Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Doogee on 5 December 2002, 16:52

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 5 December 2002, 16:52
BLANK XP!!!! Get it now and make funny shit from it!

GET BLANK XP! ( (about 30 kilobytes jpeg format) post your changes here, i am currently making one of my own aswell.

Have Fun!

[ December 05, 2002: Message edited by: The artist formerly known as Doogee ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: choasforages on 5 December 2002, 17:11
hehehe, im on it, too bad its not fully blanked out, like the msn icon gone and the ie thing gone. though, i have a pretty good idea of what to do with it
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 5 December 2002, 17:13
well i was going to blank them out but i thought that its just an XP thing to have them there : you cant remove them.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: choasforages on 5 December 2002, 17:17
i know, itl just mean more work.....
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 5 December 2002, 17:39
My finished product!

Check out the finished product! (

Please comment!!
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: choasforages on 5 December 2002, 17:43
what the hell are you doing, take that link down before he starts posting agian, he hasn't said anything in a while. good work with the image though
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 5 December 2002, 17:46
nah we dont want him, he doesnt want us, but we REALLY dont want him lol. and that pics sytaying that took me like an hour, people have gotta see it!
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 5 December 2002, 18:42
Originally posted by The artist formerly known as Doogee:
My finished product!

Check out the finished product! (

Please comment!!

I know you mother fuckers are infatuated with me but please keep your feelings to yourself. What is the point of making stupid images about people who don't even give a fuck about your tiny community? I've visited this hell hole twice since I decided to quit posting here and alas...both times I've visited there were people talking about me. Dogee, that is a piss poor drawing. My 5 year old nephew could whip up a better drawing than that shit. Your drawing looks like chicken scratch.

I know I'm a sexy man and all...but please, quit thinking about me you fucking queers. Anyways, I've already wasted a minute more than I should have to waste posting this reply.

Fuck off you pieces of shit.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 5 December 2002, 19:55
while i cannot condone zombie90210's insulting and prejudiced language and tone, i am forced to agree with him in spirit.

We have already established that zombie90210 and everybody else on this forum have a complete mutual lack of care for each other.

Zombie90210 has graciously left the premises (to a large extent) now please take his advice and stop needlessly invoking him.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 6 December 2002, 04:37
Zombie90210 has left the premises, so now it doesn't matter if we make fun of him.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 6 December 2002, 06:14
Ok, here's mine. Pretty basic, but I think I'm conjuring up another idea.

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: RudeCat7 on 6 December 2002, 07:24
I knew he couldn't stay away.... who's infatuated with who?
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: choasforages on 6 December 2002, 07:31
see GODDAMNIT, what did i tell you. thanx for summoning zombie for us, i have a ouji board i could lend you....
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 6 December 2002, 21:24
The ideas keep coming and coming. The possibilities are endless!


Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 6 December 2002, 10:07
Haha Zombie i thought you went away. you juust think were all so sexy dont you, so you had to come back for more.

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 13:18
one last time, folks, DO NOT antagonise zombie90210 or i will have to start weilding the red pen again.

he's left, now think of some other things to fill out your lives.

Macman is getting on with the point of the thread and has come up with some amusing pictures, but if this thread turns out to be a bitchslapping session then it will be severley pruned or deleted.

you have been warned.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Kintaro on 6 December 2002, 13:27
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I know you mother fuckers are infatuated with me but please keep your feelings to yourself. What is the point of making stupid images about people who don't even give a fuck about your tiny community? I've visited this hell hole twice since I decided to quit posting here and alas...both times I've visited there were people talking about me. Dogee, that is a piss poor drawing. My 5 year old nephew could whip up a better drawing than that shit. Your drawing looks like chicken scratch.

I know I'm a sexy man and all...but please, quit thinking about me you fucking queers. Anyways, I've already wasted a minute more than I should have to waste posting this reply.

Fuck off you pieces of shit.

I see you have still been reading these forums, how sad of you, and fuck off. I have ways of banning your racist ass now.

Or blocking you anyway.

You say you will go but never come back...

NOTE TO PEOPLE ON CABLE AND THE MODERATORS: If Zombie is online post his ip (if your a mod) and if your on cable please ping him with 60kb packets.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 6 December 2002, 14:38
one last time, folks, DO NOT antagonise zombie90210 or i will have to start weilding the red pen again.

he's left, now think of some other things to fill out your lives.

Macman is getting on with the point of the thread and has come up with some amusing pictures, but if this thread turns out to be a bitchslapping session then it will be severley pruned or deleted.

you have been warned.

Calum, go ahead prune the forum i dont care i just think the fact that dickweed lied and said he wont come back makes him alot worse than me. like for fucks sake he said hes gone so why not flame him? hes a fuckwit. i will continue to flame him and you can continue to prune my topics or whatever then ill be banned but im taking that mother fucker down with me.

