Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: KernelPanic on 31 August 2002, 02:05
Please click on the image below for me:
( (
*It is not bad taste/illegal or anything like that so please click*
In fact you many wonder why I want you to do this, butThis link ( explains all. I need maximum click, but they all need to be from different IP addresses.
Many thanks in advance.
::bumps to top::
I need a little bit of a boost.
Please Click Here ( (http://smile.gif)
Doesn't take long.
The stats can be viewed here. (
Thank you, click again tommorrow.
I've gone into last place, please help!
do you realize that most of us don't play CS? i used to play it but the cheating got a bit too out of hand.
You know what, for years I had hated FPS's (except doom lol) until I played Cs and at first I could just tolerate it, was reluctant to play and pretty crap. But now I really like it (yes it's sad) and as for cheatin Valve's Anti-Cheat protection is pretty much keeping up with the new hacks. In fact before CS I barely played games at all, I played the odd RTS (and xbill of course) but I mostly occupied myself with healthy activities. I must stop spending so much time on the computer, my lifestyle is terrible.
[ September 02, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]