Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: rtgwbmsr on 16 September 2002, 01:21

Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 16 September 2002, 01:21
I'd put this in my sig...but I too despise images in sigs. This describes EXACTLY what I think of windows XPee:
Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: TheQuirk on 16 September 2002, 07:26
Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
I'd put this in my sig...but I too despise images in sigs.

Hooray! I'm not alone!
Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: Master of Reality on 16 September 2002, 07:41
ya, those damn people with their big ima.........
Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 16 September 2002, 07:49
Yeah m0r, we know it wasn't your fault, it was Bob's fault    (http://smile.gif)  

I went to Fisher Price's website, and M$'s website and got down to it...lots of fun!

[ September 15, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: RudeCat7 on 16 September 2002, 08:53
Fucking Bob! Damn you!            ;)   a day or so, I'll remove the LinuxXP one. K?

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]

Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: Calum on 16 September 2002, 13:48
images in signatures are okay, so long as they are not too





Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: voidmain on 16 September 2002, 17:10
Or too

Code: [Select]
Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: Master of Reality on 16 September 2002, 17:17

Code: [Select]

that wasnt
Code: [Select]

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: RudeCat7 on 17 September 2002, 08:02
There, a compromise....not so tall, and not so wide  :D
Title: My Thoughts Exactly
Post by: sporkme on 17 September 2002, 10:30
you know you love it (IF YOU CAN FRIGGING SEE IT)