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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: buzza24 on 13 February 2003, 21:39
I have just got a Apple Macintosh plus.
I know, I know, it's shit but I like it.
See my problem is that when i start it up it keeps looking for a disk. There is a disk with a question mark in the middell of it.
is there something i can download or some i can do to fix it WITHOUT throughing it out!
Thank you,
That comp. certainly does not suck!
First off, wa that ? mark means is that it is looking for a startup disk. There is no OS installed, or it is corrupted.
To remedy this you should get your hands on a Mac Startup disk, for Systems 6 or (preferably) System 7.
Alot of these are freely available online as diskimages, if you can get on a Mac with a diskdrive you can d-load and mirror those images to disk. There are ways to do this on a PC as well using 3rd party apps.
Do you know if your Mac has a HD? Some of the early modles didn't come with them standard. In this case you may wanna look on eBay for an external one. They came in 50MB to 100MB varieties.
It has a External HD.
A apple 20sc.
Originally posted by Buzza2:
It has a External HD.
A apple 20sc.
So your set, all you need is a startup disk. I would suggest System 7.1 or so.
Where would i get that from?
search google for System 7 download etc.
or Old Mac Software.
I scrounged up several old sites that had images laying around. Also, if you have Basilisk II on your PC it can emulate a Mac and write the disk from your PC appropriately.
hey, ask billy gates, he is a mac specialist.
haha good one
Originally posted by Doogee : Mandrake Trooper:
haha good one
No no, we have a guy here with the user name Billy Gates and he
Here's the page for the old software page: (
Yeah, the ? means that you need a boot disk. I believe apple should have some, if not, I'm sure there are people around here who can help you out.
I have a Mac Plus myself, shame is that the CRT is dead and the power supply seems to be making arcs across the inside of the case. Oh well, I'll dust it off, resolder stuff and try it again some time.
I am getting a boot disk off my uncle.
I have got it running once but it hasn't work again.
Thanx peoples
im sure i read something about this on, and using dd (unix) or RAWRITE (DOS) to write the disk image, im pretty sure they also provide links to the the image you want...