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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: raptor on 30 January 2003, 10:05

Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: raptor on 30 January 2003, 10:05
it is slowly happening and has been for awhile. The ceos, presidents and other employees of AOL are starting to resign what is the deal?
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: avello500 on 30 January 2003, 12:03
they went into bed(merged)with time warner, aginst the advice of the majority of the industry and big business. then they lost thier asses. but dont worry to much about them im sure they all have a large fortune in swiss bank accounts.
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 30 January 2003, 12:16
Who cares?
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: Calum on 30 January 2003, 12:23
i was really pissed off when AOL bought warners. i used to like warners. not any more.

edit - same with WinAmp (not that i need to use that anymore)

[ January 30, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]

Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: raptor on 31 January 2003, 07:37
Originally posted by Macman: dumb retart / BOB:
Who cares?

Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: lazygamer on 31 January 2003, 22:56
You know why people don't care about AOL? AOL is viewed as the most newbie infested ISP on the net(as well as a very bad ISP in general). People just avoid it and laugh at those who use it.
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: cocoamix on 1 February 2003, 01:32
AOL lost 54 BILLION dollars last year.
Wouldn't YOU quit too? (
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: lazygamer on 1 February 2003, 11:44
That's what happens when you build an industry on the rednecks of the computer realm! 50 billion? That's alot! So does this mean that a year from now I won't be seeing the AIM option when I create a new account on a message board?  (http://smile.gif)
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: preacher on 2 February 2003, 23:57
They did not actually lose 54 billion if you read the article. When AOL acquired Time Warner 2 years ago, its value was much higher. They adjusted the value of the acquisition to its current value and it ended up being 54 billion dollars less than what they expected. This wasnt an actual operating loss like they somehow spent 54 billion last year.
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: Kintaro on 3 February 2003, 00:45
Capitalism is on its way out.

All the companys are going broke, where is the money going anyway? I guess to many rich people have it.
Title: what is with the AOL people?
Post by: lazygamer on 3 February 2003, 05:42
Ahha, so their networth was knocked down by 54 billion?