Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: bill_ford on 8 March 2004, 21:11

Title: Hello All
Post by: bill_ford on 8 March 2004, 21:11
Hello my name is Bill Ford, I am an IT Professional. I plan on playing around with Linux and I think there must be some really Intelegent people posting here that can help me.

I mainly work with Windows, but Linux sounds pretty good. I have an MSCE, CNAA, ect.

I hope you guys can help.
Title: Hello All
Post by: zooolooo on 8 March 2004, 16:38
Hello Bill and welcome.

Yes there are people here who are very helpful and I hope you get what you need.

BUT... you will find a strong anti-MS bias, so mentioning MS certificates etc won't go down well,   ;)

Linux and Open Source isn't going away so getting familiar with it can only help you in the future.

Anyway... good luck and ignore the insults.

Title: Hello All
Post by: bill_ford on 8 March 2004, 16:46
After hearing this years IT budget at my office, im growing a strong anti MS bias myself.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Laukev7 on 8 March 2004, 17:17
Welcome to the forums, Bill Ford. I hope you find all the help you need and enjoy your stay.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Refalm on 8 March 2004, 19:02
If you want to try out Linux without changing your hard disk in any way, I suggest Knoppix. It loads Linux from a CD!

Here's there latest ISO: (http://
Title: Hello All
Post by: Kintaro on 9 March 2004, 05:15
Hello Bill, welcome to the fucking forums. This place is okay, only its filled with disabled people like Laukev7, who will forever be a virgin.

I will have no problem helping j00r switch to Linux, as nobody else here has a clue about anything. Well maybe about 2 members, the rest are all retarded and tell you TRY MY DISTRO, TRY THIS DISTRO, and if you have a problem they will tell you the same.

I know everything and am better looking then most formidible man, and will help you switch to Linux with my pure badassness.

ThePreacher and me seem like the only people on this forum with a clue, refalm has half a clue, Laukev7 is okay if you like bitching about Bush, RIAA, being a virgin, etc.

Welcome to the forums.

Oh and you will never be banned, ever, here we dont ban people, because were all fucking pussys.

[ March 08, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 is a virgin. ]

Title: Hello All
Post by: Kintaro on 9 March 2004, 05:17
Originally posted by Bill Ford:
After hearing this years IT budget at my office, im growing a strong anti MS bias myself.

After being up till 2am last night cleaning virii of my home network, im going to personally stab bill gates in the fucking back with my Pork Sword.
Title: Hello All
Post by: bill_ford on 9 March 2004, 06:01
Well thanks for all the strong welcome. I think I will like this place, most people seem rather nice. Someone else seems rather insane.


After being up till 2am last night cleaning virii of my home network, im going to personally stab bill gates in the fucking back with my Pork Sword.

I can understand where that insainity comes from.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Paladin9 on 9 March 2004, 06:32
Originally posted by Bill Ford:
I can understand where that insainity comes from.

I comes from putting up with MS bullshit for too long.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Kintaro on 9 March 2004, 07:50
Originally posted by Paladin9 still has a G5:

I comes from putting up with MS bullshit for too long.

Im blaming Xeen for my insainity, because I can, and Laukev7, because he is a daft cunt.

MS Bullshit doesnt help.
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 10:48
Bill, come to erudtion (

it's better than this site because it's more than a bunch of anti-MS whinefests. you can actually talk computers or programming or what have you at Erudition.

and it doesn't have a crappy name like Microsuck
Title: Hello All
Post by: Kintaro on 9 March 2004, 10:59
Originally posted by
Bill, come to erudtion (

it's better than this site because it's more than a bunch of anti-MS whinefests. you can actually talk computers or programming or what have you at Erudition.

and it doesn't have a crappy name like Microsuck

10 bucks says he will say its gay.
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 11:05
10 bucks says MES sucks shit

oh... it does.
Title: Hello All
Post by: bill_ford on 9 March 2004, 11:06
I have decided this forum has to much conflict to bother with.

