Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: Jack.K on 30 May 2002, 17:06

Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Jack.K on 30 May 2002, 17:06
Hey guys,

I just bought a new iMac and God is OSX shit! It doesn't have my start button, there's no my computer, there's no my doccuments, its media player sucks, IE looks like hell on it, it doesn't have Windows Movie Maker and if that's not bad enough, it doesn't run one f*cking peice of my Windows software!!! I want this damned thing off of my system NOW and I want to know how to do it! Any help would be greatly appricated!!

Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Master of Reality on 30 May 2002, 17:22
god, some people are stupid.
Its not fucking windows. Its a mac and therefore runs mac software and has the mac OS (OSX) and is not windows.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 18:13
It's a joke, isn't it, Jack.K?

You are joking aren't you?

first of all you can get Microsoft office, windows media player, internet explorer and outlook for the mac, and they are all better than the windows versions (except media player, which is somehow even worse!) of course they still blow goats at every opportunity, but they are better.

You know actually you could run windows programs on your mac. What you have to do is install linux on your mac, and then install Wine or WineX, and you should be able to then install and run most if not all of your windows software on your mac. Why you would want to though is another question.

Finally, your mac does have "My Computer" and "Start" menu. The Apple logo in the top left of your screen is the start menu, and the "Macintosh HD" is "My Computer".

Still, it's a joke, isn't it? nobody could be stupid enough to actually buy a mac and remain this ignorant, could they?

I want this damned thing off of my system NOW and I want to know how to do it!
fuck off!!!! didn't you ever learn to ask politely?

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: ravuya on 30 May 2002, 18:32
Everyone hold still.. I smell a troll. Let's see if he comes back.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Jack.K on 30 May 2002, 18:47
What the fuck is wrong with you people?! I said I want to get rid of the cock sucking OS, not nigger rig to work HALF the way I want it to! If you don't have anything good to say, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS!!!

Damn fucktards...
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 19:35
Originally posted by Jack.K:
What the fuck is wrong with you people?! I said I want to get rid of the cock sucking OS, and i also want somebody to come and give me a good kicking, please!

I can't help you out with the kicking (although i wish i could), but to get rid of MacOS, all you need to do is firstly, startup your Mac with your MacOS disk in the drive, so you are running the OS from the CD, then delete everything in "Macintosh HD", take the CD out of the machine and break it in two, then reboot. Problem solved.

Anybody else want to help Jack.K get the kicking he so sorely wants?

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 19:35
Originally posted by Jack.K:
What the fuck is wrong with you people?! I said I want to get rid of the cock sucking OS, not nigger rig to work HALF the way I want it to! If you don't have anything good to say, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS!!!

Damn fucktards...

i told you everything you need to know, moron, and i think you could take your own advice re: shutting your filthy mouth.

As i can see from your second post here, you are a racist arsehole as well as a complete idiot. Luckily for you i do not moderate the mac forum, or i would delete this sorry excuse for a topic right now. You deserve a painful bone injury, Jack.K and if i see you posting anywhere else on these forums, i will not hesitate to delete your foulmouthed racist rubbish instantly.

Over to somebody else to delete this heap of tripe...
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Jack.K on 30 May 2002, 19:38
You didn't tell me what I needed to know, I want XP, not fucking OS X and not fucking Unix! It has a damn hard drive and a processor, it should run XP!!!
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 19:49
you are obviously the most stupid person in the world. Microsoft do not allow you to run XP on anything other than intel architecture (AMD chips too, they are the same architecture), they only release binaries for the intel chips and they do not release source code so you cannot run it on anything else. tough nuts to you, dumbass.

