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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: swan on 13 May 2003, 13:27

Title: hello,everybody
Post by: swan on 13 May 2003, 13:27
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Faust on 13 May 2003, 13:48
Hello Swan.  Erm, that's a pretty short post there, care to add anything?
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Calum on 13 May 2003, 15:11
did you really mean ?????
or am i just not able to see chinese characters?
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Faust on 13 May 2003, 16:31
If they were chinese characters they probably would have come up all $#*&#^ and with lots of funny squares like this: [] well thats what I get when I try to view characters from other ASCII sets.  Anyway I have Big5 (chinese) support compiled in and I still see them as ??? so I think that's what they are.  Hello Swan are you still with us?  (http://smile.gif)
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Pantso on 13 May 2003, 17:29
Swan hi. Welcome to the boards.   (http://smile.gif)   What are the question marks there for though?   :confused:
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Win on 13 May 2003, 17:49
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Faust on 13 May 2003, 17:54
From Swans profile he/she is a BSD fan.  (http://smile.gif)
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 14 May 2003, 21:41
Very informative thread. I'm going to move it to the Lounge if that's okay. Oops too late.
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: suselinux on 14 May 2003, 10:23
Im really amazed at the frequency of new sign ups

do alot them get bored after a week and never return?
Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 14 May 2003, 11:40
No, we scare em off.

Say, why are there two of these?

[ May 20, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]

[ May 20, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS ]

Title: hello,everybody
Post by: Doctor V on 14 May 2003, 11:47
Woah!  I see Japanese!