To Zombie (i know your reading this, dipshit): I am interested in this nefew of yours, he could go far, sounds like he has lots of talent. please post pics!

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: voidmain on 6 December 2002, 14:45
I'm with Calum on this one. I say give it a rest, please. We've spent a year putting up with this sort of drivel and it's been quite peaceful lately. I actually like it peaceful. No offense.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Kintaro on 6 December 2002, 14:49
i think we should just h4x0r his p4nts
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: KernelPanic on 6 December 2002, 14:54
I agree with Calum and void main too. Also, much as I like X11's idea, zombie uses a proxy when he comes here so that idea is useless.
Anyway, no more talk of 'it' please...
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: trc3 on 6 December 2002, 14:54
I didnt use that pic you posted but I made this ( awhile ago...
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 14:56
Originally posted by void main:
I'm with Calum on this one. I say give it a rest, please. We've spent a year putting up with this sort of drivel and it's been quite peaceful lately. I actually like it peaceful. No offense.

easy to see which one of us is over the age of 16!

and i didn't mean that in an offensive way. personally it would grieve me to think that i might make doogee feel unwelcome here or anybody else, just because of a little thing like this.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: voidmain on 6 December 2002, 15:01
Originally posted by Calum:
easy to see which one of us is over the age of 16!

and i didn't mean that in an offensive way. personally it would grieve me to think that i might make doogee feel unwelcome here or anybody else, just because of a little thing like this.

Yeah, that's why I qualified my response with a "no offense". And before you know it we'll be using responses like "I've been a member of longer than you've been alive".  (http://smile.gif)
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 6 December 2002, 15:27
no offence taken. i also agree that it has been way better without "him" around but for him to say stuff like "you are all pimply faced nerds, im leaving" then come back on just to piss us(me) off at a time he see fit. why not just be "hes here or hes not here?" if hes going to come on every now and then then its not saying the truth, he said, "Im not coming back" and whoop dee doo look who posted, yup, fucking Zombie.

And im sure hes reading this, i bet hes been on here lurking all along. Just waiting for an opportunity to be a retard.

In true debating fashion im going to state why i made that pic, see if i can get a bit of justification to the whole thing.

Ok a few weeks ago (2?) Zombie left, stating that he WOULD NOT BE COMING BACK. I know for a fact plenty of people have been bagging Zombie since his leaving. I made a picture, called blank Xp, meant to be a TOTAL JOKE (just like real XP is). So i started getting to work yadda yadda yadda, i thought of the worst thing on these forums, like worst memories and shit like that. Zombie instantly popped into my mind (im very serious there).
So i made this picture the whole time intending for it to be a JOKE (you know what laughter sounds like, Zombie?) about the worst memory of this forum.

I wouldnt have made this pic if i thought that he was still here, i acually beleived him when he said he wouldnt be coming back. I expected to get a laugh or a chuckle. But nope, i got the fucking Zombie, didnt I, just my luck. Now i will be blamed for raising the Zombie from the dead.

Please can we put this behind us its meant to be a GIMP topic after all. i will no longer make jokes about Zombie and im very sorry for any heart attacks i caused.

BTW: Im going to make a new Blank XP image so stay tuned  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 15:49
don't be sorry! the thread idea is a good one, but zombie90210 is a sore point when it comes to topics of conversation.

while we're on the subject:


oh yes, and i might as well post these links too: ( (

both are linux 2.4, in case it's not obvious.

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Kintaro on 6 December 2002, 16:00
I made one:
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 16:51
yes. i like that one very much iondeed!  :D

i think the wry sarcastic ones are the best.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Kintaro on 6 December 2002, 16:53
Windows XP is always a BSOD with its Blue Theme.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 20:08

and this next one is a real windows xp dialogue box and is totally unchanged from it's original state! i think that this one mocks windows xp without any help from me:
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Annorax on 6 December 2002, 21:02
Here we go again... XP bashing  image number 74656... (

The sad thing is by this time next year, stoopid people might actually be looking at this...

EDIT: link fixed, ty Calum

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: The Rev. Annorax ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 6 December 2002, 21:26
Originally posted by X11 / BOB: 3xtr4 skr1pty:
i think we should just h4x0r his p4nts

If you really think that you can hack me go for it buddy. You may be surprised to find out that a good system administrator can keep his Windows NT box secure.   ;)

Bring it on you piece of shit.

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 21:33
Originally posted by The Rev. Annorax:
Here we go again... XP bashing  image number 74656...