HOWEVER, if you wanted to run XP on your mac you could, by using the method i outline above. To recapitulate for the mentally challenged among you (that's you, Jack.K), you must:

a) get linux for the powerPC for free, at no cost and without having to pay any money

b) install linux on your computer (remember you got linux in step a?)

c) install either "Wine", or "WineX" or both (they are both PROGRAMS, Jack.K, remember that now)

d) the PROGRAMS you just installed will let you run nearly everything that runs in windows XP

e) the PROGRAMS you just installed will let you run nearly everything that runs in windows XP

f) the PROGRAMS you just installed will let you run nearly everything that runs in windows XP
(just in case you didn't get it the first time.

For those of you who are a bit slow on the uptake (yes, this means you again, Jack.K), you should be told that after following these steps, you are now free to have windows versions of all your favourite Microsoft fuckware running on your Mac. Sadly, the spyware won't be as effective as on a real windows setup, and i'm afraid you will have to put up with your machine not CRASHING as often as you might be used to, but hey, we all have our private crosses to bear, don't we.

Have a nice day!  :D

oh yes, and remember to FUCK OFF!  :D
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 19:52
Originally posted by Jack.K:
You didn't tell me what I needed to know, I want XP, not fucking OS X and not fucking Unix! It has a damn hard drive and a processor, it should run XP!!!

"i want, i want, i want" i hope somebody kicks your obnoxious head right in sometime soon, cunt, are you this irritating in real life? or are you one of those little cuntfucks who "gets even" on the world by being the "big man" online that he is too scared to be in real life?

You snivelling wretch. If you weren't such a cunt i might even feel sorry for you.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Jack.K on 30 May 2002, 19:54
Ok, now how the hell am I supposed to get the activation wizard and I need the BSoD... it's my favorite screensaver, it goes on everytime I want it!
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 19:56
addendum, you could actually have an actual copy of windows XP running on your machine if you follow the steps for installing linux as above, then get VMWARE (yes, that's another PROGRAM, Jack.K), and it will allow you to install your precious CDs of XP fuckware onto your machine, with no further ado.

Got that? well here it is again, since i know you always ignore anything the first time around (like the stupid fucktard that you obviously are):

1) install linux

2) get VMWARE

3) install windows XP

4) that's it, fucktard, what are you still hanging around for, i've answered your question several times now so FUCK RIGHT OFF YOU ASSWIPE!
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 30 May 2002, 20:01
Originally posted by Jack.K:
Ok, now how the hell am I supposed to get the activation wizard and I need the BSoD... it's my favorite screensaver, it goes on everytime I want it!

ok, joke's over, you have shown me beyond a doubt that you are joking, can i just say that your racist remarks are not appreciated regardless of how witty you think you were being.

And to answer your question, re: activation, see the VMWare solution above, that should work, re: BSODs, you will get less with the VMWare method, but i have a feeling some may creep in there. If you really like your BSODs, you can install an older version of window susing VMWare, finally, if you really like the BSOD, you can get it as an actual screensaver in linux (which you will be using to access your windows anyway) so you can set it up just how you like it.

Ha ha, it was very funny, now stop acting like a cunt and join in the forums properly like a responsible individual.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Heru on 31 May 2002, 05:16
This is a very funny thread.
I'd rather run OSX on my PC that anything MS has to offer, but I can't.

Anyhow, great joke, or at least I hope it's a joke.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: hoojchoons on 31 May 2002, 05:29
This is a joke, right?  :eek:
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Kintaro on 31 May 2002, 13:30
Ummmm Jack.K, you dont need that. Xine, XMMS, Mpeg123, Mozilla, The GNU TOOLKIT, Gnome, and OpenOffice are all avalible. I know you may be dissapointed that with a Mac you will not see all the crashes. But im fed up too. USE LINUX ON A PC THERE BOTH CHEAP AND NASTY  (http://smile.gif)

But honestly macs are to up class and expensive for me. I know macs are faster but i'd prefer a PC!
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Scotty on 31 May 2002, 15:29
Excellent show!!  :D
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: ravuya on 31 May 2002, 18:23
Originally posted by X11:

Have I stepped into a parallel universe? X11 is actually insulting Linux...

