Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Master of Reality on 27 July 2002, 10:42

Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Master of Reality on 27 July 2002, 10:42
this will teach you.... be the first to reply to this, so i/we can take a screenshot of us with tied number of posts... non one reply to this before VoidMain does!!!
But of course the number of posts doesnt really mean very much becauseof my obvious higher qaulity posting.
now you will have to post twice... LOL

[ July 27, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: voidmain on 27 July 2002, 19:46
Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Master of Reality on 28 July 2002, 02:01
i fell asleep somehow (dont remember) at 5:00 and now i am too lazy to take a picture.
Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: mr6re9 on 4 August 2002, 22:22
I saw the VoidMain!!!!!!!!! subject and thought this might be on topic...kind of.

I recently burned a diskless Linux called KNOPPIX. After it boots, Konqueror starts and you have an option to listen to a few ogg tracks. I immediately recognized the artist's name on one of the tracks called "Penguin Planet" from this forum...VoidMain.

Are "Penguin Planet" and fuckmicrosoft VoidMain one and the same??? Just curious.
Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: flap on 5 August 2002, 00:14
Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: voidmain on 5 August 2002, 06:15
I have an album on which has been there for a few years now, but it's not under the name voidmain.  Yer not going to find out what it is either...
Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: choasforages on 5 August 2002, 06:32
come on dude, please, i need music for my ears, that i won't get in legal trouble for downloading
Title: VoidMain!!!!!!!!!
Post by: voidmain on 5 August 2002, 21:37
Check your PMs.