Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Pissed_Macman on 21 November 2002, 11:59

Title: Greetings From a Piece of Crap!!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 21 November 2002, 11:59
Hey everybody. Right now I'm at school on a really crappy Compaq running Windows 2000 Professional and I've come to the conclusion that this is the most boring operating system on the face of the earth. At the moment I'm surrounded by future Microsoft employees and the scary thing is that they seem to emjoy using these beige boxes of crap.
Title: Greetings From a Piece of Crap!!
Post by: Calum on 21 November 2002, 12:50
coincidentally i am on a compaq machine running windows 2000 Pro too. luckily i have a copy of phoenix, spoofing my ID as netscape 6.2 on linux, i also have PuTTY so i can ssh into grex (running SunOS 4.2), also i brought my basiclinux floppies so i can be free of windows completely at lunchtime.

and i agree with you about how boring it is. luckily i have an office on my own, so no future microsoft employees to get underfoot!  ;)
Title: Greetings From a Piece of Crap!!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 21 November 2002, 14:14
Not fair, I can't even change the background color on this thing.