Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Siplus on 26 April 2004, 04:13

Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Siplus on 26 April 2004, 04:13
i haven't really taken notice too much, but MES, even with it's trolls, mod desputes, and political rambling, has spawned many small communities in the pro-OSS/anti-MS feild.

even though some people may hate what goes on here at times, a lot of good 'for the cause' comes from this site, either directly or indirectly. i can think of 4 or 5 sites/communities/projects that have come into existance since i started coming here, but i'm sure there are more since i do not lurk on a regular pattern.

Everytime something major happens (void's leaving for political debate, avello's inspiration for the openopen group i think it was called, etc) a new source for people seeking freedom from microsoft makes itself available.

even if members here are constantly bickering over menial issuses, remember: argue all you want over the small matters like "he deleted my joke!", but remember why you originally came to "" or "". when MES loses track of this, a new inspiration is born, and another pathway for help/aid to linux/mac is developed.

just my 2 cents. i have just noticed a lot of old arguments reoccuring and a lot of dumb shit going on, and i felt the need to say SOMEthing  (http://smile.gif)
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Paladin9 on 26 April 2004, 08:59
Well, this is why we have a "Lounge".  Also, you can blame most of the shit here on jimmyJames.
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Stilly on 26 April 2004, 10:03

blaME ends with "me"
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Refalm on 26 April 2004, 15:08
Lots and lots of all the old moderators and members have leaved.

This forum will survive though, it's been worse than this.
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Paladin9 on 26 April 2004, 19:50
Originally posted by Refalm:
Lots and lots of all the old moderators and members have leaved.

This forum will survive though, it's been worse than this.

We will just have to hold on and make it though these bad times.
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: ChakanTGM on 27 April 2004, 16:04
I'm back and worse than ever.

  :D    :D    :D    :D
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Refalm on 27 April 2004, 20:19
ChakanTGM: I'm back and worse than ever.

 :D   :D   :D   :D

Your website is evil  (http://graemlins/displeased.gif)
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: WMD on 28 April 2004, 05:56
^ lol...  :D
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Canadian Lover on 28 April 2004, 08:35

Technical Information (for support personnel)

    * Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search for the words HTTP and 404.
    * Open IIS Help, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr), and search for topics titled Web Site Setup, Common Administrative Tasks, and About Custom Error Messages.

Get off IIS, man.
Title: Spawning ground
Post by: Paladin9 on 28 April 2004, 10:45
Originally posted by Canadian Lover:
Get off IIS, man.
