Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: TheQuirk on 28 November 2002, 21:38
Geeze! I was reading Dan's Data, my favorite hardware, software, and other electronic junk reviewer. I saw a some article that had to do with sites with bad names, and what do I see?!!! Here's the article: (
Edit: keep in mind that it's bad-mouthing us. But still! Heh.
[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]
Hmm thats interesting, actually i go many places where i mention (Lan partys, Installfests, other places) and most of them have been here.
Yeah, Zombie must have written that piece. I wonder what makes him so sure of *his* explanation for the hidden cache directories. I would be surprised if he has any inside information on this. But still, there are plenty of reasons for hating Microsoft. I sometimes wish that article was removed for better less arguable material. Like the latest news out if India.
Lewl! Ok, so what is the course of action? Well written, witty e-mail?
Dans Data dot com is an austrlaian site. But there are some minor flaws in the "Really Hidden Files" article that i have come across.
I - G - N - O - R - E ! ! !
Till they really push it. Trust me, He who speaks less and with substance, has the greatest impact.
(no i didnt read it in a cookie)
Actually, if you read his articles that have to do with Windows and Microsoft's general, he pokes fun at it (i.e ". . .actually, Windows is always a dirty method. . ." and ". . . I will never be caught using Outlook. . . " and then he mentions why. Those quotes aren't exact, but are from memmory.)
I'm thinking of maybe emailing him and mentioning to him that we also maintain the MES FAQ and are not a brain-dead organization. . . Whatever. I'll still read his articles.
One day Im gonna write something controversial and put it on badconnections just to get some attention.
Originally posted by ThePreacher:
One day Im gonna write something controversial and put it on badconnections just to get some attention.
His site is very popular. As in, daily visits to your site + my site + this site + BOB site + X11 site = a pretty small fraction of his daily visits.