I might sign up at Erudition, but I have looked at various Linux sites and discovered this place really does need some growing up.

And despite what the mess X11 created I enjoy his honesty about the people here. He is kind of right when I think about it.

Sorry people, but when some adults run the forum, I will consider coming back.
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 11:07

Please do come to E. we don't have whiny squabblings between the mods and constant bitching about MS, except from xeen, but he's just an asshat
Title: Hello All
Post by: Kintaro on 9 March 2004, 11:11
You know what, Im gonna goto E as well, this guys right, this place is retarded.
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 11:14
oh yeah

don't go to Linux forums and expect help... this is how it goes down

Code: [Select]

What gives? I'm running  the OS exactly as it was installed off the CD. Any ideas?<hr></blockquote>

And here's some replies you'll get

RTFM, you fucking noob!

You need to compile the support modules into a new kernel. Without that, the library will think that it's running on the i686 Linux kernel. RTFM, moron.


What? Are you too damn lazy to google for it yourself? We can be arsed with helping you!

This is the quality of help that's provided by the OSS crowd.

Come to Erudition where we'll actually help you. We might not all be Linux dudes, but nearly everybody there has some level of experience with the UNICES.

Oh, and remember, the Steps were, are, and always will be the best OSes. (

It's Better Over There

[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: ]

Title: Hello All
Post by: Kintaro on 9 March 2004, 11:41
Yea jimmyjames, I agree with you man, i signed up, this place is full of immature dipshits.

I want to help people here use Linux and stuff, if you dont know how to help them dont say RTFM, actually help.

Some advice.

This forum is dead, and isnt coming back until immature retards fuck off.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Pantso on 9 March 2004, 14:12
I really don't know what your problem is guys, but I was under the impression that these forums had started picking up again. It's really a shame to see moderators like X11 demoting the forums that they are supposed to be moderating in the first place!!

This was supposed to be a welcoming thread, and guess what! It has turned into a 'my forums or these forums are better than yours' flame war. To hell with that. Jimmy, if you really hate these forums then why are you still posting here? There is nothing wrong with promoting Erudition, other of course than the fact that Erudition's forums are strictly moderated and freedom of speech is grossly underestimated!

Hell, I could even promote my site's forums. Yes you all. has a Forums ( section! Check it out! It's far better than this shithole and it is being run by adults!

Point? Some people need to overcome their bitterness from having been demoded *cough -> Jimmy James cough*, while others (X11) need to be demoded and finally disappear from these forums.

Just my 2 cents!
Title: Hello All
Post by: Refalm on 9 March 2004, 16:00
Hey assholes! This forum isn't fucked up because of bad moderators, it's because of the members and how they communicate with the management.

I'm always online, and you can send me PM's ANYTIME you want. No-one warned me of X11's being a complete drunk, and it was fixed hours later.

Having problems with the MES Forum? Leave, but don't come here to bitch about how shitty this forum is "supposed" to be. Because it isn't a shithole at all. They only way this forum could possibly be a shithole is because you'll made it one.

So stop behaving immaturely yourself. This forum isn't Erudition, OpenOpen Forum or any other, and it never will be.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Refalm on 9 March 2004, 16:02
X11: This forum is dead, and isnt coming back until immature retards fuck off

That would be YOU too, wouldn't it, alcohol addict?
Title: Hello All
Post by: Pantso on 9 March 2004, 16:55
Originally posted by Refalm:
Hey assholes! This forum isn't fucked up because of bad moderators, it's because of the members and how they communicate with the management.

I'm always online, and you can send me PM's ANYTIME you want. No-one warned me of X11's being a complete drunk, and it was fixed hours later.

Having problems with the MES Forum? Leave, but don't come here to bitch about how shitty this forum is "supposed" to be. Because it isn't a shithole at all. They only way this forum could possibly be a shithole is because you'll made it one.

So stop behaving immaturely yourself. This forum isn't Erudition, OpenOpen Forum or any other, and it never will be.

