Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: slave on 22 October 2002, 21:52

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: slave on 22 October 2002, 21:52

Oh wow I didn't know I was broadcasting my IP address to the world now I feel so naked and dirty I better click it..

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw!!!!!!

Notice how they "cleverly" made it look like a window, hoping some moron would click "OK."  The funny thing is that I was using Linux at the time.

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: voidmain on 22 October 2002, 22:05
That's funny, all I see on my Linux box is "Ad Removed".  (http://smile.gif)   My proxy server has filtered it out.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: psyjax on 22 October 2002, 22:14
You think seeing shit like that in Linux is Obvious and funny, try it in OSX!!!  :D
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: KernelPanic on 22 October 2002, 22:59
Yeah, I saw that a while ago.
I found it highly amusing because how are you supposed to connect to anything if you do not broadcast an IP address?

I suppose they have some sort of proxy, but it's still funny. I wonder how many Win-droids have gone 'oh shit, I'm gonna get hacked' and clicked that stupid ad thinking it was  real warning?

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Calum on 22 October 2002, 23:05
i saved it so i can post it in forums where a lot of windoids hang out. i have yet to post it on the windows bs. here's the one i saw (better formatting if you want to link to it):

( (

i think it's even funnier that windows dipshits probably will click this!  :D  sorry, just my sense of humour!

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: KernelPanic on 22 October 2002, 23:28
Calum, check your PM.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Master of Reality on 23 October 2002, 00:14
Originally posted by void main:
That's funny, all I see on my Linux box is "Ad Removed".   (http://smile.gif)  

hmmmm... mine says "Ad Zapped"
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 23 October 2002, 00:33
Mine is blank for 99% of ads

Wait...XP user said he was in Linux?
He's making fun of Windows?
What's goin on?

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 23 October 2002, 01:00
Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Mine is blank for 99% of ads

Wait...XP user said he was in Linux?
He's making fun of Windows?
What's goin on?

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

He is actually making fun of the dumb Windows users who would actually fall for such a stupid ad more than he is making fun of the Windows OS. I'm actually glad he posted it because it reminds me that I need to modify my hosts file on this macine to block doubleclick, fastclick and several other ad-sites.    (http://smile.gif)

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: slave on 23 October 2002, 02:34
Posted by Zombie:
I'm actually glad he posted it because it reminds me that I need to modify my hosts file on this macine to block doubleclick, fastclick and several other ad-sites.

I actually got in an argument with some dipshit over ad-blocking.  He told me that blocking ads is stealing bandwith from the site and that I was a filthy scumbag for using ad-blocking software (when actually all I really do is right click the really annoying ads in Mozilla and hit "block image."  That and I don't let javascript open unrequested windows.)  Sorry, but I refuse to be exploited in some idiot's dubious ad-scheme at my own inconvienience and annoyance, and if that generates "revenue loss" then good, maybe it will send people a message that ads (especially popup ads) are nothing more than unwanted spam and should be relegated to the historical trash heap. Sorry, but I have every right to block that shit from entering my computer and wasting my bandwith.  The internet survived before that garbage and it will survive after it.

(edit) The sick thing is that afterwards the retarded creep added me to hundreds of his spam e-mail lists out of spite and I got over 50 spam emails in one day where previously I got none.  (he runs a filthy email spam ring also and his own dumb "newsletter" called "millionaire's toybox" was part of the spam I got, and it was the biggest piece of shit ever.  He claimed if you gave him 50,000 dollars you'd get back enough profit to put a jacuzzi in every room in your house.  Yeah, that's really believable.  What a dope)

[ October 22, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: lazygamer on 23 October 2002, 03:45
Well XP, you sound like your starting to get smarter/cooler. I will say that you should not use hotmail(if you don't use it then nm). Hey I ain't gonna give you a speech, just try out something like Yahoomail, and use your spam guards. See whether it works better for you.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 23 October 2002, 03:51
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
AntiAdBlocker (
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: voidmain on 23 October 2002, 04:00
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:

hmmmm... mine says "Ad Zapped"

Actually mine didn't say "Ad Zapped" *or* "Ad Removed" but it said "Ad Removed by XXXX" (my real name) because I used personalized replacement images in my ad zapper.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: psyjax on 23 October 2002, 04:09
Maybe XP's just toying with us, tryin to get his rateings up  ;)

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 23 October 2002, 22:05
Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
AntiAdBlocker (

I bet that anti-adblocker won't anti-adblock a modified HOSTS file and I bet it won't anti-adblock firewalls with built in ad blocking options(like my new blocks ads and pop-up windows).  ;)

People wouldn't block ads and popups if there weren't so damn many of them. Sadly enough, alot of those ad banners you see implant a spyware cookie in your system(so it can gather info about your likes to send to the ad companies so they can popup ads that will interest you). That is invasion of privacy...screw that anti-ad blocker.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Calum on 23 October 2002, 22:48
Gooseberry Clock:

when will you learn that one word replies which are some irrelevant link will only make people irritated? nevermind.

