Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: slave on 30 March 2003, 13:33

Title: Web browser poll
Post by: slave on 30 March 2003, 13:33
What web browser do you use most of the time?

Me: Konqueror
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Siplus on 30 March 2003, 15:06
i use opera all the time...however one of my friends  just touched my computer a few hours ago, and opera, no matter what version i dl 7,7.01-.03, opera no worky...strange

so right now i'm using mozilla 1.3
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 30 March 2003, 16:47
For just everyday browing I use Camino but when I want to do some web design I get into Mozilla.
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Interscope on 30 March 2003, 18:14
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Maniaman on 30 March 2003, 18:25
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Pantso on 30 March 2003, 19:08
I use mostly Mozilla on Linux and Camino on OS X.
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: billy_gates on 30 March 2003, 20:04
Safari on my Mac
Mozilla on my PC

[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]

Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Refalm on 30 March 2003, 20:47
Mozilla 1.2.1 and Konqueror at home.

Mozilla 1.2.1 and Internet Explorer (forced to) at school.
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 30 March 2003, 22:54
Safari on my Mac
Mozilla 1.3 on my PC
Galeon if Mozilla fuks up (Mozilla just fucked up, so I felt the need to add that)

[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

Title: Web browser poll
Post by: DC on 30 March 2003, 22:57
Usually Mozilla.
At school, Netscape or Lynx, depending on what I need to do (quickly see a page/request a song, or do stuff like reading /.)
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Fett101 on 30 March 2003, 23:53
Internet Explorer

Why exactley do you want to know, and why doesn't this forum have polls?
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: LocNar on 31 March 2003, 00:03
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: KernelPanic on 31 March 2003, 03:25
Mozilla or Konq. - whichever the cursor is closer to..
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: xyle_one on 31 March 2003, 03:34
safari first.
camino 2nd
then mozilla


Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Kintaro on 31 March 2003, 03:37
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: M51DPS on 31 March 2003, 04:10
Netscape Navigator at home, have to use Internet Exploder at school  :rolleyes:
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: zoolooo on 31 March 2003, 04:20

I like turning graphics off.

Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Doctor V on 31 March 2003, 21:11

why not
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: devlkore on 31 March 2003, 21:19
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Calum on 31 March 2003, 21:30
mozilla, phoenix and galeon about 50%, 40% and 10% of the time respectively.

with the prefbar in mozilla, you can turn off images too.
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Master of Reality on 1 April 2003, 06:51
mozilla 1.3..... does this poll work for anyone?... (
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Siplus on 1 April 2003, 07:10
does this poll work for anyone?...

i can't view the results... (i'm under mozilla 1.3 right now)
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: TheQuirk on 1 April 2003, 08:49
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
What web browser do you use most of the time?

Me: Konqueror

And when using Windows (I don't need any lame-ass excuses for using Windows like "playing games")...


Internet Explorer
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: slave on 1 April 2003, 09:48
Hey I play tons of games and I don't use Windows.  This weekend I must've played 4 hours worth of Warcraft 3 at least.  I also installed counter-strike and am planning on installing neverwinter nights whenever the final linux version releases.
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Calum on 1 April 2003, 13:05
Originally posted by TheQuirk:
And when using Windows (I don't need any lame-ass excuses for using Windows like "playing games")...

    Internet Explorer


and this from somebody who supports dubbya and this whole pointless war. strangely i am not as surprised as i could be...

 :D   ;)
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: TheKnifeThrower on 1 April 2003, 21:22
Internet Explorer and Opera 7
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Calum on 1 April 2003, 21:45
yuck! the two most popular shitty closed source proprietary browsers. sure, opera is really nice, but it takes them so long to fix bugs and bring out a new version, mozilla overtook them last year in my opinion.

both opera and IE are closed source and very slow compared with the likes of phoenix, mozilla, galeon, and i have heard that camino and safari are really fast too.
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: Tattooed on 1 April 2003, 21:58
I use Mozilla  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: Web browser poll
Post by: SpeeDFreaK on 2 April 2003, 22:52
Opera Bork Edition.