Stop Microsoft
Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: rtgwbmsr on 3 March 2003, 00:47
I got an iBook - 12'' screen. 700 Mhz, 20 GB HDD, 16 MB Radeon 7500. Very cool little machine. Very fast too.
The only issue I'm having is that I can't get the fucking RAM cover off (which means I'm stuck with 128 until I figure this out :mad: ). The screws are too damn small. Any reccomendations as to how to get these things off?!
[ March 02, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
I had the same problem with my iBook and I agree, it's really annoying. You'll have to buy a set of extra small screwdrivers (size 0, 1 etc), like the ones used to remove the screws off of sunglasses and stuff. A normal screwdriver won't do the job.
Buy a screwdrive set... they always come in handy... I use a little screwdrive to remove jumpers.
I, too have the same problem on my 600.
It was a special order, with 384MB, but I wanted to get a 512 and stab it in there and then sell my 256 off to my dad. I couldn't even get the 256 out to test it. I've got little screwdrivers, but none of them would work. The screw in mine is farkin' wedged in there too tight.
I don't know why they couldn't put RAM access on the bottom like the rest of the world does!
Thanks guys. Turns out you need a #0, and nothing else will work on these screws.
I still need more RAM, but 2x stock is good enough for now. And I can put more in if I need (http://smile.gif)
Now I can actually USE the thing! It's an even hotter little laptop now ;)
[ March 03, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
Not all memory is underneath the laptop, my NEC memory slot is under the keyboard.
Simple push back a plastic clip, lift the keyboard and snap in the module and its done.
In Apples case i would of thought this would be simpler.