Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: psyjax on 16 October 2002, 11:27

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: psyjax on 16 October 2002, 11:27
I turn 23 today! This also marks nearly a year since I started wasteing valuable time shootin' shit in the forums.

I'd like to give the proverbial shoutout to my peeps:

Void, Calum, X11, and even Zombie787894854 for being there whenever I needed to read some good shitslinging    (http://smile.gif)    (as well, as some GREAT discussions)

Newcomers like JimmyJames, Panos, MacUser, and Macman, for joining me as resident Mac Zelots.

Muffin-Man, and Xyle-one, for being more levelheaded Macheads    :D  

Webmaster for the site and my Admin status. Same with TheQuirk who has me on the payroll for the MES FAQ. Though I haven't gotten around to editing stuff yet (I'll do it I'll do it!!!)

Refelm for his freaked out AIM buddy icon    :D  

And to everyone on the MES, Flamer, Troll, LinuxGod, MacAddict, Windows Luser    (http://tongue.gif)    alike. It's been a whole lotta fun!!!

[ October 16, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 16 October 2002, 11:40
Happy B-Day man. You are only 1 year older than me. I just turned 22 2 weeks ago. ;P
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: Kintaro on 16 October 2002, 12:54
Yep Happy birthday, im not sure what this has to do with MacOS, but happy birthday.
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: psyjax on 16 October 2002, 12:58
Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
Yep Happy birthday, im not sure what this has to do with MacOS, but happy birthday.

Yea Good point!   :D  

Just a little indulgance on my part due to being moderator here and all.

I suppose I'll go ahead and move it to the Lounge, but later!

It's my B-day let me get my way   (http://tongue.gif)

[ October 16, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: Pantso on 16 October 2002, 15:10
Happy Birthday man   :D  You are 2 years younger than me. I turned 25 on the 8th of October so that means we are both Libras or something   :confused:    :D  

Anyway, happy B-day again   ;)
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: Kintaro on 16 October 2002, 16:10
He is 7 years older then me so

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: Calum on 16 October 2002, 18:37
well i am now 25, but i shan't be telling you how recently my birthday was, as i don't fancy anybody on the internet getting hold of my date of birth.

Nevertheless, funny how so many people seem to be born around this time of year, isn't it?

happy birthday, psyjax!  :D
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: xyle_one on 16 October 2002, 20:24
Happy Birthday Psyjax!!!  (http://smile.gif)  

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: cocoamix on 16 October 2002, 21:35
Happy birthday, Psy. Make sure you get out and do something fun instead of spending all day here.  (http://smile.gif)
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: MacUser3of5 on 16 October 2002, 22:01
Happy birthday!!!

Your official Disturbing B-Day link!!! ( (don't click)   ;)  

(I give it to everyone on their birthday)


By the way, I became 19 on )October 10th  (http://smile.gif)

[ October 16, 2002: Message edited by: MacUser3of5 ]

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 17 October 2002, 00:33
Happy Birthday!

If you are too busy partying (which you should be) and you see this later, Happy Unbirthday!

I couldn't make a good muffin-smiley with a birthday hat...I need to make a good one eventually. All of these birthdays!

Have a good day!  ;)
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: hm_murdock on 17 October 2002, 00:48
my 21st arrives as a massive assault of me sleeping for a full 24 hour period.

edit: what a shit eater I am... I forgot the most important... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

[ October 16, 2002: Message edited by: The Jimmy James / Bob ]

Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: TheQuirk on 17 October 2002, 02:14
Happy birthday! Speaking of which, mine's on the 24th!

P.S - Sorry for being weird on AIM  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: ravuya on 17 October 2002, 02:16
Happy birthday, man!
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: trc3 on 17 October 2002, 03:43
Happy Birthday!
Title: I'll cry if I want to!
Post by: psyjax on 17 October 2002, 12:15
Thanx folks! I apreciate it.

Now to the dead thread sections with this strange greeting card from the internet beyond.