(like my new blocks ads and pop-up windows)
yeah, i hate it when windows pops up like that, never mind, now that more people are using linux than ever before, windows is popping up less and less!  :D

Sadly enough, alot of those ad banners you see implant a spyware cookie in your system(so it can gather info about your likes to send to the ad companies so they can popup ads that will interest you). That is invasion of privacy...screw that anti-ad blocker.

sadly enough windows hides some of these files from you and protects others. Of course you have complete control over all your files if you own a *nix system, but that's another matter.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 23 October 2002, 23:02
Originally posted by Calum:
sadly enough windows hides some of these files from you and protects others. Of course you have complete control over all your files if you own a *nix system, but that's another matter.

If a person wanted to they can block most cookies or they can block all cookies with the greatest of ease. Oh yeah, the Cookies folder is not hidden, get your facts straight buddy. ;P

I can block cookies from certain sites(the sites I choose) using my the spyware cookies are not an issue for me. I don't rely on a browser to do the ad blocking, cookie blocking or site blocking, I do it all from my firewall so the config will work with every browser I use...not just one browser.    ;)  

Originally posted by Calum:
yeah, i hate it when windows pops up like that, never mind, now that more people are using linux than ever before, windows is popping up less and less!

Shit, the total Linux user base(users of all distros combined) doesn't even make a pimple on the Windows user base's ass.

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 23 October 2002, 23:41
Have any of you actually tried ( AntiAdBlocker? 'cos you should. Then post on his forums ( and tell him what you think.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 October 2002, 00:35
you are a fucking retard. antiadbliocker doenst work at all. The ads are still fucking blocked when i go to the sites using antiadblocker. and why the fuck would people talking about blocking ads want to make it so they cant block ads!!! That has got to be one of the most retarded things i have ever heard. go to hell, go to hell and die.

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Calum on 24 October 2002, 02:28
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
 Oh yeah, the Cookies folder is not hidden, get your facts straight buddy. ;P
i didn't say the folder was hidden, 'buddy'...

Shit, the total Linux user base(users of all distros combined) doesn't even make a pimple on the Windows user base's ass.

And you get your figures from... where? linux does not have a market share because it is not marketted. If 90% of the world used linux and BSD, then windows would still have 90% of the market share and apple macintosh would have most of what was left, because free software can multiply as fast as bacteria and never go accounted for on any forms or lists.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 24 October 2002, 02:31
OK, let me break it down for you:

1. Go to (
2. Click on a download (emudl.phtml)
3. It should say "Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!"
4. If you see the file's details, then "congratulations, you're not blocking ads". If "We've determined you're using popup blocking software", then what is your course of action?
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Calum on 24 October 2002, 02:34
pat yourself on the back for successfully blocking ads?
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: voidmain on 24 October 2002, 03:22
Originally posted by Blob:
3. It should say "Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!"

Mine says:

Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!

Your browser doesn't support JavaScript, which is required on this site.

Please turn on or unblock JavaScript in order to use this site. To turn on JavaScript in IE: Tools Menu->Internet Options->Security Tab->Custom Level->Scripting->Active Scripting->Enabled. Once JavaScript is turned on, try again. (error: 3.2)

My course of action? Stay away from this particular site!
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 October 2002, 07:56
[EDIT - It wasn't all that huge actually, i just thought the image quotient here was getting a bit high]

Well, it looks like Anti-Ad Blocker doesn't unblock ads when the blocking is done at firewall level. Sadly, admins who can't unblock your ads can just redirect you to crap saying you can't block thier ads and download from them. Oh well, it isn't like there aren't thousands of other places to download most of the stuff I download anyways. If admins choose to cram ads down my throat I simply won't visit thier site.

I prefer getting files via FTP or IRC anyways. ;P

[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Chooco on 24 October 2002, 08:56
yeah i've had that...... i was about to post in a forum how stupid it was then i wasn't really sure if everybody broadcasted an IP (like when all ports are stealthed by firewall)
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: slave on 24 October 2002, 10:06
Just go to the public library or something and post it from there   ;)
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: slave on 24 October 2002, 10:17
Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
OK, let me break it down for you:

1. Go to (
2. Click on a download (emudl.phtml)
3. It should say "Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!"
4. If you see the file's details, then "congratulations, you're not blocking ads". If "We've determined you're using popup blocking software", then what is your course of action?

Gods, you're stupid.  All I had to do to bypass the stinking "AntiAdBlocker
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 October 2002, 21:07
nice one XP Luser.

Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
OK, let me break it down for you:

1. Go to (
2. Click on a download (emudl.phtml)
3. It should say "Testing, please wait... Don't close or refresh this window!"
4. If you see the file's details, then "congratulations, you're not blocking ads". If "We've determined you're using popup blocking software", then what is your course of action?

i got in fine... and two ads on the site are blocked (so is the counter).

need proof? according to the site:
Visual Boy Advance Goes Open Source
Visual Boy Advance, currently one of the best Gameboy/Gameboy Advance emulators for Windows, Linux, and BeOS has gone open source under GNU; and been submitted to SourceForge.

[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 October 2002, 21:29
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
nice one XP Luser.


