Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Kintaro on 8 April 2002, 19:18

Post by: Kintaro on 8 April 2002, 19:18
Which do you think is better looking


OR XIMIAN. And if you havent seen Ximian (or windows)


Personally i think ximian is dead sexy...

A Special note:
This is a debate, but no bullshit.
Post by: Centurian on 8 April 2002, 19:48

Here is a couple more Screenshots (

They are off of my site at Dark Mares (

Just gives you a few more to look at if you want.  (http://smile.gif)
Post by: Calum on 8 April 2002, 20:49
given the disposition of the site here, i doubt many people will post saying they like the look of the windows desktop better, except obviously goosedberry cock, and possibly zombie346723467 and bateleur who already kludged up these forums with huge screenshots rather than sensibly linking to them like you guys did.

Anyway, i take it that when my red hat 7.2 arrives it won't have this cuddly version of GNOME? will i have to download XIMIAN to use it or will it come with RH7.2?
It does look really good...

My needs in a desktop situation are basically total control with a minimum of frills.
A feature that i find sorely lacking in most desktops is tha ability to cycle the desktops at user defined intervals, from a directory (or directories in the case of multiple desktops) of the user's choice. Of course this may be commonplace now, as i have old software blah blah yadda yadda...

Also it would be nice to have control over the file associations right from the desktop, and i'm sure there's a bunch of other stuff too.
XIMIAN looks nice, but how does it perform?
i couldn't get my (old i know) version of enlightenment to even do the desktop cycling thing, would you believe...
Post by: Kintaro on 8 April 2002, 21:26
Originally posted by Calum:
given the disposition of the site here, i doubt many people will post saying they like the look of the windows desktop better, except obviously goosedberry cock, and possibly zombie346723467 and bateleur who already kludged up these forums with huge screenshots rather than sensibly linking to them like you guys did.

Anyway, i take it that when my red hat 7.2 arrives it won't have this cuddly version of GNOME? will i have to download XIMIAN to use it or will it come with RH7.2?
It does look really good...

My needs in a desktop situation are basically total control with a minimum of frills.
A feature that i find sorely lacking in most desktops is tha ability to cycle the desktops at user defined intervals, from a directory (or directories in the case of multiple desktops) of the user's choice. Of course this may be commonplace now, as i have old software blah blah yadda yadda...

Also it would be nice to have control over the file associations right from the desktop, and i'm sure there's a bunch of other stuff too.
XIMIAN looks nice, but how does it perform?
i couldn't get my (old i know) version of enlightenment to even do the desktop cycling thing, would you believe...

It sorta does, i also have the Full Boxed Set of red-hat. And it come's with GNOME 1.4 but red-hat slightly modifyed the layout to look more traditional. You could customize it, but i just reinstalled.

On my website i am to get more and more and more screenshots. And i am also getting one of my favorite computers soon an "Apple Classic II"
I like the way they...  work. They dont crash or
give me shit! Thats why i like apple, even if am poor and cont afford a good one. I like PC's because i can upgrade.

At my local lan party i asked people what Desktop they liked the best, most said GNOME. One of them said someone should port GNOME to windows.

But yes GNOME is clearly a nice desktop. Its only compitition is KDE. And Microsoft arn't in the race. But i will get a Screenshot of KDE there.
Post by: Kintaro on 8 April 2002, 21:30
Originally posted by Centurian:

Here is a couple more Screenshots (

They are off of my site at Dark Mares (

Just gives you a few more to look at if you want.   (http://smile.gif)  

Nice background. I must say, Nice background. Mines always plain. But that was nice.
I might do one of my brothers PC in Gnome.
But its @ 1600x1200x32 mainly because its plugged
into a 60cm TV.
Post by: Centurian on 8 April 2002, 23:15

Originally posted by X11:

Nice background. I must say, Nice background. Mines always plain. But that was nice.
I might do one of my brothers PC in Gnome.
But its @ 1600x1200x32 mainly because its plugged
into a 60cm TV.

Thank you.  (http://smile.gif)

I made that in Bryce. I am a horrible artist except when I am using Bryce. Unfortunately it has not been ported to Linux as of yet. So I have to use Windows when I want to create some cool art.

I would love to see any that you create. I kinda get into scenery pics particularly computer generated ones.  (http://smile.gif)
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 8 April 2002, 23:53
Oh dear, you slipped in some anti-Microsoft code. And you misspelt my name. Welcome to the list of people that suck.

