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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: zolo on 21 July 2004, 18:34

Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: zolo on 21 July 2004, 18:34
Truly horrible.

Ashcroft - Egales flying song (

Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Doogee on 21 July 2004, 18:47
i beleive that is in centigrade 488.3~ (Farenheit 911) which is awesome, check it out.
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Laukev7 on 21 July 2004, 19:28
I bet he's going to push to make it the new national anthem.
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: WMD on 22 July 2004, 01:59
That was pretty funny.  :D   It actually didn't sound that bad to me.  But what do I know.  (http://redface.gif)

I bet he's going to push to make it the new national anthem.

Not gonna happen.  (not even with Ashcroft)
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: hm_murdock on 22 July 2004, 02:12
uh... if Ashcroft came out with a gosepel album, I'd buy it (or pirate it).

that's damn good... both the song itself, and his performance.
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Laukev7 on 22 July 2004, 02:40
Not gonna happen. (not even with Ashcroft)

Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: WMD on 22 July 2004, 04:21

Well, you guys hate him so much...  :D
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Laukev7 on 22 July 2004, 16:21 (

In the post-September 11 environment, Ashcroft decided to inspire his Justice Department employees by starting each day with song. But such godless standards as the "Star Spangled Banner" just wouldn't suffice. Ashcroft wrote his own song, "Let the Eagle Soar," and forced his hapless subordinates to join him in a daily caterwaul of defiance to such outmoded concepts as "separation of church and state":

And I was actually being sarcastic!  :eek:
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Xeen on 22 July 2004, 21:12
Was Asscroft in the glee club or something in high school or college? That wouldn't surprise me, especially with Bush having been captain cheerleader in college.

I can't believe this is actually what the Justice Department spends its time on. Bush spends 40% of each year on vacation, Dick hides out in a bunker planning world domination, and Asscroft spends time writing songs and forcing his staff to sing them every morning. And then they wonder why our intelligence is so poor...
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: hm_murdock on 23 July 2004, 01:00
"separation of church and state"

Learn the meaning behind where the phrase came from.

Thomas Jefferson fully intended the United States to be a Christian nation, but wished to endorse no particular denomination.

The phrase "wall of separation" was coined in a letter to a Presbyterian (I believe) congregation that thought that there should be a church presence in Congress. Jefferson fully disagreed, because the founding fathers did not want the church... the organization... meddling in government, and they didn't think that government should meddle in the affairs of the church.

They did, however, fully believe that it was a Christian nation, and a Christian government. I believe it was George Washington who said "without faith, you have no morals... without morals, you're no better than a tyrant king".

edit: I had to add in there... "PWNED J00, F001"

[ July 22, 2004: Message edited by: JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder ]

Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: hm_murdock on 23 July 2004, 01:05
Please note that this is not a political matter, but one of history.
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: hm_murdock on 23 July 2004, 02:14

it was the US Supreme Court... a liberal court, that some of you nutjobs would support, that slandered Jefferson's words in 1959. This was the case that "banned prayer" from public schools.

I think it would be funny to circulate a petition and get it rammed through congress that "Amen" be added to the end of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Why? Because it would anger the people who run around like headless chickens squawking "WALL OF SEPARATION!! WALL OF SEPARATION!!"

I hate those dickheads.
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: flap on 23 July 2004, 02:32
Why would you need to add that? It already contains "one nation under God"
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Stilly on 23 July 2004, 03:30
Originally posted by flap:
Why would you need to add that? It already contains "one nation under God"

Why? Because it would anger the people who run around like headless chickens squawking "WALL OF SEPARATION!! WALL OF SEPARATION!!"

I hate those dickheads.  

thats why
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: solarismka on 24 July 2004, 03:46
Originally posted by zolo:
Truly horrible.

Ashcroft - Egales flying song (


he's a certified idiot.  So he can sing all he wants
Title: Ashcroft sings
Post by: Orethrius on 24 July 2004, 03:52
*joins JJ's side and starts singing Gimn Sovetskogo soyuza*

For those of you who've forgotten the words:

Soy'ooz neroosh'imi resp'ooblik svob'odnikh  
Splot'ila nav'eki vel'ikaia Rus  
Da zdr'avstvooyet sozdanni voley nar'odov  
Yed'ini mog'oochi Sov'etski Soy'ooz  

Sl'avsa ot'echestvo n'ashe svob'odnoye  
Dr'oojbi nar'odov nady'ojni opl'ot  
P'artia L'enina, - s'ila narodnaya  
Nas k torjestv'oo kommun'izma vedy'ot  

Skvoz g'odi siy'alo nam s'ontse svob'oodi  
I L'enin vel'iki nam put ozar'il  
Na pr'avoye d'elo on p'odnal nar'odi  
na tr'ood i na p'odvigi nas vdokhnov'il  

Sl'avsa ot'echestvo n'ashe svob'odnoye  
Dr'oojbi nar'odov nady'ojni opl'ot  
P'artia L'enina, - s'ila narodnaya  
Nas k torjestv'oo kommun'izma vedy'ot  

V pob'ede bessm'ertnih idey kommoon'izma  
Mi v'idim grad'oosheye n'ashey strani  
I kr'asnomoo zn'ameni sl'avnoj otch'izni  
Mi b'oodem vsegd'a bezav'etno verni  

Sl'avsa ot'echestvo n'ashe svob'odnoye  
Dr'oojbi nar'odov nady'ojni opl'ot  
P'artia L'enina, - s'ila narodnaya  
Nas k torjestv'oo kommun'izma vedy'ot