Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: slave on 30 March 2003, 13:33
What web browser do you use most of the time?
Me: Konqueror
i use opera all the time...however one of my friends just touched my computer a few hours ago, and opera, no matter what version i dl 7,7.01-.03, opera no worky...strange
so right now i'm using mozilla 1.3
For just everyday browing I use Camino but when I want to do some web design I get into Mozilla.
I use mostly Mozilla on Linux and Camino on OS X.
Safari on my Mac
Mozilla on my PC
[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]
Mozilla 1.2.1 and Konqueror at home.
Mozilla 1.2.1 and Internet Explorer (forced to) at school.
Safari on my Mac
Mozilla 1.3 on my PC
Galeon if Mozilla fuks up (Mozilla just fucked up, so I felt the need to add that)
[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
Usually Mozilla.
At school, Netscape or Lynx, depending on what I need to do (quickly see a page/request a song, or do stuff like reading /.)
Internet Explorer
Why exactley do you want to know, and why doesn't this forum have polls?
Mozilla or Konq. - whichever the cursor is closer to..
safari first.
camino 2nd
then mozilla
Netscape Navigator at home, have to use Internet Exploder at school :rolleyes:
I like turning graphics off.
why not
mozilla, phoenix and galeon about 50%, 40% and 10% of the time respectively.
with the prefbar in mozilla, you can turn off images too.
mozilla 1.3..... does this poll work for anyone?... (
does this poll work for anyone?...
i can't view the results... (i'm under mozilla 1.3 right now)
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
What web browser do you use most of the time?
Me: Konqueror
And when using Windows (I don't need any lame-ass excuses for using Windows like "playing games")...
Internet Explorer
Hey I play tons of games and I don't use Windows. This weekend I must've played 4 hours worth of Warcraft 3 at least. I also installed counter-strike and am planning on installing neverwinter nights whenever the final linux version releases.
Originally posted by TheQuirk:
And when using Windows (I don't need any lame-ass excuses for using Windows like "playing games")...
Internet Explorer
and this from somebody who supports dubbya and this whole pointless war. strangely i am not as surprised as i could be...
:D ;)
Internet Explorer and Opera 7
yuck! the two most popular shitty closed source proprietary browsers. sure, opera is really nice, but it takes them so long to fix bugs and bring out a new version, mozilla overtook them last year in my opinion.
both opera and IE are closed source and very slow compared with the likes of phoenix, mozilla, galeon, and i have heard that camino and safari are really fast too.
I use Mozilla (http://tongue.gif)
Opera Bork Edition.