe I should just start a separate thread..   ;)
Title: Best browser/e-mail for OS X?
Post by: psyjax on 10 October 2002, 04:36
Earthlink is good, and provides good Cable/T1/DSL types stuff. They also got cheep dialup.

As for Mozilla not Jiving with Netscape, this happend to me back when Mozilla was beta so it may have been fixed. But from the sounds of your problem, it sounds like there may have still been some minor issues. You may want to file a report at