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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: cocoamix on 4 March 2004, 18:41

Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: cocoamix on 4 March 2004, 18:41 (

Who would have thought?
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Refalm on 4 March 2004, 18:44
There was a rumor. So I kinda expected it to happen.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: hm_murdock on 4 March 2004, 21:35
yeah, apparently. it seems kinda crazy, but it's 100% in MS's style. build Xbox 2, making it hardware incompatible with older Xbox software, and use an emulation layer to run the old games.

wow. the complexity seems almost too convoluted even for MS
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: worker201 on 4 March 2004, 22:55
That's kinda fucked up.  And did that article say 6 g5 processors?  What kind of fucking games are they trying to run here?

Remember back in the old days when a console was different than a computer?
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Refalm on 5 March 2004, 00:31
worker201: Remember back in the old days when a console was different than a computer?

Open up a SNES and you'll see a 486 processor.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: worker201 on 5 March 2004, 00:43
Originally posted by Refalm:

Open up a SNES and you'll see a 486 processor.

Yeah, but it won't be running Windows!

Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: WMD on 5 March 2004, 02:31
Well at least the G5 is better than that shit they have in there now.  What is it, a Pentium III?  :D
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Claris on 7 March 2004, 06:01
Originally posted by WMD:
Well at least the G5 is better than that shit they have in there now.  What is it, a Pentium III?   :D  

I think it's something from AMD.

In the same vein, open up a gamecube and you'll find a derivative of the G3.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: M51DPS on 7 March 2004, 08:44
Originally posted by Claris:

I think it's something from AMD.

In the same vein, open up a gamecube and you'll find a derivative of the G3.

Yeah, that's why GameCube Linux ( is going to be close to everything else PowerPC Linux, becuase it's almost the exacting same thing.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: psyjax on 16 March 2004, 06:16
Originally posted by Refalm:
Open up a SNES and you'll see a 486 processor.


The GameCube, and the N64 both ran on G3 technology though.

Here are the specs from a 1999 Video Game Buyer's Guide:

    * CPU: Custom 65C816 at 3.58 MHz
    * RAM: 128 Kb
    * Max Colors on Screen: 256
    * Max Sprites: 128, 32 per scanline
    * Sound Channels: 8 ADPCM
    * Sound Memory: 64 Kb

More specs from an old website:

Central Processing Unit (CPU) - 16-bit (main 'brain' of the system)
Work RAM for CPU - 128 Kilobytes (CPU temp. storage)
Picture Processing Unit (PPU) - 16-bit (generates all of the graphics)
Video RAM for PPU - 64 Kilobytes (temp. storage for the PPU)
Maximum Colors on One Screen - 256
Total # of Colors Available - 32,768
Maximum Screen Resolution - 512 pixels X 448 pixels
Maximum # of Sprites per Screen - 128
Maximum # of Sprites per Line - 32
Maximum Sprite Size - 64 pixels X 64 pixels
Minimum Sprite Size - 8 pixels X 8 pixels
Scrolling Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal
Audio Processing Unit (APU) - 8-bit (main sound processor) producing 16-bit sound
Pulse Code Modulator (PCM) - 16-bit (converts digital information from the game pak into sound)
Number of Sound Channels - 8
Clock Speed - 3.58, 2.68, and 1.79 Mhz
Software RAM - YES
AC Adapter:
Super NES - Input
Super NES Output - 120 Volts AC, 60 Hertz, 17 Watts
10 Volts DC, 850 mA
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Safari on 15 April 2004, 01:00
Well, I saw a Ad for IBM making a Processor for PCs that would have 128bits...

Now, Everyone knows IBM makes the G5 processer...

Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 15 April 2004, 06:42
I think psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax is right about the SNES.  It does not use a 486, infact the SNES motherboard(if you want to call it that) is very simillar to one of the apple II motherboards.  The SNES is almost an apple II.  Now, MS using apple hardware for the Xbox2... thats just weird.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: hm_murdock on 15 April 2004, 06:50
yeah, I thought SNES used a 6502, although, I saw somewhere or heard that it was a 68020, which seems like extreme overkill.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: skyman8081 on 15 April 2004, 07:18
Actually the n64 used a 64-bit MIPS processor at 93.75 MHz (A customised R4300 Series) with 4 MB RDRAM (expandable to 8 MB)

plus a video/sound "Reality Co-Processor"

and the WORST controller design ever.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Stilly on 15 April 2004, 07:27
Originally posted by Sauron: GenSTEP Fanboy:
and the WORST controller design ever.

what was so bad abou it? I personally thought it was the best controller ive ever used when i first used on.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 15 April 2004, 07:29
Yes, I do not think the N64 is PPC related(and Sauron is right about the controller).  The gamecube  has a PPC "Gecko" whatever the hell that is.  It is related to G3 or G4 I think.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: skyman8081 on 15 April 2004, 07:43
Originally posted by The Stiller:

what was so bad abou it? I personally thought it was the best controller ive ever used when i first used on.

I don't have 3 hands.

and most games never used the d-pad anyway, so it kinda sat there unused (with the left shoulder button).

and how, I'm going to play some more goldeneye. XD
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 15 April 2004, 07:47
Originally posted by Sauron: GenSTEP Fanboy:
I don't have 3 hands.


I used to get good at using the N64 controller when playing duke nukem(yes, i know the N64 version sucked).  I would hit the R1 button on my chin.  My dad thought I was nuts.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Stilly on 15 April 2004, 21:07
z was always interchangeable with l

maybe i just liked it cause all i ever played was goldeneye and diddy kong racing
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 15 April 2004, 21:43
Diddy Kong Racing?  All I know is that the first Mario Party is one of the best N64 games.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Stilly on 15 April 2004, 21:50
Originally posted by MindFlyer-Paladin9:
Diddy Kong Racing?  All I know is that the first Mario Party is one of the best N64 games.

mario party was okay, cept you had to rotate the joystick and id always get a bliter on my palm from it
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 15 April 2004, 12:27
My friends and I always got blisters on our palms. Actually, Nintendo responded to this and offered a free glove for people who have the game.  I never got one though...
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: skyman8081 on 15 April 2004, 13:17
What games do/did you play or own?

my list is:
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Claris on 15 April 2004, 19:03
Originally posted by Sauron: GenSTEP Fanboy:
What games do/did you play or own?

my list is:
  • Perfect Dark (still working on it)

Greatest FPS ever. I still have yet to see a game that could match the customization power of its multiplayer engine.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 16 April 2004, 00:00

Mario All-Stars w/ Mario World
Mario Kart
Yoshi's Island
Mario RPG


Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party
Duke Nukem 64(stolen, god damn it)
Namco Museum 64

Final Fantasy Origins (I and II)
Final Fantasy Anthology (V and VI)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2

You could probably tell I have tastes for only certian games.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Stilly on 16 April 2004, 04:00
Originally posted by Claris:

Greatest FPS ever. I still have yet to see a game that could match the customization power of its multiplayer engine.

how could i forget perfect dark!

i never had it but when i played it it was always badass
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: hm_murdock on 16 April 2004, 10:27
I remember the mega fade that was Contra.

fuck other games, all you need is the super spread machine gun. it kills all the bad guys on the screen at once.

and super mario.

fuck everything else.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 16 April 2004, 22:55
mario games rule... except the recent ones that kind of suck, like mario sunshine or luigi's mansion.
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: mobrien_12 on 17 April 2004, 03:37
How does the G5 compare to x86 chips in terms of power consumption?  

Also, doesn't the G5 have an enormous amount of cache?
Title: G5s used for XBox2
Post by: Paladin9 on 17 April 2004, 06:36
Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
How does the G5 compare to x86 chips in terms of power consumption?
I think the G5 actually uses a shit load more power then the G4, so yes I think it is more then x86 chips.

Also, doesn't the G5 have an enormous amount of cache?

I think so.