The sad thing is by this time next year, stoopid people might actually be looking at this...

the second one there is real. people have been looking at this message for almost a year now. 'this software has not been certified by microsoft and therefore it is obviously the personal work of Satan, the devil, who writes software drivers in his spare time <OK>'.

edit - sorry, didn't realise you were talking about your one, which we can't see because it's on geocities. you have to put an html page with the picture embedded in it and host that on geocities too, then link to the html page, if you want people to see it.

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Refalm on 6 December 2002, 21:52
Because most of the fake Windows XP dialogs are looking pretty much unrealistic and are of bad quality, I made a screenshot in PNG  (http://smile.gif) :

*Link to picture* (
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 6 December 2002, 22:24
yeah well i try my best. at the moment your screen shot comes up as a DNS error, which i find most realistic indeed!  (http://smile.gif)
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Master of Reality on 6 December 2002, 22:51
Originally posted by Calum:
edit - sorry, didn't realise you were talking about your one, which we can't see because it's on geocities. you have to put an html page with the picture embedded in it and host that on geocities too, then link to the html page, if you want people to see it.
[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

hmmmm... i'll post a screenshot of it working for me so you can see it  (http://smile.gif)
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Master of Reality on 6 December 2002, 22:56
this is an 800X600 shot ( (on evil entity)

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / B0B ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 7 December 2002, 03:13
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / B0B:
this is an 800X600 shot ( (on evil entity)

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / B0B ]

The requested URL /images/geoxpshot.png was not found on this server.

I was just looking at XP and was wondering how an operating system could be both overly gaudy and bright yet also be incredibly boring at the same time

[ December 06, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Zealot / bOb ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 7 December 2002, 04:56
My last post gave me an idea.


And this idea came from the twisted depths of my sick mind.

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 7 December 2002, 05:54
k i made one from refalms screen shot. (

Check it out!
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 7 December 2002, 12:23
Doogie, what program are you using? With even the most basic drawing program you could have copied and pasted a section of the blue bar. It looks kind of tacky just going over it in another shade of blue.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 7 December 2002, 12:44
man i couldnt care, i try to do it close but seriously i dont care i do it for fun, and i find it fun.

edit: yes i agree that looks kinda bodge but it didnt look that bad when i made it, what is compression like on PNG?

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Got Doogee? ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 7 December 2002, 13:47
Good news, I think I'm finally starting to run out of ideas.



Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Kintaro on 7 December 2002, 16:23
I much liked the third one.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 7 December 2002, 20:55
How dare you stupid fucking mods delete my post for doing the exact same thing that another member did earlier on in the same thread. If you are going to delete my shit you delete his too. Mother fuckers.

I'll just re-post it until I have time to make a good image in photoshop.  (http://smile.gif)

Doogee, keep in mind. This crappy drawing took me 10 minutes to make. I don't see how even you can be so retarded that it takes an hour or more to make a bunch of scribbly chicken scratch. I bet I could whip up something pretty good in an hour.  (http://smile.gif) (
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: slave on 7 December 2002, 21:14
Zombie!! Where did you get that picture of Doogee and X11?  Well, two can play that game.  Behold, my drawing of the Zombie and His Gatesness:

blah blah blah blah (

and it only took me 5 minutes to create it!   :D
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 7 December 2002, 21:21
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Zombie!! Where did you get that picture of Doogee and X11?  Well, two can play that game.  Behold, my drawing of the Zombie and His Gatesness:

blah blah blah blah (

and it only took me 5 minutes to create it!      :D    

It sure looks like to me that GIMP is a wannabe of photoshop. It tries to look about same(minus a few tools and it probably lacks filters). Open Source software is nothing more than a rip-off of popular software. Can't the geeks innovate thier own, unique looking programs?

Coming up in a few minutes. Linux User being a slave to Linus and the penguin. We all know that Linus is a fat, ugly and dorky looking piece of shit(no wonder he likes penguins...he almost looks like one).

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: slave on 7 December 2002, 21:51
While Zombie was forging a picture of me I rummaged through his closet and found a picture of his girl friend (  They always look best on prom night!
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 7 December 2002, 22:05
I'm still looking for a picture of Linus that is in a position that will be perfect for your Photoshop image. So far this is all I've found(not very good for what I'm going to do).