*goes straight to (*

You'll never stop me.

[ April 08, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]

Post by: Gooseberry Cock on 9 April 2002, 14:13
Oh dear, I seem to have pissed myself. And I can't spell my name. I think I should learn to write now.

You should click on this totally useless link ( which might not even work.

[ April 08, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Cock ]
Post by: badkarma on 9 April 2002, 15:02
Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Welcome to the list of people that suck.
[ April 08, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]

Wow, you must be pretty high up your own list then .....
Post by: Kintaro on 9 April 2002, 17:43
Originally posted by Centurian:


Thank you.    (http://smile.gif)  

I made that in Bryce. I am a horrible artist except when I am using Bryce. Unfortunately it has not been ported to Linux as of yet. So I have to use Windows when I want to create some cool art.

I would love to see any that you create. I kinda get into scenery pics particularly computer generated ones.    (http://smile.gif)  

I suck at computer art... I write stupid programs in Powerbasic... I also can do flash stuff

[ April 09, 2002: Message edited by: X11 ]

Post by: Kintaro on 9 April 2002, 17:47
Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Oh dear, you slipped in some anti-Microsoft code. And you misspelt my name. Welcome to the list of people that suck.

*goes straight to (*

You'll never stop me.

[ April 08, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]

I working on haveing IE users booted from the main page. But im having trouble. i want IE users to go away, and all others to stay.
It needs to be JavaScript. And it needs to be small, if you would help i would love it. Thank-you
Post by: Kintaro on 9 April 2002, 20:39
I would like to say that my mainpage of my site is
Internet Explorer proof.


Suck my balls...
Post by: psyjax on 10 April 2002, 03:50
HEHEH! Im posting from IE on a friends computer and got to see the page  that all those unfortunates who use this horrible pice of software over mozilla.

Good work X11!
Post by: sporkme on 20 April 2002, 13:23
stepping outside of myself so to provide an unbiased opinion on the whole desktop sexiness issue, my vote goes to ximian.

stepping back in, ximian definitely gets my vote because my windows desktop is a horribly ugly blue screen, with some ascii text and an error message.

oh, and like anyone but goosenutclucker cares, if you have all the latest updates for winblows 98 and internet exploder 6, there is about a 50% chance you cannot play any streaming media.  real cute, especially when i went to m$ website and looked for an explanation.  they provide a shoddy workaround for free, or the "solution" for 40 bucks.

anyone else feel like windows is the user of you?
of course you do.  sad they own everything.
Post by: Kintaro on 20 April 2002, 14:02
Must i also state in "Windows 98 SE" fresh install
i installed that and Winzip, to install more software. I click extract in winzip and the copmputer reboots. Nice eh
Post by: Goldsmith on 26 April 2002, 15:59
A sortof off topic, but possibly useful to you app. (
It's called(surprise!) PowerArchiver, and it's free forever, with most stuff enabled, but if you want the real goodies, naturally you've gotta pay.
I tried the free ver, and liked it so much, I stole $40 bucks, and paid for the full version.
Worth every penny!
It's designed to work with windows, and I'm stuck with win98SE at present, so maybe it'll help you out too.
I also have a totally free app called FSZipx that I can e-mail you, that works great but doesn't have all the same features.
Post by: Calum on 26 April 2002, 16:39
why not use rar?

it has a higher compression rate for its own files, than zip files do, plus it can handle most other kinds of compression. definitely all the types that winzip can do. It can handle .lhz files no bother, while winxip requires a plugin, and it does tar.gz files like a dream. the only things that rar doesn't do is support for disk spanned multiple zip files (which winzip 6, 7 and 8 do) and Stuffit archives (which winzip does not support either).

MacRar is available, as is WinRAR, and there's a program called rar available for linux, from the same company that does the same job.

The linux version appears not to have quite the same recency that the other versions have so be careful with your compression options if you want to put rar files across platforms. solid archives and multimedia compression don't seem to be supported in less up to date versions (though they make little difference to the filesize.)

You should be able to find all three versions at or on google. the linux version and the mac version appear to be totally free, and the windows version costs $12 after a 40 day evaluation period is up. that said, i have had mine running more than 40 days in windows and no nag screen has come up, so maybe it's true goodwill style shareware, maybe i'll pay for it after all!
Anyway, that's my suggestion, though if you want to span disks and open .sit and .sea files, you will need winzip and stuffit expander as well (in win* that is)