Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: hm_murdock on 5 August 2004, 01:01

Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: hm_murdock on 5 August 2004, 01:01
He's done something that no President has done since  Korea... unite the nation. For this, he should be applauded. Despite the crappy handling of the Iraq PR, there's still strong support for our presence in the Middle East.

For getting people to rally to a cause, Bush is cool.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Laukev7 on 5 August 2004, 01:16
Yeah, he's got the whole world united against him.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: WMD on 5 August 2004, 01:25
He's got the whole world against him, but the U.S. election polls are dead even.

Unless they're all lying.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: xyle_one on 5 August 2004, 01:26
yay bush  :D

He is my hero and he makes ghandi look like a pedophile.

Why do you hate freedom?
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Stilly on 5 August 2004, 01:27
i remember when i made a thread like this once.

anyway jimmy, why post political stuff here if you hate it so much?
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: WMD on 5 August 2004, 01:28
Check the latest binned thread.  I think Jimmy's kidding again.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: hm_murdock on 5 August 2004, 01:41
I figured that if any attempt to say anything bad about politics results in douchebaggery from the administration and their asshole "enforcers"...

why not just play their game?

politics still sucks, but if there's not going to be limits on the shit, then it's time that somebody else had an opinion other than "BUSH EATS BABIES"

oh, Laukev, you're a deliberately pointless moderator. nobody does shit if someone attacks me, but if I say anything about your good friend Solaris, then you'll do anything.

Why don't you piss off?
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: flap on 5 August 2004, 02:04
Your persecution complex is ridiculous. When has anyone ever attacked you? Can you give an example, excepting cases were someone was responding to asinine shit like this? In the past I've seen you complain that people were "flaming" you (or the Mac, or some other platform), simply because they disagreed with your opinion.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: hm_murdock on 5 August 2004, 02:11

I should admit it. when I grew up, I was seen as an undesirable. for some reason, people found it necessary to do everything they could to ruin my life, through words, or even violence!

this has made me a very bitter, very depressed young man.

I apologize for all the trouble :-(
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Laukev7 on 5 August 2004, 02:13
Poor little boy.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: hm_murdock on 5 August 2004, 02:15
actually, it's bullshit, but I do apologize for the trouble.


I really just don't care. it just pisses me off that  such lengths seem to be taken to silence the opposition. that's all
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Laukev7 on 5 August 2004, 02:31
I am not trying to 'silence the opposition', I want you to stop posting crap in the lounge! There's an 'Ideas and Suggestions' section where you can post your opinion about how politics should be treated. Or better yet, post in Tux's thread.

Hell, I think I'll move it to Ideas and Suggestions.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: skyman8081 on 5 August 2004, 02:34
there is already a thread there on how to reduce flaming.

bedouin is just abhorrently oppesed to it.  and wishes for off-topic flame-bait to continue.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: hm_murdock on 5 August 2004, 02:54
well... I honestly thought that the "teh polatacks" thread could be an outlet for some people. come in and just rank on whoever you want, or whatever you want.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: KernelPanic on 5 August 2004, 03:04
Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
well... I honestly thought that the "teh polatacks" thread could be an outlet for some people. come in and just rank on whoever you want, or whatever you want.

What a great idea...

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If you want to abuse people, keep it to Private communication.
Don't blame me for enforcing the forums rules.

[ August 04, 2004: Message edited by: Tux ]

Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Stilly on 7 August 2004, 05:59
Originally posted by WMD:
Check the latest binned thread.  I think Jimmy's kidding again.

ahh thanks.

haven't been here for a few days...
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: KernelPanic on 7 August 2004, 20:40
-> Aloone

I have removed your post because it was not nessesary and would only serve to get people angry again.
Please don't post unless you actually have something relevant to say..
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Aloone_Jonez on 7 August 2004, 20:59
Originally posted by Tux:
-> Aloone

I have removed your post because it was not nessesary and would only serve to get people angry again.
Please don't post unless you actually have something relevant to say..

Sorry I was only joking, I ment to say:

( (


  :D    :D    :D  
Originally posted by WMD:

I think Jimmy's kidding again.

So was I about the binning part.

I'm sorry if it offended anyone.
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: Aloone_Jonez on 7 August 2004, 21:07
Anyway, as I have said before I don't like politics, but its been mentioned that they are relevant to the MES, and its the reason why I think they should stay.

I think we should concentrate more on Billy kissing Bush's arse rather than politics in general.

We really need a separate politics section, as this isn't possible now we should restrict politics to Tux's thead.

Why can't the moderators just automatically move all the political posts to this threat?
Title: George W. Bush is cool
Post by: KernelPanic on 7 August 2004, 21:36
Originally posted by Aloone:
Anyway, as I have said before I don't like politics, but its been mentioned that they are relevant to the MES, and its the reason why I think they should stay.

I think we should concentrate more on Billy kissing Bush's arse rather than politics in general.

We really need a separate politics section, as this isn't possible now we should restrict politics to Tux's thead.

Why can't the moderators just automatically move all the political posts to this threat?

That isn't really what I meant, I don't think i've made myself clear on this.

We had a lot of people discussing whether politics should / shouldn't be allowed at the MES in lots of different threads. Most of them turned into bitch-fests.
I wanted that discusssion to carry on in the thread you have mentioned.

But there is no ban on legitiate discussions of political issues.
ie. War in Iraq, Domestic Taxes, Patriot Act, 3rd World Debt, Genocide in Armenia. Whatever floats your boat...

Although I think it's fair to say discussion of these issues is causing serious problems in these forums and it might be a good idea for certain people to keep their discussion of this stuff to a more relevant forum. Like: (  
That is Laukevs Politics forum, a spin-off from erudition. There are good issues raised and some interesting posters.

[ August 07, 2004: Message edited by: Tux ]