This guy is something else. Look at those hideous glasses. LoL. Does he believe in hygine? His fucking teeth are as yellow as corn. You guys worship this dirty goof? (

If I had to wear glasses I'd get prescription lens put in my Oakleys. Fuck a bunch of those dorky looking pop bottle glasses. LOL

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: slave on 7 December 2002, 22:20
No, we don't "worship" Linus, at least I don't.  I don't worship anything.  And I suppose you think Bill Gates looks a whole lot better huh?  I read in the book Hard Drive that Gates frequently went for weeks without showering and had greasy, smelly hair with dandruff on his shoulders.  Looks aren't everything, but when I look at Linus I see a benevolent man who wanted to create an OS the whole world could use and modify freely.  When I look at Gates I see a cold, calculating billionaire who wants to squeeze every last drop of money out of computer users using whatever predatory and immoral tactics he can.  Not even schools are safe!,10801,71690,00.html (,10801,71690,00.html)

The fact that you stand up for Microsoft so much makes me wonder if you actually do worship them, or at the very least you are Bill Gate's bitch.  I suppose you'll be using Palladium when it comes out too, eh?

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 7 December 2002, 22:29
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
No, we don't "worship" Linus, at least I don't.  I don't worship anything.  And I suppose you think Bill Gates looks a whole lot better huh?  I read in the book Hard Drive that Gates frequently went for weeks without showering and had greasy, smelly hair with dandruff on his shoulders.  Looks aren't everything, but when I look at Linus I see a benevolent man who wanted to create an OS the whole world could use and modify freely.  When I look at Gates I see a cold, calculating billionaire who wants to squeeze every last drop of money out of computer users using whatever predatory and immoral tactics he can.  Not even schools are safe!,10801,71690,00.html (,10801,71690,00.html)

The fact that you stand up for Microsoft so much makes me wonder if you actually do worship them, or at the very least you are Bill Gate's bitch.  I suppose you'll be using Palladium when it comes out too, eh?

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]

Personally, I think Gates is an ugly, out of shape mother fucker. I think that MS is a piece of shit(ethically) but I do like thier software.

There are no good alternatives to MS'es software and OSes. I sure ain't no slave to MS. I modify the hell out of thier software to make it the way I want I for one am not a follower of MS'es ideas. MacOS is the closest to a good alternative OS that you can get(you can even use IE, MS Office, etc. in MacOS). Linux just isn't good enough for me because it's lack of games, it's awful UI and it's lack of real software.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: slave on 7 December 2002, 22:36
That's fine but why do you feel the need to come here and harass us for choosing Linux?  I think I know the answer because I myself used to come here and do the same thing.  It's just fun, and geeks get angry very easily.   :D
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Zombie9920 on 7 December 2002, 22:45
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
It's just fun, and geeks get angry very easily.     :D  

Thats exactly why I harass them. ;P

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Refalm on 7 December 2002, 23:47
Geeks are cool, damnit  :D
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 8 December 2002, 00:05
This thread has officially gotten out of control. Thank you, Zombie, for pushing us over the edge and turning a harmless GIMP XP thread into a "Linus is a geek!" "No, Bill is a geek!" "No linus is a geek!" thread. Can't you just swallow your pride for one second and look at the bigger picture? That's all well and fine that you don't support Microsoft morally, but as you are modifying and buying and distributing and telling people that Linux is stupid, Microsoft is taking over the world! I don't quite understand the Linux effect either, but if you opened your eyes and got over yourself for just a little while maybe you'd be able to see something besides us to take out your anger on.

I also urge everyone to ignore Zombie's troll posts and only respond to his intelligent arguments (or lack thereof).

And geeks rule the world.

[ December 07, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Trooper ]

Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: xyle_one on 8 December 2002, 13:30
posted by the zombie:
There are no good alternatives to MS'es software and OSes. I sure ain't no slave to MS. I modify the hell out of thier software to make it the way I want I for one am not a follower of MS'es ideas. MacOS is the closest to a good alternative OS that you can get(you can even use IE, MS Office, etc. in MacOS). Linux just isn't good enough for me because it's lack of games, it's awful UI and it's lack of real software.

how can you modify the hell out of their software?? you have no source code for it. oh yeah, its all about the look of the software, thank god for winXp skins right??
to be as on the point as i can, macOSX is the best os you can get right now. openOffice is the best office suite. who the fuck cares about games. the ui is nothing to talk shit about, look at EVERY VERSION OF WINDOWS, talk about a visually appalling pile of shit. internet explorer is crap, period. i am no geek, i just know what is better. i am not one to be spoon fed manure because the tv told me it tastes good, so fuck off zombie, pull your head out of your ass.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Kintaro on 8 December 2002, 15:27
Calum or mor go and purge all of this crap please.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Doogee on 8 December 2002, 15:42
just delete the whole fucking thread. fuck off zombie you dont like us we dont like you just fucking go away would you.
Title: For your GIMPing pleasure i present...
Post by: Calum on 9 December 2002, 17:43
every single person who posted a reply is to blame. you know what zombie's like, and i expect better of you all now. I am truly disappointed in you all.
topic closed. i for one will not be participating in any of these gimp topics again, you have all helped zombie win that small victory. topic closed.