Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: psyjax on 9 May 2002, 19:55

Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: psyjax on 9 May 2002, 19:55
I hope this is true: (

OS X for x86  :D  Good bye windoze!!!!

I seriously think OS X would win.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: voidmain on 9 May 2002, 21:18
That would be great! I would go out on a limb and say M$ would lose big market share almost over night.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: hoojchoons on 9 May 2002, 23:54
I don't know if it's true either but just think about it, I mean just think of the consequences and the effects this would have on M$!   :D
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: voidmain on 10 May 2002, 00:08
And if Apple would just realize how much of a haul they could take in off of this.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 10 May 2002, 07:02
This could finally be what kills the beast! it's almost too good to be true...
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 10 May 2002, 07:05
But wait a minute. M$ has taken some pretty hard hits before and its only come out stronger. What if M$ and Windows managed to survive? And what about the retards that like Windows and hate Mac? Do you think they'd give it up so fast?
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: voidmain on 10 May 2002, 07:35
Windows lovers are more than welcome to become the 1% minority. I can tell you businesses would switch in a heartbeat to get out from under that Nazi softare company.  It really all makes sense that they "secretly" are planning an x86 version.

Making the switch to Darwin to handle the underlying hardware interfaces was probably the easiest way to do this. Why else switch? To switch to Darwin and not have x86 in your sights to me seems a large investment for little return. But if the intent was to spread to x86 and beyond then it would be a small investment for a lot of return. It would make sense for them to keep it quiet up until release time too. It would be like dropping an atomic weapon on Redmond HQ (I can't wait!!!).

Shortly thereafter Microsoft will put the Windows source code on public domain software FTP sites, and nobody will download it.   (http://smile.gif)

[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Master of Reality on 10 May 2002, 07:49
i would download it, then write a major worm to take out every windows computer left! Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: voidmain on 10 May 2002, 07:53
You're too late. Microsoft already wrote that worm. It's called Outlook.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 10 May 2002, 21:51
And then Microsoft would have to make a Mac version of Windows XP.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: psyjax on 11 May 2002, 03:47
Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
And then Microsoft would have to make a Mac version of Windows XP.

HAHAHAHAH!! Who the hell would buy that?

If I saw OS X and XPee on the shelf, I think I would pick up the OS X box anyday.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: ravuya on 12 May 2002, 05:32
May I introduce to you the normal path of thought when it comes to a Winders user obtaining new software?

1.) Kazaa
2.) Morpheus
3.) You Get The Idea
632.) Actually purchasing the software

There's no way in hell Apple would make a profit on this thing; people won't buy it because it's unproven and there might not be enough software for it (thanks to the numbers of anti-Mac rumors about the "dearth" of software), so everyone would pirate it and not pay for a copy. I think I read somewhere that somewhere near 47% of all Windows software is pirated.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Ctrl Alt Del 123 on 12 May 2002, 07:41
Hell, even though I like Win XP, I'd buy OS X for the PC to try it!

I have never said that Macs suck, why? Becuase I have never used them myself. I only judge what I have already used.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Master of Reality on 30 May 2002, 04:42
hmmmmmm..... (
they realized the name was stupid and changed it to achelous, now they have two sites: (

[ May 29, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: voidmain on 30 May 2002, 05:12
Looks like that project is as good as dead. Hasn't been a post on it in a few months...
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: cloudstrife on 30 May 2002, 05:35
i have a copy of darwin/x86.. and while i must say that i think apple has a GREAT idea here, don't get excited just yet... it only supports a few ide drives, motherboards, etc.  i had to scrap 3 old computers just to build one that i could install darwin to.  Still, thanks apple!
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: ravuya on 30 May 2002, 18:39
Darwin/x86 is pretty cool, especially if you install the X Window System and start running window managers on top of it.

It's just too bad about the lack of hardware support. I think it really has a chance to topple Linux as chief UNIX for the consumer, and maybe cause decent inroads into serving.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 20:42
ok, there's no way that windows will ever disappear completely, or that Microsoft will ever file for bankruptcy.

Also, re: comments about nobody would buy MacOSX for ix86, because all software is pirated, and nobody would think they were going to get software et c that's just not true. Look at linux! look at BSD, to a lesser extent. You may say, "oh but linux is free", yes well, support is not, and linux support is a growing industry, thus proving that people will pay if they think they will get what they pay for. It's not about little bootlegging kids copying CDs for each other anyway, it's about companies.
Plus, if Apple pulled off the (to me) amazing feat of making MacOS binaries run on MacOSX, surely it will be simplicity itself to make MacOS (X or otherwise) programs run on an ix86 version of same, thus allowing people to use any and all of their existing Mac -compatible software on their x86...

re: windows releasing their source code. If they did, i suspect it would be both good and bad (for the M$ES!) because it would (on the good side) mean that people could (and a lot of misguided fools would) get the code, improve on it, rewrite it in C++, replace the useless bits, shave off the legacy crap and so on and so forth, and after a while, freewindows would actually be quite a useful alternative OS itself. On the other hand, all that stuff i just said, which i suspect sould easily strengthen Microsoft's position in much the same way as, well, netscape communications last decade.

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: ravuya on 31 May 2002, 04:16
Originally posted by Calum:
It's not about little bootlegging kids copying CDs for each other anyway, it's about companies.
[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

I'm sorry, but IMO it is -- if you run a business like Apple's where you sell your software at a lower price point and a minimal amount of people will purchase it because it's 'unproven' on x86 (which will be the EXACT reason why a windows user won't pick it up... that and the rumors about lack of support for standards, etc, etc, standard microsoft FUD), piracy is really going to cut into your bottom line. I suspect it already is for Apple -- lots of Mac OS X copies are flying around on Hotline.
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: The Czar on 3 June 2002, 03:53
Windows users pirate Windows software. While it would be a problem for Apple, the majority of people who are going to use this software are people like us. We know and realize that if we pirate it, there will be no enhancement to it. Hard-core Windows users won't buy it and they won't download it either. It'd be at least 400mb, maybe even more. Hardcore Windows users won't tie up precious bandwidth downloading such a 'trivial' program.

I, on the other hand, would camp out to get OS X for the x86!
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: Calum on 3 June 2002, 05:15
i do agree with ravuya, but i also think that there are certain different cultures and that certain types are more likely to pirate stuff than others...
Title: The Rumers still live!
Post by: mormop on 21 June 2002, 02:45
I wouldn't count on M$ being around forever. A lot of people point out that M$ staff are paid in share options to offset low wages (for the work they do).

If the states case goes agains M$ the developers could bail out cashing in their share options for fear of a stock plummet leading investors to pull there money, maxing their share payouts.

As M$ bases it's business model on a continually increasing stream of revenue the effect would be fairly devastating particularly with M$ acting in such an arrogant way during their trial.

Let's all hope eh? A MAC / Linux world with BSD hanging around in the background would be a good place to be. Might even be worth bringing BeOS back. Tried it, brilliant, just not enough software.

Keep an open mind, try everything and find the OS that best suits you.
Or stick head up arse and buy XP.