Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: The Bad One on 9 May 2002, 21:54
Microsoft Linux XP
Who Fucking Cares?
William Gates III
whos your daddy
Anyone care to take odds on, when MS's code is finally forcibly released to authorities, some of it is found to be derived from GPL/BSD licensed code?
It's got to be a pretty fair bet that Windows already has some connection to Linux/BSD - it's just not implemented very well... (and let's face it they have to break things just enough to make sure that Windows will only talk to Windows otherwise people might be tempted to start using something else!?).
Hell, Microsoft should do what Apple does -- release your core code as open source, wait for the improvements and drivers to pour in, and then resell them.
Originally posted by Ravuya:
Hell, Microsoft should do what Apple does -- release your core code as open source, wait for the improvements and drivers to pour in, and then resell them.
Any inprovements to OS X Darwin must be released for free because it is under the GPL. Apple usualy releses these as free update packedges so they are not reselling other peoples work.
psyjax, that's not true. The GPL only states that the source code must accompany the binary code if it's distributed under the GPL license. They are "free" to charge for the code. Free as in "Willy" not as in "beer".
Originally posted by VoidMain:
psyjax, that's not true. The GPL only states that the source code must accompany the binary code if it's distributed under the GPL license. They are "free" to charge for the code. Free as in "Willy" not as in "beer".
Oh... hehe... My misunderstanding. Ok.
And I know for a fact there is BSD code in Win2k. And of course they chopped up Kerberos. But with the BSD license they are totally within their right to take the code and do what they want with it. BSD license is actually less restrictive than GPL in that you can legally "steal" it for whatever purposes you wish.
It would however, be very hypocritical of M$ to slam open source (which BSD is) every chance they get, and then find gobs of it in Windows. And IE was derived from Mosaic which was also open source. It's funny to read their lame slams on open source. Too bad most people don't have a clue.
Hey, at least Apple gives credit where credit is due. When is the last time M$ ever gave a nod to someone else instead of tooting their horn about how great their "inovative" crap is?