Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: lonodnboi2k3 on 20 July 2003, 22:25

Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: lonodnboi2k3 on 20 July 2003, 22:25
Hi I hope you are not reading this!!! If you are then you did look here.

Anyways Just saying Hello, been reading this site for the last few days from work and now decided to join :) Im using Win2K at work which regulary reboots itself 3 times a day (I have started to pull my hair out) ;)

Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: arsehole on 20 July 2003, 22:31
Originally posted by Londonboi2k3:
Hi I hope you are not reading this!!! If you are then you did look here.

Anyways Just saying Hello, been reading this site for the last few days from work and now decided to join :) Im using Win2K at work which regulary reboots itself 3 times a day (I have started to pull my hair out) ;)


enjoy your new member rating
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: lonodnboi2k3 on 20 July 2003, 22:38
Thanks, ill try!

BTW how many posts do i need to not be a new member?
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: Laukev7 on 20 July 2003, 22:42
Fuck off, X11. Or whoever you are.

Don't mind him, London, he's not Calum, he's a troll who spoofs other members identities. And you need 25 posts to be a member.

And welcome to the boards!

[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]

Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: jasonlane on 20 July 2003, 22:44
Welcome Londonboi2k3, we need more Brits on this site.... perhaps  :D  

Where in London do you work? I used to work in Borough, London Bridge. The Market there was the best, Ostrich and Veal burgers on Fridays, washed down with a fruit smoothie...Oh I sometimes miss Old London town.

You mission is to get the Co. you work for to at least look into *nix   ;)
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: lonodnboi2k3 on 20 July 2003, 22:48
Thank, I work in Old Street, Islington. Nice area right next to the City part....

You mission is to get the Co. you work for to at least look into *nix  

This company runs most of its webservers on Linux, and all the IT dept. use Redhat 9 and the american department use RH9 too.  As far as im aware in the next few years windoze will be banished forever and the rest of the computers too.

Oh how i pine for that day.

Besides when i feel depressed from using windows i log on to my computer at home from work and play around on Linux (Yeah :) )to recover
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: lonodnboi2k3 on 20 July 2003, 22:50
Oh also, I has having some fun on my computer at home, I downloaded the trial version of Crossover and installed IE6 on my linux machine and also WM player.....  Guess how quicky it was before i remembered why i stoped using them........    

Right after IE crashed 1 min later
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: jasonlane on 20 July 2003, 23:02
Originally posted by Londonboi2k3:
Thank, I work in Old Street, Islington. Nice area right next to the City part....


This company runs most of its webservers on Linux, and all the IT dept. use Redhat 9 and the american department use RH9 too.  As far as im aware in the next few years windoze will be banished forever and the rest of the computers too.

Oh how i pine for that day.

Besides when i feel depressed from using windows i log on to my computer at home from work and play around on Linux (Yeah :) )to recover

Sounds promising! I'm sure it will happen soon.
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: slvadcjelli42 on 23 July 2003, 17:29
Originally posted by Laukev7:
Don't mind him, London, he's not Calum, he's a troll who spoofs other members identities.

Uh oh, how can they do that? It's not the ol' i's and L's trick, is it? (Dang, I've got an l in my name...)
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: Laukev7 on 23 July 2003, 19:13
I don't understand. What do you mean?

I recall that Psyjax was also spoofed, and the nickname does not contain any 'i' or 'l'.
Title: Don't Look Here!!!!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 24 July 2003, 02:28
You can change your publicly displayed name to anything as long as your login name is different.