Oh, and uh, if I ever see racist remarks on these boards again, thread locks and poster recommended for immediate ban. Thanks for using McModerator, please drive through to the next window.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Ctrl Alt Del 123 on 1 June 2002, 00:56
Bad attempt at what could have been a great joke.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Master of Reality on 1 June 2002, 01:08
NASTY doesnt nessacarily mean "bad".
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 1 June 2002, 16:47
damn right! racist remarks are right out. I would have deleted this thread ImmEdiAtelY if i had been moderating this particular forum... Good call, Ravuya
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 2 June 2002, 03:50
Not even going to dignify this thread with a response.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 2 June 2002, 04:03
actually you just did!
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: The Czar on 3 June 2002, 04:49

Yes, your iMac has a processor and a hard drive, but it is far too advanced to run XP. Your iMac can not 'dumb' itself down to the level required to run XP.  ;)
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Ctrl Alt Del 123 on 4 June 2002, 02:39
What I dont get is, every states how "Easy a Mac is!" and turn around and call XP dumb. Isn't the Mac more dumbed down than Windows is?
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: voidmain on 4 June 2002, 03:05
I would venture to say that on the surface OSX is more dumbed down than Windows (as in easier to use for the n00b).  But underneath you have the "expert mode" of UNIX where you have control, unlike anything Windows has ever come close to providing.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 4 June 2002, 03:06
it's a fine line between dumb users and a dumb OS, isn't it? if MacOS is so "dumb" as it has been postulated, then why do people with the least computing knowledge find it easiest to get things done on a Mac?

Surely a "dumb" OS would be hardest?

[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 4 June 2002, 03:09
I just wanna know what those three coloured buttons do.

[ June 09, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]

Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: voidmain on 4 June 2002, 03:16
Well you can bet those three blank keys found on every Win* machine (that used to read CTRL, ALT, and DEL) never get used in combination...
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: psyjax on 4 June 2002, 06:04
I think there is a big difference betweened dumbed down and well designed. The MacOS and especially OSX are incredibly well designed. You don't have to dig to far to get to UNIX in OS X (just open the terminal), but the point is, you don't have to if you don't want to.

That's not dumbed down, it's just logical. Isn't that the main goal behind KDE and GNOME?

No reason to be so eletis, just because it has pictures dosn't make it stupid. In the end, it maintains all of the necissary functionality and then some.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: voidmain on 4 June 2002, 07:45
psyjax, hope your post wasn't pointed toward my post as if it is, then my post missed the point entirely. I was trying to point out that OSX is easier to use than Windows, but yet much more powerful because of the UNIX underbelly and if you want to get to the roots of your machine you can, unlike in Windows.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: psyjax on 4 June 2002, 19:35
Originally posted by VoidMain:
psyjax, hope your post wasn't pointed toward my post as if it is, then my post missed the point entirely. I was trying to point out that OSX is easier to use than Windows, but yet much more powerful because of the UNIX underbelly and if you want to get to the roots of your machine you can, unlike in Windows.

I understood what you said and I agree, It's just that I have always abhored the term "dumbed down". I don't think the MacOS has ever been dumbed down, nor windows for that matter.

OS's are only as dumb as the user who is using them IMHO. Altho Windoze seems to be dumber than most  ;)
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Calum on 4 June 2002, 19:59
reason:- dumb users
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: Ctrl Alt Del 123 on 5 June 2002, 02:38
XP can be advanced, just open up a *.msc or an Administrator Tools app. Normal home users don't ever need to mess with these (they don't even exist in XP Home, only in Pro), but if you want to, you can try some more advanced stuff.
Title: OSX to Windows XP
Post by: voidmain on 5 June 2002, 03:06
Actually, you can only control what M$ *allows* you to control.  In Linux you can control everything. On the Mac you can change any of the Darwin stuff.  You can't have complete control without the source.