Stop Microsoft
Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: cocoamix on 3 October 2002, 01:16
Right on Apple! (
Very, very smart move from Apple and I hope they stick with it! This simply means more people converting to Macs in the future, which I truly hope they do!
Macs rock :D
Originally posted by Panos:
Very, very smart move from Apple and I hope they stick with it! This simply means more people converting to Macs in the future, which I truly hope they do!
Macs rock :D
God, I pray this fortress hold's fast in the face of the comming battle.
Originally posted by psyjax:
God, I pray this fortress hold's fast in the face of the comming battle.
Oh it will, rest assured! As soon as more people discover the power of Macs and of course OSX, they will start buying like crazy! It's really the closest computer to perfection I've ever used (http://smile.gif) I'm more than excited! I'm thrilled! I haven't stopped using my iBook for two days now! I've been using it to the point that my eyes started to ache because of the small screen (http://smile.gif)
I haven't even used Linux for the past two days! Great, just great!
I'm tempted to buy a mac even more now. The old imac are going for a great price, might be worth it! Or even an emac, those student discounts are working possibiities with my wallet!
Originally posted by Crunchy(Cracked)Butter:
I'm tempted to buy a mac even more now. The old imac are going for a great price, might be worth it! Or even an emac, those student discounts are working possibiities with my wallet!
Get one A.S.A.P! I didn't know what I was missing for so many years until now! OSX rules!
Originally posted by Crunchy(Cracked)Butter:
I'm tempted to buy a mac even more now. The old imac are going for a great price, might be worth it! Or even an emac, those student discounts are working possibiities with my wallet!
Go for it! They are great!
Althogh I hear the eMac ain't to good.
In any case, remember RAM is the key. Anything over 128 and your in heaven.
yeah i know, the prices of RAM on apple site is disgusting, i will go for the cheaper computer option and then buy some more memory via Crucial.I have been thinking about that.
Has anyone noticed how the "cartels" havn't told Sun to add this DRM shit to their systems? I went to their website today to check on hardware prices...its not all bad i suppose if i install linux.
I think as this DRM stuff matures we are going to see alternatives crop up allowing us to still be free.
So far i see three possibly 4 options.
1. Apple
2. Sun microsystems
3. China/India
4. Buying second hand pc's for the rest of our lives. Just think of the boon the second hand market would have.
[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]
Originally posted by psyjax:
Go for it! They are great!
Althogh I hear the eMac ain't to good.
In any case, remember RAM is the key. Anything over 128 and your in heaven.
I have 128MBs of RAM on my iBook and I'm now running Mozilla, Mail, iTunes, iPhoto and AppleWorks at the same time perfectly! I can't even imagine what more RAM would do other than take me to heaven as you said (http://smile.gif) ! I'll upgrade it later though when I manage to save some money :(
Ya like I said, OSX Jagwyre is much better about it.
But a friends computer is still on 10.1.5 and it tends to slow down and lag up every once in a while. Also, I booted up photoshop or a similar app. and it asked to close some extra applications to make room in the RAM.
The thing is that her iMac is a 600Mhz G3, which is plenty to handle OSX. My mom runs it on a 333Mhz G3 and my Bro on a 233Mhz iMac! And I never get any errors of this kind on there (granted they run slower over all, but they don't hang or report memory errors). The only diffrence besides Mhz in those other machines is that both the 233 and the 333 have 256MB of RAM. And that seems to have made all the diffrence.
So that's the only reason I make that cavet. I was lucky and scored a terrific deal for a full gig of RAM when I bought my computer, so I have never EVER had to suffer anything similar to the above problems.
But from what Panos, and other tell me. Jagwyre runs fine with around 128MB, so I'm assuming Apple fixed this issue. Now i gotta convince my friend to spend the 60 bucks for Jag (http://smile.gif)
[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
What is the minium spec for OSX 1.2 or Jagaur?
Is one of those older imacs gonna be able to run it nicly or not?
I wish I could use Jaguar psyjax. I'm running 10.1.5 but from what I've heard from other Mac users here in Greece, Jaguar runs much faster with 128MBs of RAM than 10.1.*. The only problem currently in using 10.2 is the support for my language and the Greek keyboard. Anyway, Rainbow (the company representing Apple in Greece) will release a Greek update version of Jaguar in a month or so (http://smile.gif)
Other than that, everything works great in 10.1.5 after I installed the Greek update which Rainbow regards as a trial version :eek: It must be the most stable "trial version" software I've ever used so far. I wish every trial version software was as stable as that. The folks in Rainbow did a great job and Mac users here in Greece are increasing rapidly (http://smile.gif)
Originally posted by Crunchy(Cracked)Butter:
What is the minium spec for OSX 1.2 or Jagaur?
Is one of those older imacs gonna be able to run it nicly or not?
Jag need's a new world computer (non-beige, g3 or g4, with at least 128MB of ram and 4GB free on disk).
That's about it.
It will run on old computers, like the 233 or 333 iMacs, but it will be VERY slow. USABLE, but very SLOW.
I would recomend G4 500Mhz+ or G3 600Mhz+ to get the most out of the system.
I also recomend a bit more RAM, at least 256MB.
It is a resource Hog, one of my biggest complaints, but it's really worth the extra hardware because OSX really put's it all to good use.
Thing is i don't want to buy the old imac and find it'll run really shit. Performance wise i don't see much difference from a 600hrz to a 800hrz in the new imac.
Plus you cannot upgrade the processors can you?
Apple rules!
I'm on a 2000 iMac DVSE 500 with 512 megs of RAM, and it's totally usuable. I wouldn't say snappy (I don't know if OS X will ever be as super responsive as OS 9), but I can only wonder how much bettter it would run on a newer system. From what I've played with at Apple Stores, not a world of difference, but definitely noticeable.
Well, I would say 500Mhz plus. That's the general specs. for a fast system. 500Mhz with as much RAM as you can aford.
So yea, an old 600Mhz iMac is fine. Just load the RAM up.
But if I were you I would try and score a dual 500Mhz G4 tower. That comp. is a freakin dream!!!
It is sooo upgradable it's sick.
oh yea,
There are upgrade cards fro iMac's. But the truth is, that the GOOD upgrade cards come out for the towers (http://smile.gif)
But yea, you can upgade iMac's to G4 status if you are up to it.