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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: preacher on 8 February 2003, 14:22

Title: Why did Void Main Leave?
Post by: preacher on 8 February 2003, 14:22
Void Main mentioned on his forums he doesnt come here anymore, why is this?
Title: Why did Void Main Leave?
Post by: Calum on 8 February 2003, 20:09
because this forum is now drowning in shit and he's fed up coming here.
Title: Why did Void Main Leave?
Post by: zooloo on 8 February 2003, 21:22
What Calum says is true.

Although I think forums go through phases/cycles.  They get good, then go shit and then get good and then...

Title: Why did Void Main Leave?
Post by: shuiend on 8 February 2003, 21:53
x11 hasent been on recently either or i just havent seen him post anything.
Title: Why did Void Main Leave?
Post by: Siplus on 9 February 2003, 23:33
X11 is active, he just posted something in that stupid 2x2=?....
Title: Why did Void Main Leave?
Post by: preacher on 10 February 2003, 00:49
In his forums he mentioned how he doesnt like off topic rantings, then I read through several of his posts here and the last one I could find had to do with politics, and he seemed angry.