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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Fett101 on 7 December 2002, 20:50
MIKE WENDLAND: Internet spammer can't take what he dishes out
December 6, 2002
West Bloomfield bulk e-mailer Alan Ralsky, who just may be the world's biggest sender of Internet spam, is getting a taste of his own medicine.
Ever since I wrote a story on him a couple of weeks ago (, he says he's been inundated with ads, catalogs and brochures delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to his brand-new $740,000 home.
It's all the result of a well-organized campaign by the anti-spam community, and Ralsky doesn't find it funny.
"They've signed me up for every advertising campaign and mailing list there is," he told me. "These people are out of their minds. They're harassing me."
That they are. Gleefully. Almost 300 anti-Ralsky posts were made on the Web site, where the plan was hatched after spam haters posted his address, even an aerial view of his neighborhood.
"Several tons of snail mail spam every day might just annoy him as much as his spam annoys me," wrote one of the anti-spammers.
Ralsky is indeed annoyed. He says he's asked Bloomfield Hills attorney Robert Harrison to sue the anti-spammers. (
[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Fett101 ]
yeah, i remember that article, and i even saw the part on slashdot about doing that. i though it was idle aggresion. and this man needs some help. he thinks that becuase he does something its right, but if somebody else does it its not. i hope the anti-spammers win in court
thats the best plan i have ever seen. What a bastard from hell, he's gettin what he deserves.
Maybe there is balance in the world after all.
Originally posted by Macman: Mac Trooper:
Maybe there is balance in the world after all.
I'll second that :D
...And Justice For All
how dare he have the gall to try and sue people for doing exactly what he does to others for a living?
what an asshole!
Four words: