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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: mushrooomprince on 24 April 2003, 04:52

Title: Voice Commands
Post by: mushrooomprince on 24 April 2003, 04:52
Anyone who has used mac os since os 7 knows that the technology of controling your computer by voice command is starting to develop.

But to what point will it go and how long will it take to get it there ?

OS x users know that controling your mac by voice command is pretty much the shiznit. Even though windows has developed a form ( although inferior in my opinion ) of voice comand macs still rule in this area.

So when are we going to see machines with higher level of voice command and when is my mac going to make me a sandwich ?
Title: Voice Commands
Post by: psyjax on 24 April 2003, 05:28
Voice commands are a neat "trick", and I suppose would be more usefull if implemented on some system where the user was moving around or away from a keyboard, like on Star Trek, or some other Sci-Fi thingy. Unfortunetly, it is still much MUCH quicker to use  your keyboard and mouse. Hitting Command-S is alot quicker than saying "save file" or whatever.
Title: Voice Commands
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 24 April 2003, 10:07
Yeah, but it would be so FREAKIN COOL!!!!
Title: Voice Commands
Post by: Calum on 24 April 2003, 14:05
also, it's not worth anything till it will do things, like make the dinner, switch the channel, turn the record over et c.

also, will it have Majel Barrat's voice like in star trek?
Title: Voice Commands
Post by: Pantso on 24 April 2003, 15:27
Voice commands do certainly have a long way to go, before I use them. It's still much quicker for me to use the keyboard and the mouse, so why bother?   :D
Title: Voice Commands
Post by: Calum on 24 April 2003, 16:55
maybe it'd sell well in places where they like the sound of their own voice, not mentioning any americans, ah i mean places...