[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Go to ( for tha stupid ad-blocker test. I can get into the main page(the news section) of the site just fine with ad-blocking. BTW, I trie that ad blocker test with my firewalls ad blockig disabled but with a modified HOSTS file(I have alot of ad sites blocked in the HOSTS file) and it works just fine.  ;)
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: foobar on 25 October 2002, 00:19
ok. tell me, that when you have a proxy or browser (opera) that can block ads, what do you need an anti-ad program for?
Isn't that just for browsers like IE 5, which can't block ads by them stupid selves? (I dunno shite about something beyound IE 5, so I'm not sure.)
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Master of Reality on 25 October 2002, 00:32
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Go to ( for tha stupid ad-blocker test. I can get into the main page(the news section) of the site just fine with ad-blocking. BTW, I trie that ad blocker test with my firewalls ad blockig disabled but with a modified HOSTS file(I have alot of ad sites blocked in the HOSTS file) and it works just fine.   ;)  

read my whole message... i did go there.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: slave on 27 October 2002, 03:07
If you thought the first ad was dumb, check this one out!


HAHAHHAAHAHHAHAH!!! I don't even know where to begin.  In particular I found what the checkboxes say very funny.  The stupid flashing folders at the bottom are also hysterical.

I notice the image is from "" I think I'm going to add those idiots to my HOSTS file.

[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Kintaro on 27 October 2002, 04:18
I think I will start making some things like that for my site, which is currently down. Mainly because of the fact the servers power supply is toast, its been replaced, but the server cant connect for some reason.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: TheQuirk on 27 October 2002, 04:22
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
If you thought the first ad was dumb, check this one out!


HAHAHHAAHAHHAHAH!!! I don't even know where to begin.  In particular I found what the checkboxes say very funny.  The stupid flashing folders at the bottom are also hysterical.

I notice the image is from "" I think I'm going to add those idiots to my HOSTS file.

[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]

The funniest one is "Windows might crash" one.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: mobrien_12 on 27 October 2002, 04:23
Originally posted by Chooco:
yeah i've had that...... i was about to post in a forum how stupid it was then i wasn't really sure if everybody broadcasted an IP (like when all ports are stealthed by firewall)

When you make a request for a web page or an image, the request contains your IP number.  This is necessary so the server knows to whom it should send the data.    

You do "broadcast" the IP number in the sense that your data packets (containing the requests) are broadcast over the network.    

I think people who use proxy servers actually send the IP address of the proxy server to the web/image server, but I could be wrong since I've never used one.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Kintaro on 27 October 2002, 05:37
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Well XP, you sound like your starting to get smarter/cooler. I will say that you should not use hotmail(if you don't use it then nm). Hey I ain't gonna give you a speech, just try out something like Yahoomail, and use your spam guards. See whether it works better for you. ( ( (

[edit: i fixed your fucking link. You must go to ( or ( to get to the bob email]

[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: TheQuirk on 27 October 2002, 05:44
. . .Or, if you're desperate, a complimentary pop3 email account ([email protected]). No ads or anything. And two web front ends if you're not home.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Master of Reality on 27 October 2002, 07:04
Originally posted by TheQuirk:
. . .Or, if you're desperate, a complimentary pop3 email account ([email protected]). No ads or anything. And two web front ends if you're not home.

can i have one... but first i will need your server specs, like how fast procesor, what version of OpenSSL, what apache version, whether it runs telnet, what sendmail version, and whether you are running an intrusion detection or portsniffer tool.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Calum on 1 November 2002, 13:41
i just went to and got a popup (gods i am embarrased by the popups on my site), and it said:  
Special Offer!  Download HistoryKill now for a FREE 15-day trial and receive PopUp Killer absolutely FREE!  

Stop these annoying PopUp ads from popping  up while you surf the web for FREE!

This is a $29.95 value absolutely FREE!  
   Limited time offer...

    Download HistoryKill with
FREE Popup Killer

how pointless is that?
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: hm_murdock on 2 November 2002, 03:40
interesting. simply by visiting the anti-adblocker site... a site I've never seen in my entire life... I was banned!

whoo hoo! what did I do to achieve this great honor?
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 2 November 2002, 03:47
When you're using OS X, enjoying the cool aqua interface, and surfing the net theres nothing worse than seeing one of those ads. It's insulting to think that the ad agencies think they will get the most business if they post commercials that look like windows, even if it is true. Say, do they make Mozilla for OS X?
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 2 November 2002, 04:06
Never mind about my question, I found where to download it, but whenever I open the Mozilla it says "the program mozilla has unexpectedly quit"    :mad:    :confused:
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 2 November 2002, 04:37
HAHA, never mind again. I just forgot to copy it to my hard drive. Hey, this Mozilla is sweet. Thanks for telling me about it, guys.
Title: Dumbest ad EVER!
Post by: psyjax on 2 November 2002, 12:50
Originally posted by Macman / Bob:
HAHA, never mind again. I just forgot to copy it to my hard drive. Hey, this Mozilla is sweet. Thanks for telling me about it, guys. (

Macman, use Chimera instead. It's better than Mozilla. It's the best browser in the world.