Way to go Refalm! You are most certainly right! This place has nothing to do with OpenOpen and/or Erudition. Those who come here just to bitch about the MES forums are pathetic to say the least.

[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: Panos ]

Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 21:54
Point? Some people need to overcome their bitterness from having been demoded *cough -> Jimmy James cough*, while others (X11) need to be demoded and finally disappear from these forums.

It was bitterness that made me decide to make me force them into de-modding me.

remember, some time ago, I fucked my account up and didn't want to come back until the place really improved. well, it seemed to improve, so I did.

Refalm, it's not the management. You and the mods are doing an excellent job. Let me say that again... Microsuck as EXCELLENT management. My beef isn't with you. There aren't any mods who I have argument with (save for xeen, who wants to bin stuff based on subjective criteria ) and certainly not with you, Refalm.

It's with the members. If they could find something better to talk about than "Windows XP is the worst 'cos MS makes it", and "Linux is cool because it's OSS" or even "All closed source software sux because it's not OSS"... if the rhetoric could be gotten rid of, then there might be some interesting conversation.

[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: ]

Title: Hello All
Post by: Laukev7 on 9 March 2004, 22:52
Laukev who want to bin stuff based on subjective criteria

I do NOT bin stuff based on subjective criteria. I have taken extra care to only bin threads that violated forum rules and amended my moderating methods according to the new moderation guidelines, and even before that, I did NOT bin threads solely because I disagreed with them. The only recent exception I will concede is X11's poem thread, which was an action of retaliation to his editing of my posts on the other forum.

I will not comment on xeen's moderating methods, as I do not spend my time scrutinising other moderator's behaviours. But as an individual, I refuse to be put in the same basket as xeen, and will not accept responsability for xeen's or any other moderator's actions.

Stop judging me on policies I do not or no longer endorse, and get over it. I do not want to be smeared in front of newcomers with comments that do not concern me.

[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]

Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 23:11
Yes, you're doing much better than you had been. Note, I didn't say

"Laukev bins everything in sight"

Let's not get into that war again, because I'm not accusing you of that.

Did the winky smile not tip you off?

And I agree. I will not lump you in with xeen.

I do officially retract my statement. Laukev and xeen are nothing alike. xeen is a whiner, laukev isn't.

My apologies, seriously and sincerely!
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 23:14

all you guys are too defensive.
Title: Hello All
Post by: Laukev7 on 9 March 2004, 23:26
Fair enough. I saw the smilie, but as I said, this thread was started by someone who is not too familiar with our internal affairs, and I don't think he would want to learn about them, either, if he even stays. Not that I want to start another dispute, but newcomers will most likely not undertand what the smilie refers to, and I do not want to perpetuate the reputation.

I accept your apology.
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 9 March 2004, 23:30
good. I thought we'd come to an understanding, and the animosity was over! I did mean what I said about xeen though, and it wasn't fair to group you with him. sorry!
Title: Hello All
Post by: Paladin9 on 10 March 2004, 07:52
Even with stuff like this going on, I find the people here much more helpful then Linuxiso.  Then usually do not respond to me. Those assholes...
Title: Hello All
Post by: restin256 on 10 March 2004, 21:24
Originally posted by Paladin9 Blackboard Sky:
Even with stuff like this going on, I find the people here much more helpful then Linuxiso.  Then usually do not respond to me. Those assholes...

Well, there goes my credibility for promoting that site!  :(

Have you tried cybertechhelp or linuxforums? ( (
Title: Hello All
Post by: hm_murdock on 11 March 2004, 03:00
RTFM, restin... you newb.
Title: Hello All
Post by: restin256 on 11 March 2004, 07:46
What are you talking about?
Title: Hello All
Post by: restin256 on 13 March 2004, 05:32
Originally posted by Laukev7 is a virgin.:
I will have no problem helping j00r switch to Linux, as nobody else here has a clue about anything. Well maybe about 2 members, the rest are all retarded

Hey, I have a clue.